I B Hankering's Avatar
If you don't believe humans have contributed to the warming you have your head in the sand.Large cities absorb heat and is always warmer than the outskirts.Carbon monoxide is another.They are not the main as climate changes over time.Deforestation is another. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Isn't it awkward how Ekim the Inbred always cramps on his periods!?!
Isn't it awkward how Ekim the Inbred always cramps on his periods!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

My god the idiot IB Whining crawled out from under his rock doing a JD Barleycorn impression.What a clueless bastard...
I B Hankering's Avatar
My god the idiot IB Whining crawled out from under his rock doing a JD Barleycorn impression.What a clueless bastard... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's obvious you are still cramping on your periods, Ekim the Inbred. How painful!
The one thing overlooked in all of these doom day senarios is they overlook the way the Planet works.
"Climate change" in one area of t he Planet that is deemed bad might be deemed good in another. Fpr instance, we in the South have been enjoying a very good tear round run od good weather. It never freezes in the Winter, and the Summers don't seem to be any different than they have for our entire lives.

We tend to think as climate change as being bad because it affects Human populations. It always has. There are parts of what is now the Sahara Desert that harbored great civilizations over 5000 years ago.
Only now are we discovering that. These finally perished, or had to move, because of the planets own deserfication of the are.
We have live with major Hurricanes for centuries on The Gulf Coast. You learn to adapt and live with them. If climate change means others might have to do the same, then they will have to adapt.
One of these days the west coast is going to be hit with a massive earthquake that is going to make most "disasters" seem petty. The last time I looked, people in that Region are still building and getting on with their lives. Granted, they are improving buildings and other major structures that are designed to cope with the stresses better, but only that can go so far. If the entire ground collapses, or you have a major plate shift that registers more than 8, there is nothing you can do but hope for the best.

In the meantime, today, in Houston Tex, at the end of January, it is 78 dehrees. They say Wednesday it might get down into the high 40's, but bt the end of the week will be back up again.

Pretty good place to live.
It's obvious you are still cramping on your periods, ekim the Inbred. How painful!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Another useless raving from the idiot in chief.
Amazing how all these amateurs know more than very highly educated people who have been studying it for all their careers.

A bit like the anti-evolutionists.

I don't know the science, I am sure it would take immense effort and time to convince myself one way or another, but I know enough to know that to ignore it, even if the likelihood of danger was less than 1%, would be foolish.

The worst thing is to regard these matters as issues of 'belief' or 'religion'. It is science, with all the uncertainty which that implies. Nobody 'knows' whether or not there is global warming, it is a gradual accumulation over a long time of a vast amount of small amounts of information, and the highly complex modelling of such.

Nuance, shades of grey, evolving evidence.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You mean like these guys? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CoG, you did not read my post, or maybe your language skills are not sufficiently tuned to understand nuance.

It is to possible accept there is no consenses, there is no proof, there are conflicting arguments, there are differences of opinion. That is all normal in the world of science.

I repeat that scientists should not talk in the language of proof or belief.

Yes, despite all that, as I said above, to dismiss any concern is ridiculous.

So, CoG, what is your level of concern?

I found the wiki link quite useful. A reasonable summary.

Any projection will have uncertainty. Any projection should include a range of uncertainty, or, better, a probability distribution.

Most people find handling uncertainty unfamiliar, and prefer the 'there is/is not global warming', which is a completely unscientific and amateurish discussion.
joe bloe's Avatar
Amazing how all these amateurs know more than very highly educated people who have been studying it for all their careers.

A bit like the anti-evolutionists.

I don't know the science, I am sure it would take immense effort and time to convince myself one way or another, but I know enough to know that to ignore it, even if the likelihood of danger was less than 1%, would be foolish.

The worst thing is to regard these matters as issues of 'belief' or 'religion'. It is science, with all the uncertainty which that implies. Nobody 'knows' whether or not there is global warming, it is a gradual accumulation over a long time of a vast amount of small amounts of information, and the highly complex modelling of such.

Nuance, shades of grey, evolving evidence. Originally Posted by essence
The issue is not just whether there is global warming, but also whether or not it's human caused. The Earth has warmed and cooled countless times over millions of years, even before humans existed.

The existing scientific evidence for human caused global warming is flimsy at best. Al Gore's book and movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" were full of proven mistakes, exaggerations and outright lies. Climate researchers have repeatedly been caught falsifying data in order to produce the desired outcome.

Climate researchers in the seventies were warning that there was an ice age coming. Now they say we're all going to burn up. Give me a break.

rodog44's Avatar
Here is another interesting question.

Why are folks willing to spend trillions of dollars to protect themselves from terrorist when the chance of them being killed by lightening is greater? Originally Posted by WTF
When you are in storm you can usually take cover. When someone puts a bomb under your ass you're fucked.
The issue is not just whether there is global warming, but also whether or not it's human caused. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Agreed, but you fall into the trap of is/isnot.

Also, you omit to mention the debate about whether global warming has any serious implications or not, and what level of concern we should have.

What is your level of concern, given all the uncertainty and lack of so-called 'proof'.


Wouldn't that be a rather ridiculous position to take?
There were dinosaurs and ice ages.anyone who is scoffing at climate change needs a heads up.
There were dinosaurs and ice ages.anyone who is scoffing at climate change needs a heads up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Anybody who argues that the observed rise is due to natural phenomena and therefore we have nothing to worry about needs to think again.

There are orthogonal questions and actions.

Is the rise in temperature due to natural causes or man made causes?

Is the rise in sea temperatures an indication of gloabl warming/climate change?

Does the rise in temperatire and/or climate change have any consequences for which we should take avoiding action?

I don;t care whether climate change is due to cows farting or forests burning or power stations powering, if they contribute to similar end results for which we need to prepare.
JCM800's Avatar
Isn't NASA scouting for our next home planet right now.... we've got nothing to worry about, just a matter of time before moving day
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-28-2013, 01:58 PM
All this man made global warming, is a bunch of bs, broughr about by the likes of shit for brains al gore, and all his cronies that are all set on selling and trading in carbon credits. Just another big scam by wall street insiders and low life cocksuckers like soros. They want to control every aspect of your life, what you can eat, drink, drive, where you can live. And they will not give up till they have their way. Man made global warming? Maybe a very small percentage, of what may, or may not be happening. Everything, goes through cycles, wether it be plant, animal, or the weather. You folks down here in Texas notice the tremendous acorn crop this year? It was caused by the drought, a year and a half ago, just natures way of compensating. Same principles hold true for just about anything, nature related.