Preferred method of securing a deposit for 'Fly me to you' dates?

I use , popmoney, cash, and money orders for 50% deposits.

There are certain situations that may arise which constitute me fully refunding their deposit.

An overnight with me means there's not going to be sleeping. Any time frame past an overnight requires planned activities.

Question for the OP....are you traveling out of the country with your client? If so that is a whole different ball game. Originally Posted by Allure
There ya go!
I enjoy over nights and always discuss the rate before hand. Please understand that I also buy things for the lady when we are together. A date that involves traveling to another city with me paying for all expenses is what I always do. I only do this after I have been with the lady and know she will except the terms. No there is not 24 hours of sex but there is 24 hours of companion ship.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts everyone

And it's amazing to me how even a thread like this can attract bit of drama
For those with prior experience, what is your preferred payment method of securing/paying for a deposit for a 'Fly me to you' travel date?

And how much of an initial deposit do you ladies like to secure, or you gents feel is suitable? 25%? 50%?

I only do over nights or extended excursions with women I have dated in the past. There is a trust between us before I would set up the affair so sending her the air fare or in the last case I purchased the round trip ticket for her to pick up at the counter. I can not fathom doing that with a stranger. The trust and knowledge from past dates allows the two of us to work out all of the money items before we get very far. For instance I have trust in Emerald7 to do what she has agreed to do. Several others that I have enjoyed would fall into that category. But there are a couple that I have been with that I check to see if I still have my watch. I hope that you may feel that way about several that you know. Dallas Rain is one lady that I would trust to follow through with what ever she said she would do. Please don't lump all of us guys into the SOB group just as I don't lump all of the women I have met as not trust worthy.
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There are certain situations that may arise which constitute me fully refunding their deposit. Originally Posted by Allure
Yep if she cancels for any reason after taking money, I want it right back just as fast as I sent it. Pussy credit and coupons for a free session later won't do. That why I like western union....cold hard cash and right back in my pocket.

An overnight with me means there's not going to be sleeping. Originally Posted by Allure
Nah Ima sleep. A lot of ladies talk a good game in this regard but can't really back it up......or they really don't prefer it but will tolerate it for more money. She can stay up if she want.....but basically if I'm satisfied Ill be knocked out......if you have just sufficed I might give you a nudge on the shoulder in an hour or two. But while I'm sleep she is welcome to stay up while I recharge, maybe even might let her massage me while I lazily slumber lol......

Yeah the ladies really never crash much...maybe cat naps and intermttent sleeping. If I'm knocked out as a client she has drained me and caused me to slumber. She got to have a full menu with swallows for that. If I'm awake every two hours or so seeking more pussy in increments she not hustling enough. But usually Id say I have sex in a twelve hour appointment 7 hours and intermittent sleep for 5.

I'm not paid in hopes to merely get laid, I bring loot to knock boots. The dinner date, nights on the town, interesting contrived banter, chatting about current events, mental teasing, etc is all a mere garnish on a plate of meat and potatoes (i.e. sex) I would rather partake in.

I'll dig up your posts in a bit, but you post every time there's a mention of overnights. You've mentioned ladies cutting out on you early, expecting dinner, same-day overnight appointments, and getting all their money at the end instead of up front. And I'm not saying it's all your fault. A woman that lets a man low-ball her rates or gets into a situation before knowing what's expected gets what she asks for. But where you do falter is taking advantage of this naivety. It shows in the advice you give. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I'm not taking advantage of anyone. They know what's up before they come through the door, as I'm honest about what I'm seeking. I just recognize games some unsavory ladies will play. Not all but some.

And who am I taking advantage of. That makes no sense. You can't low ball a rate when its agreed to. If she doesn't want to do it she will simply say no. Simple as that....or saying yes.

You still didn't answer my question, what do you determine to be a low-tier aka "ratchet" overnight rate. Either way you slice it.....its a multihour booking. It isn't cheap in any regard cause you paying more in bulk in one serving......

Just from your expectations, paying less should never be an option. My fair price for my overnight is on MY website. I can't dictate what others charge. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
You posted this in another thread

Okay ladies, this is why you price your overnights according to expectations. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Fair, I don't agree, I shouldn't have to pay more for anything. That's called an upsell if she already has rates posted. And I wouldn't entertain too much of a deviation in rate if she didn't have rates posted. I inquire about rates first usually. And then after, I ask about what her preferences are in respect to mine and her experience with it if any. If for example she quoted me 1300 for an overnight rate she didn't have posted.....then I inquired if she could accommodate my preferences....and she said she could for a rate hike of 200 to 400 more I would pass. That doesn't show me any motivation for her to do it besides money. And its a hidden hint to me that she doesn't accommodate to that type of session and really wouldn't prefer it......just tolerate it. No fun there.

Now as far as your overnight....yes you have two rates. One that is lesser at 2000 if more of the time booked is used for nonsexual activities basically.......on going out to dinner, a play or movie, etc. and that's cool, milk that time away....if he's with that more power to ya......less time you have to er uh....perform. A dude like me will go to dinner and go out, and Id still want 12 hours in the bedroom. Ill book early in the afternoon if I really wanted to go out. But that's up to me....shouldn't be forced. Most times ladies have been appreciative and not even counted a dinner date or going out against my time. If I thought for a second she would, I probably wouldn't see her.

And least we forget. Some ladies rates are low. If she offers me an overnight for 1000, with the condition we do outside activities such as dinner, movie, clubbing, etc......that increases her rate in a way. If I saw another lady with an advertised rate of 1300 with no disclaimer about going might be more tempting. More of a value than the cheaper rated one who needed preparations.

But we all know not ALL females some guys would see they would be caught dead with in public. Sometimes I don't desire to take certain females out.......sometimes I just wanna keep it homely. Have food and drinks there. In that case via your website the price hike is up to 2500. Which in my opinion is less tempting and raises my own personal suspicions.

But before you say anything under 2000 dollars for an overnight booking is a ratchet priced overnight rate.......keep in mind you initial hourly rates are 400 dollars. That's semi HDH rates. So your scenario is far different from other ladies with rates lower than yours, especially for your body type. Deposit wise touring, I would still stick to my guns and not pay above 800 if it was your reg overnight at 2G; if I was booking the 2500 rate I wouldn't pay you above 1000 for the deposit. Both scenarios show inclined interest in seeing you.....if she didn't take it as that...more power to her, and on to the next one.

I can't dictate what others charge. But I know when you said 40% of her total was 400 I know somebody wasn't happy. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Don't know or care if she was happy, but she was willing. And that's all I needed to solidify the deal.

Now for other ladies in other cities I frequent. Anywhere between 800 to 1300 is the average rate. Probably moreso 1000 for repputables with reviews, and maybe 600 to 800 tops for BP only chicks. And a lot of ladies have initial hourly rates that range from 200 to 300. So in the case of an offered 1000 dollar overnight I wouldn't pay above 400 for the deposit, 200 if she's driving. Its the same scenario. And ladies usually attach that to a tour anyway. So theres less exclusivity. (yeah I made that up lol.)

Now obviously if its someone I've seen I probably wouldn't care either way. Id pay the full thing in advance...or the fifty percent as most have said they would. But in that scenario she has more leeway because I know she's worth the gamble when she arrives.

If not a chick better send me some sexy pics, or talk dirty enough to me verbally or via text to get the next set of western union confirmation numbers for that deposit. Ima benefit with something in dis.......

Initiating or accepting an overnight appointment withing 24 hours is asking for trouble. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I usually at the very least will let girls know 12 hours in advance. And I book late night appointments 8pm or later usually. I never had a lady reject my offer for the simple reason of needing 24 to 48 hours advance notice. Maybe a touring lady maybe. I've had ladies try to pull strings and cancel appointments to fit me in.......but never a cold hard no. But hey even if she says no I respect that.

I'm not trying to come down on you, but your advice is that of a man who bargain shops, and gets burned. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
So paying more $$$ defines less chance of unsavory and non legit ladies, whoda thunk it......

I never said that you 'beat' anyone out of any money. It's just that you know what to expect when you're dealing with some BP girl who has never done an overnight or a dinner date, as opposed to a woman who has that experience, and understands what's expected of her. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
And what is expected to make it fair is more money principally...yeah I got it. Provider sisterhood got it.

A real man gives a lady what is on her website. That way he doesn't get a less than desirable performance, or to feel like she's done something for free. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Nah its all for the looks usually. I will admit some ladies stick to those rates. But I have been in situations where ladys charged me less for the overnight rate advertised and instructed me to include the higher rate in the review. Overnights seem to be a very situational rate indeed, and definitely negotiable. But maybe I'm just lucky.....who knows. Providers just mimic other ladys rates in the area more times often than not.

And there's nothing wrong with offering a friend a special rate. But sometimes taking advantage of a lady's desperation is not all it's cracked up to be. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Hey her "hidden" end of month special is none of my business, she can refuse it if she needs to.

Old post in another thread that you might say now in this case lol.

I have two separate rates for my four hour dates as well as my overnight appointments because of this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a good back-blowing session as long as there are water/wine breaks in between. But I price them accordingly so that I can enjoy myself instead feeling slighted.

I can see what she was doing price-wise. Hell, she could sleep with 5 guys with MSOG all day long, or one guy. Her last worry should have been whether or not her cookie was sore. That was inevitable no matter her decision.

And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with expecting a sex machine for 12 hours, as long as you pay fair price. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
You feel slighted doing more sexual performing....and I feel slighted with the upsell hike in the rate for less physical bedroom time. Kudos I get it lol.