2 Decades Of American Blood and Treasure Gone Almost In Minutes, Thanks Joey Bibs!

bambino's Avatar
China told Biden to leave now. They’re moving in.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
On another note, did anyone see the movie "12 Strong"? Interesting based on a true story about the war just after 9/11.
Basically it is like the wild wild west there. Mountains, never know who your friends/foes are. Pretty much have to treat everyone as enemy. Originally Posted by royamcr
Excellent movie.
It's similar to Vietnam. There, we were fighting communism. We lost. Vietnam is now a communist country.

I'm pretty certain Afghanistan will be a fundamentalist Islamic state. The Taliban is simply stronger than those, in Afghanistan, who fight it.

Much as we'd like to, we can't save everyone. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
How true.

As a Vietnam Veteran, it was painful to watch that helicopter get shoved overboard as thousands of South Vietnamese attempted to flee the coming terror.

But later, I realized that we had no business over there in the first place.

Vietnam, while still a communist enclave, is now a modern country with a surprising capitalistic bent.

Afghanistan is a different animal. The Taliban is a radical fundamentalist Islamic organization.they will cut your throat because you are not. Biden’s mistake was thinking that the so called government security forces would stand and fight.

They won’t.
Chung Tran's Avatar
For those not old enough to remember the Fall of Saigon... this is how we roll.
Originally Posted by texassapper

Exactly the same. Today is roughly April 25, 1975, by comparison. Huế, Nha Trang, and
Đà Nẵng captured the past few days, Sài gòn is the last domino.

To be fair, Trump was first to say we were withdrawing completely. Biden's mistake was telling the fucking world exactly how and when.

TE=Jackie S;1062556056]

Vietnam, while still a communist enclave, is now a modern country with a surprising capitalistic bent.
Completely disagree.

More modern? Sure. Pockets of Capitalism in Sài gòn. Capitalist bent? Far from it. Not even close to Modern by any 2021 Western definition of the term.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Afghanistan will be a nation of a few civilian government officials. The rest will be enemy combatants.

Former Secretary Of Defense On The Taliban's Resurgence In Afghanistan


Thanks Republicans. Thanks Ex-president dumpster fire. Thanks Warhawk conservatives.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks Republicans. Thanks Warhawk conservatives. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You're welcome.

What is sad is your lack of a knowledge of history. But carry on.

In the meantime .... you might educate yourself on the history of the region via USA.

"Operation Cyclone" .... is a good place to start. Here's a jump...

On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential find- ing authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan. ... Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and in- stallation of a more pro-Soviet president, Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, “The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".

The weapons the Carter Administration provided to the "guerrillas" in Afghanistan would be used against U.S. forces later entering the country that was protecting the Asshole who orchestrated the final (second) attack on the World Trade Center on "9/11" ....

who your favorite predator Bill Clinton did NOTHING ABOUT....AND I recall his "excuse" was the U.S. didn't have "fly over" privileges and permission to insert troops and get (arrest) OBL's ass.

06 November 1998

United States District Court
Southern District of New York
New York -- A U.S. Federal Grand Jury in New York on Nov. 5 issued an
indictment against Usama Bin Laden alleging that he and others engaged
in a long-term conspiracy to attack U.S. facilities overseas and to
kill American citizens.

The indictment noted that Al Qaeda, Bin Laden's international
terrorist group, forged alliances with the National Islamic Front in
Sudan and with the government of Iran and with its associated group
Hezballah to "work together against their perceived common enemies in
the West, particularly the United States."

Additionally, the indictment states that Al Qaeda reached an agreement
with Iraq not to work against the regime of Saddam Hussein and that
they would work cooperatively with Iraq, particularly in weapons

Please research the history of the first attempt to bring down the towers .. Clinton years!

Trump? Around that time Trump was orchestrating a fund raising bash in Florida for ...

Cry Baby Schumer who asked Trump to raise funds in Florida for the Blubber Baby's campaign!

Trump is a Democrat! A real Democrat.
texassapper's Avatar
This is how this was ALWAYS going to end. It should have been done during Obamas term but he was a chickenshit... at least Trump started the process before TRAITOROUS generals actually disobeyed their CINC. My beast barracks roomie pinned his first star a couple months back... I went to the ceremony and he alluded to the same.

Frankly this should end the whole spread democracy crusade of the GOPe.

The only thing we should have done was to bomb them from the stone age to mesozoic... with the assertion that anyone that fcuks with us will get a JDAM down their chimney.

You don't wage war that you have no intention of winning. If we had killed 2/3rds of every man, woman, child, and goat in that shithole the world would be a better place today.

But alas, we haven't had a Jacksonian in office in a long time.
This is how this was ALWAYS going to end. It should have been done during Obamas term but he was a chickenshit... at least Trump started the process before TRAITOROUS generals actually disobeyed their CINC. My beast barracks roomie pinned his first star a couple months back... I went to the ceremony and he alluded to the same.

Frankly this should end the whole spread democracy crusade of the GOPe.

The only thing we should have done was to bomb them from the stone age to mesozoic... with the assertion that anyone that fcuks with us will get a JDAM down their chimney.

You don't wage war that you have no intention of winning. If we had killed 2/3rds of every man, woman, child, and goat in that shithole the world would be a better place today.

But alas, we haven't had a Jacksonian in office in a long time. Originally Posted by texassapper
Just two weeks ago “The Idiot” Biden was saying that the very well equipped and trained Afghan Security Forces would easily defeat the Taliban.

What a naive old fool.

He doesn’t have a clue.

Old, senile, and stupid.
LexusLover's Avatar
To be fair, Trump was first to say we were withdrawing completely. Biden's mistake was telling the fucking world exactly how and when. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
One should carefully examine the policy statements of Trump to discern the actual intentions he had with respect to phasing out the MILITARY activities of the U.S. in Afghanistan. Media pronouncements (particularly the Anti-Trump Pro-Communist media like CNN etc) are not reliable. I suppose when you hear or see the word "contractors" you immediately assume house builders.

We will soon be "blessed" with images again of women being buried up to the neck and stoned.

The "Anti-Trump Pro-Communist media like CNN etc" won't share, because like the border disaster it will paint a true image of the Bitten/Kumola ignorance and ass-kissing....and "we" can't have that!
texassapper's Avatar
We will soon be "blessed" with images again of women being buried up to the neck and stoned. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have been reliably informed by the left that at least those women being stoned are not being oppressed by White, heterosexual, Christian males.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Please research the history of the first attempt to bring down the towers .. Clinton years!

Trump? Around that time Trump was orchestrating a fund raising bash in Florida for ...

Cry Baby Schumer who asked Trump to raise funds in Florida for the Blubber Baby's campaign!

Trump is a Democrat! A real Democrat. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'll go ahead and quote you on that.

But the dumpster-fire ex-president isn't a real anything. He's whatever he needs to be at the moment. He's a real nitwit.

When the Russians do slide back in, he's not going to be Rambo. Despite his stupid photoshop poster. Not even photoshop, just puts his head on the image. A real loser for sure.

You and all your pro-Russian agenda cohorts can rejoice as Putin uses the dumpster to distract from the bigger picture behind the scenes. Where they lie, cheat and steal for glory.

Thanks for allowing another enemy state to regerminate.

In the first half of the 19th century, Central Asia was a target of two main powers: Russia and Great Britain. The war between Persia and Russia from 1826 to 1828 had a big impact on their relations. Russia took advantage of a doubtful article in the Treaty of Gulistan and an-nexed Gokcha. Persia took it as cassus belliand wanted to attack Russia. Persia wanted to use the Decembrist Revolt as an advantage. The British saw this conflict as Persian aggression and did not help, in accordance with the agreement of 1814. Persia lost the war, which resulted in a very catastrophic peace of Turkmenchay. The policy of foreign secretary Lord Canning in this case was a target of major criticism by the Duke of Wel-lington and Lord Ellenborough. Ellenborough warned the government that this treaty would cause an increase of Russian influence on Persia. Charles Metcalfe had similar thoughts: “were we ever to expect any essential aid from Persia, in the time of our own need, we should most assuredly find ourselves miserably deceived and disappointed. If ever Rus-sia be in the condition toset forth army against India, Persia most prob-ably will be under her banners.”

Problems were also caused by the uncertain leadership in foreign policy of British India. There were two major institutions:


We know exactly where the real madman is.
Just two weeks ago “The Idiot” Biden was saying that the very well equipped and trained Afghan Security Forces would easily defeat the Taliban.

What a naive old fool.

He doesn’t have a clue.

Old, senile, and stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We don't even have that in Chiraq. Seriously, a couple of major cities are being held hostage to a bunch of people with bullhorns, rocks, leafblowers and dollar store lasers.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Well it's being announced that Joey Bibs is sending 3000 US troops back into the meatgrinder to help with the American evacuation of Kabul.

Leaving the US embassy on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 should make a great photo op. Twitter will be abuzz! Hail our Swamp Overlords!