My first You Tube video

I really liked the video and the way the light reflects off of your necklace onto your face. It's very clean and enticing. I don't really like the font your name is in or the smoke/cloud shots, but other than that, you did a beautiful job.

I also wanted to let you know that I REALLY like your new banner in your signature line. The font and color of your name and the black background is very classy.
srvfin's Avatar
notanewbie's Avatar
so I ran across this interesting video on the looks like someone has herself a new fan!
boardman's Avatar
so I ran across this interesting video on the looks like someone has herself a new fan! Originally Posted by notanewbie

I like the video Reese

Very nice, I would do the name thing once, since your name is already at the bottom of the video.

As always you are classy and sexy, love the hair flip.......

JoeCanGo's Avatar
Very Nice Reese , You just need a little more of YOU in your video.

That was TFF NaN !
boardman's Avatar
Nice Video Reese! FWIW I liked the smoke thing......and them big ole titties!
I hope you don't mind me having a little bit of fun with the one I posted.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-19-2011, 06:36 PM
so I ran across this interesting video on the looks like someone has herself a new fan! Originally Posted by notanewbie
NAN that's funny glad you found it.

Broadman I love your video its so you. So catty of ya. I will be posting more of my big ole boobies just for you...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I will be posting more of my big ole boobies just for you... Originally Posted by Reese McClain
No, no, no, no...........enough is enough.

Well, OK, I will peek just a little bit.
notanewbie's Avatar
NAN that's funny glad you found it.

Broadman I love your video its so you. So catty of ya. I will be posting more of my big ole boobies just for you... Originally Posted by Reese McClain
I hoped you would enjoy it, now about them tiddies for Dear Juan...I mean Dear John.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-20-2011, 05:02 AM

Ok DJ is going to be ONLY be taking a peek um ah ha yea.NaN your avatar looks like that dork from the hangover thats so hot.Broadman i bet your rubbing ur kitty.
Very hot tease............some music and more of you would complete it........

Wayward's Avatar
Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Reese, we need to talk. Just between you and I. You know I'm on hiatus, but you are doing everything you can to get me back in the game. You're getting real close. Don't ever do this again...............and I mean ever.

I'm getting real close to surrendering.

so I ran across this interesting video on the looks like someone has herself a new fan! Originally Posted by notanewbie
Are we missing something or did you just kind of call Dear_John Hitler for sitting around dreaming of fucking her?

Sometimes we over thinck things and just wanted to check.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Big 'ole PRETTY tiddies... very usual
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-21-2011, 03:29 AM
Ah my girl likes my first video. Thanks for your sweetness. Love your baby moma