Encounter: Kymberly aka Ava

Mr.Random's Avatar
Southgate we know his reviews are legit ,consider the source BB. I dont supply rides to and from its 2 hrs out of my day and If they need the donations that bad Canoeman they will find a way .thanks for the review Warren Originally Posted by Scoot642
Nobody cares about the idiot bugle.. and i myself have seen many "senior" members give bullshit or misleading encounter reports.. mayb warren is telling the truth and boatman is mistaken.. or mayb boatman knows something that proves it bullshit.. who knows really.. this site is full of bullshit.. it comes with the lifestyle.. but you all know that right?.. how could you not
I don’t think this is BB, I think it’s another member that used to post a lot, more his writing style, insults etc. Just my opinion, could care less either way, not sure why you would spend your time doing this.
Anyone who doesn’t believe she’s legit, fine, don’t call her. I really couldn’t give 2 shits lol. More time for her to spend with me!
The original Ava- the one who posted on STG, and was robbing guys ( w/her boyfriend) is most definitely visiting her uncle for a lengthy visit. Not
To say there say there isn’t someone using her name, or pics.
Or just young enough to pass for her. But the original Ava isn’t around.
This ain’t her, genius
This the one who used to also go by something like Kimberly Puff Puff? Wore braces?
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Anyone who doesn’t believe she’s legit, fine, don’t call her. I really couldn’t give 2 shits lol. More time for her to spend with me! Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
She'll spend more time with you or anyone else as long as you hand over your funds.. you think if less ppl call her; that she's gonna get bored and think to herself.. "think i'll go hang with warren on my free time"..lmao.. if you have nothing to offer (cash, ride, place to stay, connections, ect..) then these girls wouldn't give the time of day.. mayb you don't give 2 shits, but others like to know if bullshit is being fed.. if that hurts ur feelings a bit getting to the bottom of it.. now that's something nobody gives 2 shits about..lol
So says the guy who hasn’t written one review in his life. Gtfo! Lmao
Mr.Random's Avatar
So says the guy who hasn’t written one review in his life. Gtfo! Lmao Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Is that a requirement on this site? I have my own reasons for that.. and i'm certainly not dumb enough to be friends on social media with many of the worst hags from stg; like you are.. does that make ya feel like you're actual friends with them?.. I'd rather not be connected to any of them on any format.. including through this site numbnuts.. girls talk..lol.. like i said.. srry your feelings got hurt.. so yeah.. you GTFO!..Lmfao
Whoever said I’m using my real fb account to connect with them? There you go again, making assumptions that you simply can’t substantiate. Maybe one of these days you’ll grow enough balls to see someone and actually write a review, as opposed to making one useless comment after another. So yeah, buddy, until then- gtfo! LOL
Mr.Random's Avatar
Whoever said I’m using my real fb account to connect with them? There you go again, making assumptions that you simply can’t substantiate. Maybe one of these days you’ll grow enough balls to see someone and actually write a review, as opposed to making one useless comment after another. So yeah, buddy, until then- gtfo! LOL Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
I don't need to write about them.. what do ya wanna know.. who has the tightest pussy.. or who drags their teeth the worst on a bj?..lol.. i don't need premium status.. for what.. to read your reviews?..lol.. what assumptions.. they're connected to you.. real name or not dummy.. and listen.. if you're that lonely that you need to pretend that you're actual friends through FB.. then just get a cat or dog.. lol..
Well, in case you haven’t heard, this site is all about sharing information. You share zilch. So yeah, your level of contribution is roughly equal to BB. You simply serve no purpose here.
Mr.Random's Avatar
Well, in case you haven’t heard, this site is all about sharing information. You share zilch. So yeah, your level of contribution is roughly equal to BB. You simply serve no purpose here. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Actually i have shared useful info; specifically potential dangerous issues or situations to other members.. potentially dangerous escorts.. ya know. like 1 of your "friends" crazy kelly..lol.. just because you care nothing about that is your choice.. you just worry about you.. and equal to bb?.. smarten up will ya.. obviously you don't read so well..lol
Yeah you really warned us about all the hobby-related dangers that exist out there. What a true Boy Scout you are LOL. When you’re done patting yourself on the back, again, make yourself useful, go see someone and write your first review. I know you can do it.