TexasJess has threatened me and others with her Turkey baster

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-27-2018, 12:16 AM
Again. Stop. Move on. Originally Posted by TexasJess
You sober TJ? You just quoted and responded to yourself, get some help girl
You sober TJ? You just quoted and responded to yourself, get some help girl Originally Posted by BLM69

Originally Posted by TexasJess

Lies. Bullshit. More groveling. Please stop by with with your dramatic lies and b*******. If you would like I could go back and research the thread and show that you clearly were the one that started all of this b*******
econd of all I simply asked you to stop harassing me and told you that I was going to be reporting your messages that ARE threatening and vulgar to the mods.
YOU then you turned around and threatened me again that you were going to go online and post more b******* so clearly you're the one is causing problems and your the one obsessed with me. You just can't simply stop.
You have never seen me or had any encounters with me so you're definitely not a good reference on who I'm good for and who I'm not good for.

What you should be worried about is how many times in one week you had to change your handle I wonder why that is.

NOW if you're done with your antics and your parade of b******* I'm sure that everyone would like to to stop reading about you and your fear of the turkey baster.

Funny how you disrespect degrade and talk down on various forums daily about me??
You can't go one day without mentioning Texas Jess but yet as soon as I say something back to you oh..you're so offended that you need to make traumatic post just stop it. Be a man about it and move on.

Clearly.. you have a TJ fetish. Clearly your NOT being a man and moving on. Clearly YOU ARE STILL HARASSING ME..yet crying wolf as though your a victim. When your just a old angry self entitled bully.

Lol. How was I supposed to know you have a fear of turkey basters? Lol. Geez... It's all fun and games until I stood up to your b******* right. Anyways, I'm sure it's more to come from you.
I am starting to feel like I'm being stalked online lol.. geez.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-27-2018, 01:15 AM

Clearly.. you have a TJ fetish. Clearly your NOT being a man and moving on. Clearly YOU ARE STILL HARASSING ME..yet crying wolf as though your a victim. When your just a old angry self entitled bully.

Lol. How was I supposed to know you have a fear of turkey basters? Lol. Geez... It's all fun and games until I stood up to your b******* right. Anyways, I'm sure it's more to come from you.
I am starting to feel like I'm being stalked online lol.. geez.
Originally Posted by TexasJess
Go get some sleep TJ, I can tell that you stay up for days at a time being a angry woman, you're digging your own hobby grave and you feel the need on having the last word, keep on digging as we're enjoying your meltdown.
redhot11's Avatar
I don’t understand this thread ... why is turkey Bastet such a big deal? Had she threatened me with 15 inch black dildo I could have understood the concern.

We should reenact the scene from the movie psycho. BLM will be in the shower and texas jess will attack him with her “dreaded” turkey Baster. We will have the same music as the original scene.
I don’t understand this thread ... why is turkey Bastet such a big deal? Had she threatened me with 15 inch black dildo I could have understood the concern.

We should reenact the scene from the movie psycho. BLM will be in the shower and texas jess will attack him with her “dreaded” turkey Baster. We will have the same music as the original scene. Originally Posted by redhot11

You should have been a porn screen writer. You missed your calling lol

CG2014's Avatar
You sober TJ? Originally Posted by BLM69

That's a good new name for her!


... she spent so much time on here bitching at everyone, both guys and gals, makes you wonder when she has time to find the time to HOOKER any guys and make any roses to pay her basic living expenses.

No reviews in over 3 months for her.

Either she has a nice nest egg or she has a sugar daddy (or sugar mamma) who are willing to put up with her antics and BSCness.
Go get some sleep TJ, I can tell that you stay up for days at a time being a angry woman, you're digging your own hobby grave and you feel the need on having the last word, keep on digging as we're enjoying your meltdown. Originally Posted by BLM69

Okay. I'm not afraid of a turkey baster.. as u alarmed by the community with your post that you are. Say what you want lol.

Funny shit is s.. you're so serious. If anything yet posts are alarming. Talk about a melt down. Guess I really got under your skin lol.

It's going to to be be okay. Like I have been asking.. stop harassing me. Stop jumping be thread to thread posting my pics. Talking shit.
Move on. Get over it. Geez.

Yet... 3am. Still... But see I am a late night early am gal. These are my hours! Do you dream of me? You just can't get TJ off your mind...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-27-2018, 02:14 AM

That's a good new name for her!


... she spent so much time on here bitching at everyone, both guys and gals, makes you wonder when she has time to find the time to HOOKER any guys and make any roses to pay her basic living expenses.

No reviews in over 3 months for her.

Either she has a nice nest egg or she has a sugar daddy (or sugar mamma) who are willing to put up with her antics and BSCness. Originally Posted by CG2014
Goid old TJ hooker, why didn't I think of that, maybe her pimpin her young friend took off for her, she's the main spammer on every ISO threads, maybe she's running her BP cheap rates

I will say she's a 24/7 non sleeping zombie. Wonder how she does that? I'm off to bed now to catch some zzzz's
CG2014's Avatar
It's a shame what happened to T.J. Hooker's Heather Locklear.

How the mighty have fallen.
Goid old TJ hooker, why didn't I think of that, maybe her pimpin her young friend took off for her, she's the main spammer on every ISO threads, maybe she's running her BP cheap rates

I will say she's a 24/7 non sleeping zombie. Wonder how she does that? I'm off to bed now to catch some zzzz's Originally Posted by BLM69
Good God man. Take your Geritol complete.. do us all a favor & log off.
Your so called "slander" only proves my point even more...

Your simply harassing me. Repeatedly. Also I think I'm going to have to remind you of the community guidelines. Since u clearly think u don't have to abide by the system the rest of us do...

Your totally beside yourself. You created a whole thread just to harass Jess. Lol. Oh yeah your totally proving me wrong lol that your not obsessed, that your not harassing me and oh that you can actually go a while day without posting anything about me.

Yup... Ladies should all want you to be their #1 go to guy... Lol.

With out those bribed-fake-u pay 0 and write a good "review" (u used the word review so I'm just listing what u said) encounter reports...
I don't see how you get any action around here. You know... Those pics and fake "reviews" you write. SMH.
As if your employed instead of actually participant of the encounters. SMH. I choose to remain low key.
I don't need to exploit my encounters... if I wasn't okay with my rewards for being good with the people I meet on here. I wouldn't be here.

You sir... Think that because u exploit pics--encounters your somebody. Above the guidelines. We shall see. Many a Kings have fallen sir...lol.

Oh and there is NO ISO THREAD...
Why are you so worried about what I do? What I respond to? I mean geez. Further proving that you sir are obsessed with Jess.

You need help man !!


My oh wait now you get to determine when I sleep??? Dude. Honestly. Wtf is wrong with you.
Your a straight weirdo. Seriously. Get help soon...or maybe the mods will help you soon... By stopping you from any further communication with OR about me. YOU CLEARLY BE HAVE ISSUES.

Get them Zzzzz's pops !

P.s Hey numb nuts ✓∆∆∆∆{up there} I DONT CHARGE RATES.... DONT KNOW WHAT BP RATES ARE EITHER.

Just a side note. I'm referring this situation over to the national board. I mean you posted this to get attention? Correct?
Let's see who. How. Ect this goes because I'm tired of the penalities only being applied twards ladies...and I'm tired of being harassed. Dallas CO-ED is not a place for you to create personal threads to exploit, slander and stalk ladies. Your doing all of the above to me.
Don't mind me while I now reach out for help in dealing with your narcissistic rants, ramblings and posts that violate community rules.

I have asked you repeatedly to leave me alone. You just won't stop and seems that the Dallas staff is still on summer vacation. So, before tomorrow turns into another shit show... of your lies & slander.
Well... I asked you. Even via pm. You won't so....


Admiral Giggle's Avatar
This BSC woman won't stop sending me PM's with insults and threats, she's still salty from her earlier meltdown on multiple threads, I can forward her initial and following PM's to any MOD to get this straighten out.
Originally Posted by BLM69
Then hit the rtm button on them. You've been on the board long enough and have hit the rtm button on worse. But no, you decided to post this abortion of a thread.

rtm them, if not, then I see this thread as cyber stalking.
ManSlut's Avatar
Who the fuck downrated this threAD? I gave it 5 stars!...Wtf

It’s not everyday we get a Fucktard threatened with a Turkey Baster!!!...I am wondering if it’s like a cheap Walmart type or a high end Sur La Table brand?
pyramider's Avatar
But no, you decided to post this abortion of a thread. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Thread abortion is wrong. Every thread begins with one post. All threads should be allowed to live, without the help of the state.
[QUOTE=ManSlut;1060769716]Maybe a compromise is in order then?...Say a strap-on with maybe only a 6” fake dick?

On a non-hijacking note: This hoe is BatShitCrazy, worse than Horseface, and if she blows up inboxes with PM’s like she does with ISO responses then definitely report her to the ModTards...I think she’s already booked a reservation to BanTown she just needs
This is your friend:

https://www.eccie.net/profile.php?do=ignorelist Originally Posted by CG2014

no, keep you associates near U but U need to keep Ur enemies right beside U.