Musing on the (sometimes) incongruity of positive reviews

daty/o's Avatar
When see guys with 20+ 30+ eccie reviews I typically dismiss them as pimp-wannabes or someone doing reviews on the behalf of a "managed" situation so their review content is always suspect.

I just saw a review the other day by one well known eccie (hobbyist/aka pimptard?) where another (different) guy claimed he would be posting the session/provider picts on the reviewers behalf later. Sorry, but that kind of review collusion tells me that their reviews are all pretty much canned (promotional items). They usually try to have snappy titles, use the same lingo in each review/title, and overall, as a group seem have a fairly limited intellect. Originally Posted by SD2011
I wouldn't be too quick to paint everyone with the same brush. While there is undoubtedly some great fiction among the reviews, there are those of us that need and enjoy this lifestyle and simply want to contribute. You might try it.
Yes, my apologies. I should have clarified. I know some guys end up with a significant amount of reviews over time and that's understandable. I mean (meant) those prolific reviewer who are bumping 20+ or 30+ reviews every few months or so. Most of you know exactly what/who I mean.

My bad for not being clear about that.
When see guys with 20+ 30+ eccie reviews I typically dismiss them as pimp-wannabes or someone doing reviews on the behalf of a "managed" situation so their review content is always suspect.

I've been in the hobby 6 months and done 17 reviews and am actually a couple behind. I'm SOOO far from what you're talking about but I know what you mean - certain people do reviews and I give it zero credibility because I know they're part of a bigger group that works with these young ladies to give them a jump start. Been told by a few credible ladies many of those reviews are fake - even though they have pictures because it's part of a larger circle that is trying to get more than just a one-time visit but a much further reaching activity than just this board.

I just saw a review the other day by one well known eccie (hobbyist/aka pimptard?) where another (different) guy claimed he would be posting the session/provider picts on the reviewers behalf later. Sorry, but that kind of review collusion tells me that their reviews are all pretty much canned (promotional items). They usually try to have snappy titles, use the same lingo in each review/title, and overall, as a group seem have a fairly limited intellect.

Saw that one too and wondered - I just figured he was having issues on how to post pictures (I have no idea how to do that) but I can be pretty naïve.
Originally Posted by SD2011
Normally think you're pretty on-target SD - always appreciate you input.
Exactly 214.... same thing I've heard from the ladies

NearHauteRed's Avatar
I agree with your sentiments SD2011 about the guys who write the fake/embellished reviews, it may be wannabe pimps, but it also are guys that just want PA and as I have said before, until there is some kind of verification process for reviews, then I will play safe and stick to not reviewing, at least for a while. I also think the guys who say that just because you do not do reviews that he does not contribute to the community need to re think that opinion. Sure, you cannot read the ROS in the reviews, but it does not mean you know nothing about what happens BCD. On the other end of the tunnel, you have the legit review writers who have actually had a session with the provider they are reviewing who get lambasted by WKs because the session did not go as well as he would have liked and did not recommend her, or some other little thing that the nick pickers here want to say and it becomes that drama mudslinging thread. Another good reason I do not even want to access the Men's Lounge, I am sure the drama boys keep those drama threads going in there and up to date as well.
I agree with your sentiments SD2011 about the guys who write the fake/embellished reviews, it may be wannabe pimps, but it also are guys that just want PA and as I have said before, until there is some kind of verification process for reviews, then I will play safe and stick to not reviewing, at least for a while. I also think the guys who say that just because you do not do reviews that he does not contribute to the community need to re think that opinion. Sure, you cannot read the ROS in the reviews, but it does not mean you know nothing about what happens BCD. On the other end of the tunnel, you have the legit review writers who have actually had a session with the provider they are reviewing who get lambasted by WKs because the session did not go as well as he would have liked and did not recommend her, or some other little thing that the nick pickers here want to say and it becomes that drama mudslinging thread. Another good reason I do not even want to access the Men's Lounge, I am sure the drama boys keep those drama threads going in there and up to date as well. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Thank you Tony, your opinions about things which you admit you have no idea are valuable. Will you next be educating us on how to best survive when visiting Mars?

And what did you last post have to do with the Ops question? Just let it go - everyone has different reasons for what they're doing - to the Ops point about how we feel about ladies.
Adonis's Avatar
I'm averaging a review a month and that puts me in the wannabe category! lol

Anyway, I feel some obligation to review a newer lady when I see her but not so much if she's established. The newer ladies will generally get a review from me even if it's an average session. I think everyone wins in that scenario regardless of how the session went down. The providers get another step towards being established and the guys get more information to judge if she's on or off their list.

I almost never review established ladies when I see them. The exceptions are when it's a session at either end of the good/bad spectrum, included something unique to me or if she's offered a discount for a review and I accepted it. I don't feel obligated to write a glowing review in any case. She'll get what I think she earned and if it causes hard feelings, there's always a different lady that I can see tomorrow.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Thank you Tony, your opinions about things which you admit you have no idea are valuable. Will you next be educating us on how to best survive when visiting Mars?

And what did you last post have to do with the Ops question? Just let it go - everyone has different reasons for what they're doing - to the Ops point about how we feel about ladies. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that suspected that was tony lol
TinMan's Avatar
While I'm not a big fan of certain review styles, if the guy is giving me accurate information about the woman and the session, I believe he is fulfilling his obligation to the community and I try to avoid being overly critical. Might he have something other than an altruistic motive for reviewing? Sure, most of us do, whether it's PA credit, being the BMOC, whatever.

The point is, I have more respect for the guy with 200 reviews who uses all caps, catch phrases and exclamation points than I do the guy who doesn't contribute either money or intel to this site.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Thank you Tony, your opinions about things which you admit you have no idea are valuable. Will you next be educating us on how to best survive when visiting Mars?

And what did you last post have to do with the Ops question? Just let it go - everyone has different reasons for what they're doing - to the Ops point about how we feel about ladies. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
You must be one of those guys who read something someone writes and , try as you might, determine to read between the lines something that is not there, not to have a difference of opinion, but to tell someone they are wrong since they do not think like you. Since that is what you are doing and you seem to know it all, let me ask you, how can you tell I have no idea what generally goes on BCD during a session? Also, old wise one, how can you tell I am a virgin and have not seen providers and have no experience or know what I am talking about?
It's just easy to spot the orchestrated clusters of reviews by management (pimps) and their lil posses of hopeful pals (aka private social groups). The review patterns of those types aren't really that hard to spot. When a provider uses a sock puppet to do a self-review, those reviews are also pretty funny to read.

I'll stick to the no review policy. It has not hindered me a bit and I really don't mind being bashed for not doing them. It's all good.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
It's just easy to spot the orchestrated clusters of reviews by management (pimps) and their lil posses of hopeful pals (aka private social groups). The review patterns of those types aren't really that hard to spot. When a provider uses a sock puppet to do a self-review, those reviews are also pretty funny to read.

I'll stick to the no review policy. It has not hindered me a bit and I really don't mind being bashed for not doing them. It's all good. Originally Posted by SD2011
Just curious SD2011, EasyLover214 stated that since I cannot read the ROS, then I must not know what I am talking about, but he respects your opinions, clearly, you are in the same boat as I am as far as no PA and seem to know about those reviews and what they say and how you can read them?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
In an attempt to get this thread back on track, I'm going to repost the original post, leaving out the mention of reviews and speculation as to why people doe and don't write them.
I've had a few occasions to ponder this over the years.

Let's say you're an average guy. Your ability to charm the ladies was sufficient to maybe get a drunk girl in the sack a time or two in college, and then persuade a decent woman of lesser intelligence to marry you (if she married you, she has to be of lesser intelligence, right? ). You have certain needs -- whatever they may be -- that are unfulfilled, so you turn to the hobby.

You meet a nice young lady. (Or two. Or three. Or a half-dozen. But we'll keep it simple and singular.) She fulfills those needs, and you wouldn't mind at all if those hour-or-two-at-a-time meetings could occur more frequently. You like her, but not enough to declare your undying affection for her, offer to "take her away from this" (even if she might be receptive to such an offer), or even become her sugardaddy (even if that were financially possible). In fact, you might not want to spend more than an hour or two at a time with her. But you do enjoy the time you spend with her, even when you're not fucking.

[slight hyperbole]
Isn't it somewhat strange that the best thing you can do for her is tell all your "friends" what a great cocksucker she is, how she'll suck your balls dry as the Gobi desert, and they need to hurry over and fuck her NOW?
[/slight hyberbole]
For the discussion about reviews and why people don't write them, I'm off to start another thread.
I can't read them/RoS either. I just call it like I see it and let the chips fall as they may and I'm quite happy to take any lumps (bashing) that comes from that. I also do that strange thing and admit when I'm wrong about something or someone and I certainly have been wrong here before and fess up/take the lumps and apologize when I am. Maybe that's what he means, heck if I know.

Keep in mind, I really don't take the eccie reviews too seriously. I figured early on that even from the parts I can read, that many of them are not really that accurate and when I've met with a provider or two who had some of those wild reviews, they indicated that it was a fiction of a hobbyist mind. You know, like the angler fudge... "I caught a fish this big!" but it was really a minnow. I had a funny formula for the reviews:

1) 1/4 reviews are ego driven fantasy of the wild sexual exploits of a five minute man*
2) 1/4 reviews are pimp/provider AD's/promotions hiding as a review
3) 1/4 reviews are WK/social group posse cluster reviews (see item 1)
4) 1/4 reviews are probably okay (or done by aliens)

*I'm a three minute man so jealous of the fives! lol

The other issue with reviews is they can be slanted (by management/pimps/followers/social nerd groups) to promote a specific gal who is in favor and consequently, a review can be used as leverage to hold a provider reputation hostage or to essentially destroy her if she doesn't agree to tow the line (or fulfill a distasteful or unsafe hobby request).

Overall, I take this place as basic time killing infotainment because it's funny, it's sad, and in many ways, it's not very real. However, hidden within are a few gems of real people and I like watching them navigate through this zoo.
In an attempt to get this thread back on track, I'm going to repost the original post, leaving out the mention of reviews and speculation as to why people doe and don't write them.
I've had a few occasions to ponder this over the years.

Let's say you're an average guy. Your ability to charm the ladies was sufficient to maybe get a drunk girl in the sack a time or two in college, and then persuade a decent woman of lesser intelligence to marry you (if she married you, she has to be of lesser intelligence, right? ). You have certain needs -- whatever they may be -- that are unfulfilled, so you turn to the hobby.

You meet a nice young lady. (Or two. Or three. Or a half-dozen. But we'll keep it simple and singular.) She fulfills those needs, and you wouldn't mind at all if those hour-or-two-at-a-time meetings could occur more frequently. You like her, but not enough to declare your undying affection for her, offer to "take her away from this" (even if she might be receptive to such an offer), or even become her sugardaddy (even if that were financially possible). In fact, you might not want to spend more than an hour or two at a time with her. But you do enjoy the time you spend with her, even when you're not fucking.

[slight hyperbole]
Isn't it somewhat strange that the best thing you can do for her is tell all your "friends" what a great cocksucker she is, how she'll suck your balls dry as the Gobi desert, and they need to hurry over and fuck her NOW?
[/slight hyberbole]
For the discussion about reviews and why people don't write them, I'm off to start another thread. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Just treat her decently, remember she's human and has feelings beyond the hour or so she shares herself with you. In the provider world, being intimate does not necessarily equal intimacy.