54,876: Yes, with Trump in charge America is the Global leader....

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you guys are sick CCP lovers!

If you believe China's (under)reported death total from COVID-19, I don't know what to say to you. For a population of over 330,000,000 people, a death count of just over 50,000 (with 2 hot spots accounting for the majority of deaths) is a minor miracle.
sportfisherman's Avatar
This is where and how he failed ;

1.Failed to initiate testing early enough.Still has not caught up to what we should be doing.Double what we are doing now according to Fauci.

2.Failed to start a medical response and supply early and adequately.

3.Failed to recommend Social Distancing early enough

4.Failed to truthfully acknowledge the possible severity of the crisis ;
downplaying,making light of,offering false re-assurances.This was very damaging cause it lulled people into a false sense of security.

The death toll here isn't over yet.Neither is the economic toll.