Ironic That Trump Loves The Military And Generals But Was A Draft Dodger !

Both Clinton and Trump did everything possible to avoid serving in the military. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
But they did it legally.. Which is not draft dodging.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
But they did it legally.. Which is not draft dodging. Originally Posted by garhkal
So you're saying Clinton did NOT dodge the draft? Very different opinion than many on the right on this forum. No laws were broken by either. So legally neither was a draft dodger. I know you are a proud military veteran. Are you proud of the actions that either Clinton or Trump took in avoiding military service?
LexusLover's Avatar

Clinton didn't follow the law and failed to comply with his commitment to which he agreed to prolong his processing.

Distinctively distinguishable histories.

This topic has been thrashed on here before.

If a comparison were made Clinton better fits the definition of a "draft dodger" by his actions and inactions.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
From Snopes!

That Bill Clinton went to great lengths to avoid the Vietnam-era draft, that he used political connections to obtain special favors, and that he made promises and commitments which he later failed to honor, are all beyond dispute.
.... the "promises and commitments" were based on "the law" in the form of existing regulations and POTUS EO's!
So you're saying Clinton did NOT dodge the draft? Very different opinion than many on the right on this forum. No laws were broken by either. So legally neither was a draft dodger. I know you are a proud military veteran. Are you proud of the actions that either Clinton or Trump took in avoiding military service? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
This came up during the 2016 election. Trump promised not to get us into any new wars. He would have been drafted into a very unpopular war, Vietnam. President Trump pretty much has the vet and current servicemen's vote.
LexusLover's Avatar
President Trump pretty much has the vet and current servicemen's vote. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He also appears to prefer pussy, as opposed to pussies.
#ObamaGate ObamaGate Obama-Gate

Today News Video 05:59 Minutes Feb-07-2018; Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Since " Perfesser " Stan Dininshit has you on ignore, I figured I'd force him to see this post of yours IFFY ! Thought ought to get him fouling his Depends !
Meyerland, floating in the Fountain! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Another post for Stan Dininshit to cringe and shit over ! His Mom's got to hate when he steals her computer and logs onto this site and forum ! She gets to change EVEN MORE of his Depends after he's been on here for a while !
LexusLover's Avatar
AHis Mom's got to hate when he steals her computer and logs onto this site and forum ! She gets to change EVEN MORE of his Depends after he's been on here for a while ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
She may be hoping it will influence his/her gender selection.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This came up during the 2016 election. Trump promised not to get us into any new wars. He would have been drafted into a very unpopular war, Vietnam. President Trump pretty much has the vet and current servicemen's vote. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So what's your point? I was drafted into a very unpopular war. Vietnam. I had had bone spurs in both heels at various times during my life. The bone spur pain comes and goes and at least in my case was far from constant. Maybe I wasn't smart enough to bring that up during my physical. But my goal was not to avoid military service at all costs.
Both Clinton and Trump did everything possible to avoid serving in the military. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Did they commit a criminal violation to avoid serving?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Did they commit a criminal violation to avoid serving?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I responded to that question earlier. In my opinion, no. What I believe is that both Clinton and Trump did everything they could to get out of serving in the military. Did Trump REALLY have bone spurs so severe that he couldn't serve his country? Only he can answer that question.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
That’s true and so does most of America, and your point is? Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Did you serve?
I responded to that question earlier. In my opinion, no. What I believe is that both Clinton and Trump did everything they could to get out of serving in the military. Did Trump REALLY have bone spurs so severe that he couldn't serve his country? Only he can answer that question. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think there are many ways to serve your country and the people that occupy it besides donning a uniform and toting a rife and going thousands of miles away to risk your life or to kill another human being that you have no quarrel with in a foreign land just because your country thinks you should. Trump went in a different direction, he didn't do it illegally and he has made some impressive contributions here at home. I don't hold it against him that he didn't serve in the Military. He's serving his country as President, it doesn't get much better than that.

LexusLover's Avatar
Did Trump REALLY have bone spurs so severe that he couldn't serve his country? Only he can answer that question. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's an untrue statement. If that were a true statement probably 90% of those drafted in the 60's would not have "served"! His official records will reflect that determination based on the medical evidence received by the board who authorized his deferment. That is the "legal" method, even if the cops don't stop you and say it's "against the law."

On the other hand ... Clinton deceived and lied. His propensity for LYING continued into his Presidency during which he LIED AGAIN to the American people and yet again under oath as DETERMINED by a Federal Judge presiding over the preceding in which he lied under oath. Lying on documents utilized by the Federal Government is a felony, whether you "think" it is or not and even if the cops don't stop you and say it's "against the law."

You're about as qualified at legal analysis as you are predicting the outcomes of Presidential elections. Zip!
LexusLover's Avatar
I think there are many ways to serve your country .....

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim, these same full of shit loudmouths whined about Bush II not "really serving" in the military, because he was in the "Air Guard" and it ended up with fake paper work in an attempt to prove he was AWOL.

You are wasting your good sense on them. They NEVER criticize Obaminable or PERJURY BILL for NOT SERVING IN THE MILITARY but will argue about somone's "bone spur" .... trying to ignore reality.