Anti-Depressants and Sex

Smoking monkey, friend, you know I am here for your as are many people on this board.
That took guts to post that question, and I wish the thread would have stayed on topic. Many anti-depressents, and other drugs too, have sexual side effects. the key is to find one that doesnt have that effect as often. Its alot of trial and error.
And to anyone who thinks depression is for "weaker-minded folks who just can't deal with..and blame their problems on everyone but themselves"..well that is just bs. I majored in Psychology and depression is a medical illness where the body is not producing enough of certain chemicals such as serotonin. Sure, "life" can cause people to temporarily feel blue. Depression is an ongoing, debiliting condtion that needs medical attention. The person cant just "snap out of it"
So when someone comes here for help and support...if you cant offer them any, then I say keep your trap shut
jaybee's Avatar
a broken back with pain pills can mess with your hour also..... takes away pain and pleasure.....
um... I AM NOT ADVERTISING! I HAVE NO NEED TO... I am not heading back that way yet and when i do... i have plenty of the fine gentlemen already waiting to see me. I am always utr when im there... insecure much?
I never said depression was not a valid, debiliting medical situation.

For gosh sakes, people...including those that MAJOR in Psychology, lol,
perhaps a refresher course in reading would be a wise choice to add to your resume. Where did I say EVERYONE that is being treated for depression is "weak minded".

I would assume anyone actually holding such a degree would be the first to agree, the appropriate person to ask about side effects, would be the doctor that prescribed the medicine...if a Psych major somehow felt that is not the correct advice, then there is a good reason why they are not currently practicing their degree.

Smoking monkey, if anything I said, in anyway, is compounding you're problems, you have my most sincere apology...but I still think your doctor is the person to correctly answer your question. He/she is the ONLY one who knows all your specifics.
And I AM SORRY to have hijack your thread, my intentions were good, if the results distrubed you, my bad...OK??
Yes you are correct...but

Oh come on, since when did you ever have a problem with injecting your honest opinion beyond just a basic yes or no question!!!

If nothing else, perhaps I've given him something to think about....or if he doesn't care, he can merely skip my postings

No harm or disrespect was intended or done

And if you want to get real technical...his question was aim strictly to the guys, lol Originally Posted by vkmaster
I have no problem with people speaking their mind.

His question was directed at both guys and gals.
I have a cure for depression and increases sex drive..... Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
um... I AM NOT ADVERTISING! I HAVE NO NEED TO... I am not heading back that way yet and when i do... i have plenty of the fine gentlemen already waiting to see me. I am always utr when im there... insecure much? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

Darlin', I'm so not insecure. But, you were advertising. You might want to reread your original post in which I quoted for you to do so. As subtle as it was. LOL

Sorry to hijack SM. Back to topic folks.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I really didn't intend my question to evolve into a discussion into an indictment of modern psychiatric medicine. All I wanted was people's experiences with anti-depressive drugs.

VK, you seem to have two opinions about anti-depressives. They are "pussy" pills and guys should just suck it up like in the olden days.
or... you should go to a medical doctor if you have these problems- well what do you think a medical doctor is going to do to treat clinical depression? Medication and therapy which usually involves multiple doctors.

I could be like my grandfather who ended up swinging on the end of a rope from a barn rafter, but I think I've caught this in time. He didn't have the option of "pussy" pills.

People need to seek help when they realize something is wrong and that's what I'm trying to do.

Thank you Big Mike, Elena, and Angel for the encouraging words. I really apppreciate your help and support.

And now people can go back to the "fun" posts!
  • guykc
  • 11-27-2011, 08:28 PM
hydrocodon seems to have the same side effects, as i have noticed
JRLawrence's Avatar
Many years ago I had a bad injury. Steroids were injected over 3 months and pain medications were in injected several times a day. It knocked my sex life out. It took six months to return. The pain medications (let's not say what it was here - it was prescribed and legal) are known to knock out the sex, but the steroids are the real monster. Why anyone would use steroids to bulk up at the gym, or for sports, is beyond me. It can ruin the sex for life.

JRLawrence's Avatar
And to anyone who thinks depression is for "weaker-minded folks who just can't deal with..and blame their problems on everyone but themselves"..well that is just bs. I majored in Psychology and depression is a medical illness where the body is not producing enough of certain chemicals such as serotonin. .............................. ....... Originally Posted by Angel in KC
There a lot of reasons that the serotonin is not being made, or re-up-take, in the body. These drugs can prevent suicide.

If a qualified doctor thinks you need it. Take it! Stress is a killer. Not getting help is just like saying "it doesn't hurt". That is stupid!

There are many types of pain. When I saw guys with an arm or other body part blown off I thanked my God for Morphine we were issued. I think all of the medications are life saver, when needed. Recreational use of any drug is just plain stupid. Excessive use of any drug can mess you up.

swarmyone's Avatar
My ex-girlfriend rode the bi-polar coaster for years. When she was manic, the sex was phenomenal! Anything and everything a guy could want (even a 3-way with a fellow patient in the psych ward). But the medications that kept her head level absolutely killed her sex drive. She was a trooper and still tried to keep my happy, but she herself could not orgasm when she was on the pills.
Hey Smoking Monkey, I'll be brief, as I don't want to continue to highjack ur thread, but since YOU asked....

Apparently I have not done a good job of expressing my beliefs. Do I think everyone that takes Anti-Dep pills are pussies...let me be real clear, one last time...NO I DO NOT.

Do I think we live in a "poor me" society where there are a whole lot of people taking Anti-D pills, that are being use as substitues for them to realize and deal with what their real problems in life are...ABSOLUTELY...thus in these cases they become pussy pills.

I don't have two opinions, I have one opinion, to those that truly need the help, thank god it's available...but IMO many use it rather than dealing with their problems head on.

I hope you gain the answer to your original question by making this thread, and I continue to wonder why you simply did not ask your doctor this important question, but it's your call, plain and simple

Best of luck to you!!
JackJohnson's Avatar
I have a cure for depression and increases sex drive..... Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

Mean. The fact you're not here makes it more depressing

On subject, I know lots of folks with SRI side effects relating to dysfunction, its something to talk to your therapist about. Hopefully they did recommend therapy and not just the drugs. Lots of MDs like to just give the pills and then move on... therapy/counseling is a better way to go than just drugs only.

Take care of yourself... and Lacy... MEAN!
  • kcguy
  • 11-28-2011, 10:55 PM
We're talking about a common side effect of SSRIs...citalopram (celexa), et al.

As such, an off label use is treating premature ejaculation.
I was NOT advertising! But thanks Miss Rent a Mod.

I was simply bringing a smile to some faces... and according to the many +1 and ^5 I got... i did what i aimed to do. If I were advertising it would clearly state KC in my signature or id post an ad. Everytime a provider posts its advertising... my avatar alone can be used as advertising. So.. go get your mod card or eat it! Youre always attacking anyone that is NOT of KC.. get over your insecurities.. I do apologize if you felt i stomped on YOUR CORNER.

Guys- I truly was just trying to bring a smile to your faces and those in KC that know me.. know thats just my personality. They also know that I dont even tour in the winter therefore this wasnt advertising.

Topic- Antidepressants cause this issue a lot for men... but cause worse issues if you stop taking them so you can enjoy that hour. They put you on them and then you have to take more meds for sexual needs. I suggest trying all other alternatives before starting meds. Sometimes depression is not truly depression, just a lack of certain hormones. Men and women have both testosterone and estrogen..and when they get unbalances the other makes up for it.. thus causing signs and symptoms of depression...I know many SO who are no longer interested in sex, lay around and are depressed... but a simple estrogen replacement and BAM... they are boinking like rabid monkeys! Many doctors just ASSUME that if you have something bad in your past that damnit youre depressed.

(BAM! I have a brain and beauty! Ms Athena... we should do lunch. I can totally teach you how to be nice and anything else you need so you can be happy and not attack people are are simply just bringing a smile to ones face..instead of assuming the worst in people xoxox)