Obama phone truth

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-30-2012, 06:30 AM
They claim to help middle class, but don't. They get people hooked on government handouts, and that is their voting base. Originally Posted by lostforkate
And because the media isn't out there continually beating the drum on this type of nonsense, you all claim they're liberal.

I rest my case.
cowboy8055's Avatar
remember, democrats signed NAFTA, and Perot was right. They claim to help middle class, but don't. They get people hooked on government handouts, and that is their voting base. Originally Posted by lostforkate
You got that right. This country is becoming more and more entitlement minded.
OK, I am watching "meet the press", and totaling supporting the no-nothing president with no nothing plan, ridiculing the republican candidate,
offshoredrilling's Avatar
And because the media isn't out there continually beating the drum on this type of nonsense, you all claim they're liberal.

I rest my case. Originally Posted by Doove
when does your new free Obama hobby phone expected to be delivered ??????
remember, democrats signed NAFTA, and Perot was right. Originally Posted by lostforkate
NAFTA always was a Republican idea first proposed by Reagan.
Clinton signed a kinder and gentler version of NAFTA that included a clause to nullify it if it damaged the US economy too much. So why aren't republicans clamoring to nullify NAFTA?

Perot was right and republicans painted Ross as being a crazy nut because he told the truth about how republicans would sell their mothers to make a fast buck!
malonely's Avatar
Damn right that all those millionaires I see on tv reading the 'news' to their retarded audience are liberal, just as liberal as the corporate bosses who sing their check.

How can you not make fun of Mr. 47% of Americans are worthless moochers, I love America just not Americans. Mr. Corporations are people, but the poor, women and minorities aren't. Mr. I am screaming for transparency while being the first candidate since my own father 40 years ago to not show my taxes. Mr. I have been running for President for 8 fucking years and didn't have enough god damn sense to clean up my taxes so I could show them a couple years worth.

Even the propagandists at Faux News can't turn this greedy buffoon into a serious candidate for President. Oh wait, they must be a pro Obama liberal media outlet also.
I don't think there's a conspiracy. It's just that most of the media is liberal in their thinking. That's just the way it has been for a long time. Doesn't mean there is a conspiracy involved. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
If the media was as liberal as you think it is we should be seeing editorials about the legalization of a certain mildly psychoactive prohibited topic substance inundating the newspapers and airwaves. As a socially very liberal but fiscally very conservative person, I find the media benignly inept. More interested in selling soap, than advancing the political debate on issues.
I know some members of the media and they way they do their job is different than you probably think. They can only report so much of what they know, for a variety of reasons.
How fair is it to the elections that most the news media is behind Obama. I doubt it matters much since much of the election coverage is bullshit anyways. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Maybe they are behind Obama because the other guy is an Idiot.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
so they be sell Obama like selling soap????
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-30-2012, 04:02 PM
Maybe they are behind Obama because the other guy is an Idiot. Originally Posted by drluv1
...if not for the fact that "the other guy being an idiot" didn't get them behind Gore or Kerry.
so they be sell Obama like selling soap???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Whatever makes the ratings the highest. On FOX, they sell Paul Ryan as fiscal conservative even though he supported 2 unfunded wars and the unfunded senior prescription drug plan.
Obama said he was going to cut that deficit in half during his first term so that should have been erased some time ago?
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
Getting so bad a poor person can't afford a good hand gun anymore.
idk. every hood rat in the city is running around with one. not necesarily high qual but still
offshoredrilling's Avatar
...if not for the fact that "the other guy being an idiot" didn't get them behind Gore or Kerry. Originally Posted by Doove
Bush was a RhINO