Wait for it ....

holmes50's Avatar
Can someone answer these 2 questions:

What Is It that makes a guys dick hard after reading and seeing a FEW (as she says) NO reviews?
What makes the guy go In? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Even after a good bottle of wine and the thought process is more clear I couldn't answer those questions.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
Can someone answer these 2 questions:

What Is It that makes a guys dick hard after reading and seeing a FEW (as she says) NO reviews?
What makes the guy go In? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Because she was my ATF at one point, because I gave her the benefit of the doubt one too many times, because we had such great times, because I'd seen her more than anyone else, because it stung me to have to read, and eventually, agree with the negative reviews. Because she helped me when I was a newbie on the boards. Because I knew how great she WAS.
holmes50's Avatar
Wait for it........waiting is almost over.........let the fun commence........and that right soon!
I have seen plenty "YES" reviews that should have actually been "NO" reviews because people are afraid of the backlash that inevitable comes from a NO review. Not only do the gals get all up in arms that their sister has been "attacked" for what could legitimately be bad service but the White Knights - which is worse by the way - come out in full force (I guess they think that they get a special in for defending the gals). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I had a NO review once. I didn't attack him in any way. I put up a thread asking about the boards thoughts on drivers vs. pimps and then posted a picture of my ass on the PAWG thread to let guys decide for themselves. I think his no review was a boon to me because it taught me how to better expose myself to the board. I've even given him a good reference. Ha! There are many ways to handle a NO review. Attacking the reviewer is foolish, just prove them wrong!
LKW you are right, but unfortunately that is not how it works more times than not. What usually happens is a thread comes calling the guy a liar and "telling" the providers side of the events. Then certain guys come on here and further claim the guy is lying because they 1) did not have the same bad experience or 2) the girl has umpteen good reviews thus the guy must be lying.
I guess this time she decided to not say anything. Maybe just maybe she's making things right with him.....maybe! ?
LKW you are right, but unfortunately that is not how it works more times than not. What usually happens is a thread comes calling the guy a liar and "telling" the providers side of the events. Then certain guys come on here and further claim the guy is lying because they 1) did not have the same bad experience or 2) the girl has umpteen good reviews thus the guy must be lying. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I want all of you gentleman to tell it like it is. I'm a grown woman, I can handle criticism and rejection. The truth can challenge me to up my game or, conversely, show what an absolute fool he was. Then again, maybe it was just an off day for one of us. No matter, I find that every word that you post on this board gets noticed by someone, so why not put your best foot forward.
myren1900's Avatar
Sometimes you will take a chance with a provider in spite of several NO reviews.

1. You think she looks incredible hot
2. She still has many YES reviews
3. Your ego tells you that you are a better man that these NO review guys
4. The real reason: You think with the little head

bigclitluvr's Avatar
Huh! What did I miss?
holmes50's Avatar
Huh! What did I miss? Originally Posted by bigclitluvr
Nothing really missed......yet. Just never know.
I just hate it when a lady gets a NO review and then begins to whine on here about it, and CLAIMS she didn't see him, OR he was the on in the wrong...lol

LADIES IF YOU get a NO review, please just learn from it and move on...Just DO better at whatever he said made him write the NO in the 1st place...Geesh it isn't that hard...

NO review = poor service, poor hygiene, lackluster performance, and the list goes on and on.
Why just not try to better yourself??
I just hate it when a lady gets a NO review and then begins to whine on here about it, and CLAIMS she didn't see him, OR he was the on in the wrong...lol

LADIES IF YOU get a NO review, please just learn from it and move on...Just DO better at whatever he said made him write the NO in the 1st place...Geesh it isn't that hard...

NO review = poor service, poor hygiene, lackluster performance, and the list goes on and on.
Why not try to better yourself INSTEAD OF CONTINUING TO BURN GUY AFTER GUY AFTER GUY Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Completed the thought
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Sometimes you will take a chance with a provider in spite of several NO reviews.

1. You think she looks incredible hot
2. She still has many YES reviews
3. Your ego tells you that you are a better man that these NO review guys
4. The real reason: You think with the little head

Originally Posted by myren1900
I think these 4 are the most accurate. Esp #3...they want to be the special snowflake.