Hobbyist who write reviews and the ones who don't

Htowner's Avatar
There really isn't a concrete answer.

However, without reviews and hobby sites, we would be back in the days where we thought a session at The Lodge or 5806 was better then sliced bread. Without hobby boards we would be hanging out with BP girls and all the bad that goes with a lot of them. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
That was exactly my point . With information, comes exposure and it is the ladies' choice of wanting the fame or the safety.
Your comment about post-BT implied, to me anyway, that we should have all stopped reviews as you did perhaps, or let others do it so we can stay in the shadows or something.
I believe you mentioned being retired or colse to it so I am not picking on you as you know. I am just trying to clearify your post BT point.
Wayward's Avatar
The ones who set up this board as any other similar board understood and accepted that not all would contribute by reviews.
Some are paying for PA and if the owners didn't have that incentive, they would have probably not set this up for anyone review ,talk, clown , flame, or anything .
There is no need to label them as 'takers' . I had intervals of heavy hobbying and slowing down some. Sometimes I really wanted to say something about it and sometimes I didn't. Veriety of reasons for it. Some personal, and some otherwise.
There are different ways to contribute. No doubt without the reviews, the board would be meaningless chatter . We are getting a good bit of reviews at this time and no doubt it will get larger as the numbers grow.
Everyone of us has a long, 'short' list. Are you running out of girls? Originally Posted by Htowner
Nice thoughts ~

Normally I would throw a hissy fit and remind the OP that some of us were writing reviews in 1995 and we don't remember him "helping us or giving back" but that would be silly and pointless.

For some of the older dogs lying on the porch, being scolded by a puppy is just part of the circle of SHMB life. We smile and look the other way, a friend of mind once wrote that the perfect review might go something like this: "she was cool" that still makes me smile.

Back in the day I used to tone down my reviews, try to write what I thought was repeatable and pretend what wasn't never happened. That seemed the most honest thing to do, lying often is. There are (or so I've heard) some folks that go the other way. Quite a bit the other way. As for the negative reviews that's tougher, what is the 1/2 hr $80 GFE again? Kidding but only a little. If I step on a land mine in this thing of ours then I'll try and share that, but that 1/2 hr GFE special does sorta look like a mind field from the porch.

I've run two SHMBs, helped start the P with reviews and money, run socials at my own expense and tried from time to time to help folks out that were lost in some way or another. So I should be taken outside and shot, okay not shot but at least stabbed.

Most of us didn't write that first review because someone told us too, but rather because it just seemed right. You build a good community and the reviews will take care of themselves. I wrote that first review because I read a good one.
I agree with the previous comments. I wrote reviews BT and could not help but wonder whether some of my reviews led in some way to that fateful day. I made a personal decision to not write as many reviews after that day. In ASPD's last year, I did write 3-4 reviews but it was because I had something I felt was necessary to add.

With that said, I have never been reluctant to share information with safe and reliable posters away from the watchful eyes of LE. Oftentimes, a simple word of agreement from a respected poster to a comment about one of the ladies speaks volumes, provided one is good at reading between the lines.

Sorry, but I do not want to be in a position where I am forced to wonder whether my review helped lead to a bust. Does this mean I will never write another review. No it does not but by the same token it does not mean that I will either. I will continue to ask and respond to questions through back channels. I will also continue to add a few open comments when I agree or disagree with a comment made about a lady I have previously seen.
Toreador_one's Avatar
Sorry, but I do not want to be in a position where I am forced to wonder whether my review helped lead to a bust...... Originally Posted by bigtex
It came a point a couple of years ago that I took that same stand of not writing reviews to "protect" some of the latina agencies (well not to protect the agency but the girls) that I was visiting and that had zero screening. That stand still continues. But I will write reviews on those provider/agencies that I feel comfortable they are screening fairly well (Spas are the exception to this rule) but I rarely visit Spas)
The fact is that reviews are the best form of advertising in the boards the providers have (providing is a good review), and if the provider is good, I do not mind doing my part to help them out. (there is a reason why providers ask for reviews)

If a good screening process is in place, I will write a review provided that:

  • The provider is unknown to the boards (or there have been ISOs)
  • I had an extra good time (a hell yeah review)
  • I had a bad time (No or borderline no recommendation)
  • I had an out of the norm experience (like other providers watching in the room per instance )
  • My experience was opposite to what others have said (good or bad)

I will not write a review if
  • The provider has a weak or no screening process (but if she is good I will share her info BCD, via PM)
  • I have reviewed the provider in the last 6 months and I have a new session that meets the above criteria
  • The provider has a number of reviews and I have nothing new to add (specially if it was an average session "run of the mill" session, lol I had to add that after that discussion at the P )
  • If I find the opportunity NOT to write a review, just to piss Cardkiddo off

Concerning the lurkers/not contributors, to me it is what it is, EVERY board (hobby or none hobby) has their lurkers/leachers/not contributors, certainly we cannot change that and certainly I will loose sleep over it or let it upset me (it is pointless), However I certainly appreciate very much those that take the time and add value to the board, and to show my appreciation, they are the ones that I share BCD info with via PM whenever I find a gem.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I brought 4 of my reviews over and posted them in the lounge and I am not looking for credit for them, some of the reviewers are a bit gun shy after certain events. Also many of them help out in the lounge when someone asks about a provider some of their post tell all you need to know about a provider also... There are many ways to contribute w/o a review, IMHO. I just got a letter from my uncle Ethernet Inventor and he has 4 to share .....
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-29-2010, 07:02 AM
If I find the opportunity NOT to write a review, just to piss Cardkiddo off Originally Posted by Toreador_one
Mr Clever's Avatar
I faded off of writing reviews for many reasons.
a) For a couple of years, I was a staff member over on ASPD. Politics kinda dictated more discretion.

b) My exploring days became more infrequent, so why write review #50 on a well documented gal.

c) When I do write a review, it is because there is not much info out on a gal, I had a new experience for me, or I want to try something creative with a review.

I figure if someone is contributing something of value, then they are earning their keep. Paying for access, sharing knowledge or wisdom, writing reviews, stupidly serving on staff for free, or various posters publicly exposing their ass in their posts are all ways to provide info. Even the drama queens and WK's provide info: I learn from their posts who to avoid or minimize contact with and whose perceptions/tastes are similar to my own.

I think the lurkers are the smartest. If that day ever comes where the politicians go after the boards and their members for the sake of publicity, the lurkers are the safest.

My biggest pet peeve was "taking one for the team" and writing about it so others could avoid the same mistake and getting a bunch of "me too's" as replies! WTF! If the bad experiences had been posted, I could have avoided it in the first place!
Those are the guys that do a disservice for not "paying it back". Review boards were founded in part to alert the hobbyists of the ripoffs and the gals who gave poor service.

my 4 cents... Originally Posted by cpi3000
Excellent answer.

Very well said.......I wish the reviews didn't have an option to post. Once posted they "closed"
boardman's Avatar
I like it here for the free parking and Blue Water Toilet Facilities.
I like it here for the free parking and Blue Water Toilet Facilities. Originally Posted by boardman
I don't care what anybody says, that was funny!
ny_travler's Avatar
As my handle indicates, I am a traveling hobbist. I rely heavily on reviews to get a feel for the local talent. Since I "take water from the well" I fell obliged to contribute back when I can.

I try to review every session, and I am at about 90-95%. I also tend to ask for local advice, prior to a trip. I will usually share my findings in the Locker room after my visit, so others do not need to ask the same questions. I understand that us travelers can get annoying to the locals if we ask the same question over and over as if we do not know what a search button is.

Then again, since I am not local, I don't tend to get caught up in some of the "Drama" that can accompany honest opinions.

I had almost 40 reviews on the P. I didn't move any of them over to this board. The number of reviews I did were a very small fraction of the ladies I saw because I never liked doing reviews and I don't write good ones.The main reason I wrote those few reviews....was to give back a little of what I took from the board.

Some guys here will not write reviews and have reasons that they don't. Doesn't really matter to me if a guy writes one or not.
ferdburf's Avatar
tbone2u, I always enjoyed your reviews back in my "lurking" days. You give the relevant info, and that's all anyone can ask for.
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 01-29-2010, 10:33 AM
Is it really fair to board members who write reviews and spend there time putting in work in work contributing to ECCIE and other members can't even do one review.
Is it fair I think not. I think it's selfish.
I see a lot of guy's posting funny lil pics and posting replies but never a review and it's the same guys.
There are takers and givers which one are you?
No lame excuses put up or shut up. Originally Posted by carkido45

1. I don't owe you or anyone else anything
2. If I were to see a lady I'm sure she already has glowing reviews
3. Unless something unusually or spectacular happens there really isn't a point in adding a review that is a carbon copy of her 5+ other reviews
4. If I saw someone that wasn't reviewed and she was awesome, I'd keep her for myself

I'm picky and have extremely specific tastes in women, rarely do I find something that piques my interest.
carkido45's Avatar

1. I don't owe you or anyone else anything
2. If I were to see a lady I'm sure she already has glowing reviews
3. Unless something unusually or spectacular happens there really isn't a point in adding a review that is a carbon copy of her 5+ other reviews
4. If I saw someone that wasn't reviewed and she was awesome, I'd keep her for myself

I'm picky and have extremely specific tastes in women, rarely do I find something that piques my interest. Originally Posted by mietk
Exactly your selfish.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Is it really fair to board members who write reviews and spend there time putting in work in work contributing to ECCIE and other members can't even do one review.
Is it fair I think not. I think it's selfish.
I see a lot of guy's posting funny lil pics and posting replies but never a review and it's the same guys.
There are takers and givers which one are you?
No lame excuses put up or shut up. Originally Posted by carkido45
While I do understand the point, and absolutely agree that reviews are a necessary "consumer reports" part of the escort-client dynamic, not everyone wishes to put everything in stark black and white. It should be the hobbyist's choice, not his burden, to write a review or just pay for BCD access. It isn't selfishness; not everyone is bold enough to pen a Penthouse Forum letter, and let's face it, many fellows have '"flamed" a poor guy to a crispy critter for not including and dissecting every single graphic act. (At least on ASPD. I am hoping this is a kinder, gentler board, but haven't been here long enough to see that, yet.)

Believe it or not, I have it on the word of many gentlemen that they don't necessarily WANT to read every intimate detail, nor do they wish to reveal all aspects of their private time with a woman in bed, and that seems to be expected if not required in reviews. Why can't a review just state the needed info like activities, contact, rates, stats, etc., and allude to the aspects of the encounter, giving the gentleman's impressions instead of a play-by-play? Also, some gents aren't the best writers in the world, and having their grammar, syntax, and spelling correctly harshly in a public forum is embarrassing, not encouraging. When did reviews start being collegiate English papers?

Seems to me that if perhaps some fellows weren't so rabid on reviews being perfect porn in print, their might be more reviews submitted.