Leaving the eccie board

Wayward's Avatar
Is calling someone a CPUP, considered bashing and isn't that the very thing that is running Guilty Pleasures off? Because that would be kind of ironical and stuff.
boardman's Avatar
Assholes - Proceed to the Mens Only arena
Potential Clients, Providers - Proceed or stay in the Sandbox and Co-Ed, feel free to roam where you are allowed
Those that thinck they have superior intellect - Proceed to Diamonds and Tuxedos.
Providers who want to bitch or share data - go to the Ladies Arena
Cats - roam around a you like but use the litterbox/sandbox as needed
If your provider is 10 minutes late - Proceed to the alerts area.
If you want bad advise - proceed to the Questions Of Legalities area

THERE! Fixed it for ya! Originally Posted by angelinadream
In a nutshell........
+1 to that. GP, sorry you decided to leave.

It is sad that a few chest-pounding useless pricks are driving both ladies and guys either off completely or limiting their involvement

But as long as the owners permit that nonscense there is nothing any of us can do

Good luck and stay in touch Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
boardman's Avatar
I was just about to PM her for an appointment.
dearhunter's Avatar
boardman, she is not quitting....I thinck you should go in and toftt.
you guys are a mess
It is sad that a few chest-pounding useless pricks are driving both ladies and guys either off completely or limiting their involvement

But as long as the owners permit that nonscense there is nothing any of us can do Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Good luck on going somewhere else to advertise.

This provider is free to do whatevers she wants, stay or go, no one's MAKING her stay, no one's MAKING her go, it's completely her decision. No need to try and blame this on either posters or owners, they're irrelevant to her decision, if you want to blame someone, blame her for choosing to do it, otherwise, just wish her well.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-19-2010, 01:02 PM
Good luck on going somewhere else to advertise.

This provider is free to do whatevers she wants, stay or go, no one's MAKING her stay, no one's MAKING her go, it's completely her decision. No need to try and blame this on either posters or owners, they're irrelevant to her decision, if you want to blame someone, blame her for choosing to do it, otherwise, just wish her well. Originally Posted by Wakeup
You are correct in half of what you say!! But that doesn't change the acknowledgement of the presence of Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks as being part of the equation... irrelevant ? I don't think so!!

blowpop's Avatar
I agree with Brooke,im seriously considering it myself. I love your posts babe dont leave completely. I think we ladies are not wanted in Coed so lets stay in our area like the cavemen want. Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
I understand how you could feel this way, and it makes me sad that it's getting to this point.

I hope the owners mods don't allow a handful of jerks to drive Eccie into the ground.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
You are correct in half of what you say!! But that doesn't change the acknowledgement of the presence of Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks as being part of the equation... irrelevant ? I don't think so!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz

You are in an open forum..... The "Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks" are going to be a part of ANY open forum!! You have an ignore button, USE IT!

Don't get me wrong, I am not condeming the actions of those who frequently piss people off, but if they are within the rules of the board, then you have no leg to stand on. You can simply choose to ignore them and not read what they write. It makes about as much sense to bash those guys as it does to cancel your cable company because they continue to carry channels that make you upset. Is it me or has the whining come to an all time high around here lately? There are PLENTY of forums here to interact with others. There are areas where the Jackasses roam and post frequently! If you pay attention at all you can see that! If you do not like it, simply CHANGE THE FORUMS you read!

GP, I am very sorry you feel this way, but from someone who claims they have a profecient use of the ignore button you have decieded to take the "I'm taking my ball and going home" tactic? Do you honestly think that joining another board will remove this annoyance from you? Or will it simply be replaced by a new set of assholes? But by all means.... the very best of luck to you and I'm sorry you feel this is your only out.......

I know lots of well respected Houston ladies are considering leaving right now. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Everyone has choices to make in this world, the OP included, and I respect her decision to make a choice and hopefully stick to it. I applaud her for taking a stand for what she believes is right and doing something that she thinks is right. Well done OP, you're an example of the type of person who thinks for herself and doesn't let others make her choices for her.

For the rest of you "considering" it. Make your choice and live with it, I'll respect you to the moon for making it, whether I agree with you or not. However don't think for a minute that anyone's going to give two shits that you're just "considering" anything...
But that doesn't change the acknowledgement of the presence of Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks as being part of the equation... Originally Posted by MrGiz
Actually, what I said entirely changes the acknowledgement of the presence of Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks as being part of the equation. I don't acknowledge the existence of any Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks on this board, so they can't possibly be part of the equation.

Does that clear up any confusion about what I posted?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Sheesh, Wakeup...Pounding my chest while I ululate is my personal favorite way to kick off courtship....and I haven't done anything productive in years. Really.

I do agree with you, however, regarding the OP's decision. It's her decision; we can respect it or not. I respect it. Anytime a shmb gets to be too much to bear leaving is probably wise.
boardman's Avatar
boardman, she is not quitting....I thinck you should go in and toftt. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Probably shouldn't use Monkeypaw's handle while trying to schedule, Huh?
You are in an open forum..... The "Chest-Pounding Useless Pricks" are going to be a part of ANY open forum!! You have an ignore button, USE IT! Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Open forums are like small communities. You are right. Those prick will be anywhere you go. But some will have less than others depending on how much management tolerate or control them. People voicing are just trying to express their opinion before they themselves have no choice but to move out of this community like GP.

For example, why do you think neighborhood around Houston are different? In my neighborhood, I can have my garage door open and don't have to worry about my car got stolen. I cannot say the same for the place where I go to work. We got break in twice this year already. Police there don't even care. They have more serious stuff on their hands. So some people who cannot take those shit will move out (remember local tax dollars will also go out with them), home prices go down, criminals and illegals move in and neighborhood becomes a shitting place. Remember, everything it is a cascade effect.

Since this board is privately owned, it is on owner and mods to decide what kind of community they envisioned. The rest of you decide whether this board is for you or not. Of course we all have right to complaint, request, protest whatever going on as the last resort because we all love eccie and like to stay, otherwise we won't be on here in the first place.