New Video Footage Shows Trump Assassin Clearly Visible From Trumps Podium. How Could Secret Service Miss This? Obviously An Inside Job.

TechPapi's Avatar
FBI has nothing to do with the Secret Service. That video says nothing about what the SS could see from their vantage point. It was a matter of 3 or 4 seconds of exposure when moving 200 yards away. The closest sniper had their view blocked by a tree. The further away snipers were looking the other way to the left side of the crowd.

A lot went wrong here, communication break down mostly. The cop that peaked up on the roof and saw him should have at a minimum fired his weapon as soon as he could. Not at the shooter but just as a signal. The SS would have tackled trump before the shooter had a chance and it would have alerted the rooftop snipers where to look. Originally Posted by royamcr

Thanks for pointing that little factoid out. TIL trump supporters think the Secret Service works for the FBI. Sadly, I'm not surprised. That sort of ignorant non-factoid also explains a lot of the other shit they post in various threads.
Precious_b's Avatar
Thanks for pointing that little factoid out. TIL trump supporters think the Secret Service works for the FBI. Sadly, I'm not surprised. That sort of ignorant non-factoid also explains a lot of the other shit they post in various threads. Originally Posted by TechPapi
I think they are still in De-Nile about one of their own doing the deed.

Proof positive that they eat their own.