Sex on TV

Even good old Bill didn't want just a chj. Plus's not sexual relations! It was just a bbbj.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dick Van Dyke show: Two single beds in the bed room. So how did they have a son?
Being a parent has to be tough with teens today. I would think you would have to be more aware of your teens life, and making sure you keep the talks with them about sex. Many schools don't offer sex ed classes, and parents shouldn't have to depend on schools, churches or other parents to teach their children about "the birds and the bees". Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
We started talking to our girls when they were five in age appropriate ways. The oldest got a major jump start though. When she was five or six, I was babysitting and she was at the kitchen table where she could see me watching TV in the living room. I was watching "Wings".

I needed to take a long break in the bathroom and rather than leave it on Wings due to the potentially racy SITCOM, I flipped the channel to PBS while it was on a fund-raising break and headed to "the library".

I emerged about 10-15 minutes later, fully informed on the everything in the local newspaper, to see my daughter sitting about a foot from the TV.

PBS was airing a Human Sexuality documentary that was very scientifically correct and extremely detailed. The narrator was saying something like, "...and then the male ejaculates semen containing sperm deep into the female vagina..."

My instinct was to freak and to turn off the TV abruptly but instead, I forced myself to sit down in the chair and pretend I was reading the paper.

After the baby was born and the woman goo was wiped off so that it could be swaddled and handed to mother, the show concluded.

My daughter looked at me, pale, frightened... she asked something about the pain.

I told her that when she got older, her body would mature and that there would be pleasure too and that the body releases strong hormones to help manage the pain of child birth. I then quickly suggested she talk to her mom when she got back.

I gave my bride a quick heads up when she got home. The two went back into my daughter's room and talked for about an hour.

Our "morality" talks have focused on the idea that sex releases extremely powerful feelings and that it's best to be emotionally mature enough to handle the intensity of the emotions. We also talked about being strong and confident enough to only do what they were comfortable with and avoid being pressured into anything, in any aspect of their lives. Somewhere along the line, I'm sure they've heard me say that sex is an important aspect of life satisfaction and that we want for them to have it be something that improves their lives and happiness.

At 21 and 16, they both seem to be in control of their lives. The 21 y/o is pretty open with me. She's done some limited experimentation but is a nun compared to what I was like at her age.
Dick Van Dyke show: Two single beds in the bed room. So how did they have a son? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
They never showed you what they did out in the garage out the back door of their kitchen.
Well, here are some answers to Brooke's original question, according to recent scientific studies:
  • Watching TV shows with sexual content apparently hastens the initiation of teen sexual activity.
  • Sexual talk on TV has the same effect on teens as depictions of sex.
  • Shows with content about contraception and pregnancy can help to educate teens about the risks and consequences of sex–and can also foster beneficial dialogue between teens and parents.
You can find more details here.
  • Laker
  • 08-20-2010, 08:50 AM
They never showed you what they did out in the garage out the back door of their kitchen. Originally Posted by NormalBob
May have been an immaculate conception?
Mrs. Petrie was hot. They didn't call him 'Dick' for nothing:

  • Laker
  • 08-20-2010, 09:13 AM
Well, here are some answers to Brooke's original question, according to recent scientific studies:
  • Watching TV shows with sexual content apparently hastens the initiation of teen sexual activity.
  • Sexual talk on TV has the same effect on teens as depictions of sex.
  • Shows with content about contraception and pregnancy can help to educate teens about the risks and consequences of sex–and can also foster beneficial dialogue between teens and parents.
You can find more details here. Originally Posted by jackfengshui


Some of the same can be said for the effect hot looking student teachers, well for that matter some of the younger regular teachers, wearing short skirts had on us young lads in school! Quite often it left the space under the desk too tight for comfort!!
Thanks so much Jack... your such a wise gent I was actually trying to do some research on this last night, didn't come across this but I will have a great read today while eating some cheese and crackers.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Dick Van Dyke show: Two single beds in the bed room. So how did they have a son? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Ricky & Lucy same deal.
A covered hj @ $350 hr....hmmm I guess I wish I was half as beautiful so I could charge that and get away with it....but then again I wouldn't get off either . Guess I'll stick to covered fs. Might I just add a little tid of yet, almost embarking on a year, i have done bbbj's since day one and still have no STDS! yay party for me

Untill last night, didn't know that a covered hand job [chj] even existed, and the thought of that disturbed me so, that i fell asleep and dreamed that all providers would only perform a CHJ!!!!!! woke up screeeming, covered in sweat, nnnnooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Don't wanna SLAM IT in the door anymore!!!

Are you suggesting that parents are less suited to the task of teaching their kids about sex than the public schools or are you using the term "sex education" more broadly? Originally Posted by NormalBob

NB not suggesting parents are not suited nor that public ed is the answer or not. So the term I guess would be a broad labeling of the sex education process if you will. I was merely making a point to the fact that involvement and communication is the best route in terms of sex education. Don't leave it up to media or just schools alone is all. No one is less suited than another but values and information regarding sexual education are best suited to be taught to the youth by responsible aware parenting is what I was alluding to.
dont tell that to the nea, they need more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more school tax dollars so they can 'D' , yes 'DRIVE', the graduation rate to 45%..
So the term I guess would be a broad labeling of the sex education process if you will. I was merely making a point to the fact that involvement and communication is the best route in terms of sex education. Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
Got it. We agree for whatever that's worth.
It's like that Geico commercial...A bird in the hand is worth conservativly at auction ...Two in the Bush...But who are we kidding this is an ECCIE forum only 8000 people read this and care...And WNY forum widdle that down to 100 LOL