The Most Powerful Men In The World

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Gotta wonder how President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev feels about being ranked 8 places below Vladimir Putin -- who "stepped down" from as President a few years ago! Originally Posted by GaryVee
Putin, like all megalomaniacs, is addicted to power like an addict is hooked to crack and he just can't let it go.

When he could no longer legally run for office, he found someone he could manipulate and now runs the show by remote control.

Medvedev is just a puppet on a string and he knows it, or at least should know it.

I would say that he feels like Putin's bitch.
TexTushHog's Avatar
No way that Burlesconi should be where he is, either. His star is in decline in Italy and I would be hard pressed to put him in the top 30.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Italy did call for a confidence vote against Berlusconi after his latest affair, but for the time being he is still in power and is one of the richest men in Italy. The scandal started because of Ruby, a 17 year old dancer and seems insignificant to me, but it made great fodder for his opponents in a way Bill Clinton knows quite well.

Personally, I don't think Julian Assange should be on the list, even at the bottom.

I do find it surprising that not even one single US governor or senator is anywhere on the list.

That has usually been the source where the next President of the USA has come from and I suspect that the next opponent that President Barack Obama faces in 2012 will be a senator or a governor.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My bet is a former governor.
My bet is a former governor. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
The Bush Dynasty strikes again....makes the Kennedys look positively paltry.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
God help us all if any of the Bush family even tries a run for the White House!
daty/o's Avatar
God help us all if any of the Bush family even tries a run for the White House! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Cpalmson's Avatar
God help us all if any of the Bush family even tries a run for the White House! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
NO SHIT! Originally Posted by esteve
You obviously don't know Jeb Bush. He was the Bush brother who was suppose to be President. In 1994, he lost an extremely close election for Governor in FL. Had he won in 1994 (instead of 1998), Jeb would have won re-election and then run for President in 2000. Instead, George upset Ann Richards in 1994 thus becoming Texas Governor, and the rest is history. Jeb Bush upon leaving office was wildly popular across the political spectrum. He's fiscally conservative but will work with both parties to get things done. Jeb is a proven leader as can be seen in how he led from the front in 2004 when Florida was hit with multiple hurricanes. I can think of no politician other than Jeb Bush who could step in and fix the problems this country is facing. He's not an idiot like Sarah Palin and not a socialist/communist like Barry Obama. Jeb is a policy wonk. Lord knows this nation can't take a 2nd Obama administration. BTW, given the choice of Putin or Obama; I'd take Putin
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool

. . . than to speak and remove all doubt.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-14-2010, 12:57 PM
Like you did here...

Who is the fool now?


Typical liberal tactic. Attack the person, not the issue.
Typical liberal tactic. Attack the person, not the issue. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Actually, it's not just a liberal tactic. It is a tactic used quite often by all sides. Misdirection is the end goal.