Islam & tribalism in the mid-east

First off, Islam has only been around for 1400 years; hence, you notion that Islam could have been at peace for "thousandS" of years is utter bullshit. In fact, it's been at war for the majority of that 1400 years, and still is. You'd be the supercilious ignoramus attempting to erase history with your complete and utter ignorance of the subject. Get an education. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh yes where is this school of racism I should educate myself at...I want to be just like u when I grow up! I do like how u pointed out a mistake but ignored the TRUTH racists ALWAYS try to change the subject #alllivesmatter type shit hahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh yes where is this school of racism I should educate myself at...I want to be just like u when I grow up! I do like how u pointed out a mistake but ignored the TRUTH racists ALWAYS try to change the subject #alllivesmatter type shit hahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes
"Change the subject" to actual facts, and not the bullshit you're espousing. Your claim that the Middle East has been at peace for thousands of years is bullshit, and your illiterate, lib-retarded ass can find that in any ordinary high school history book.
First off, Islam has only been around for 1400 years; hence, you notion that Islam could have been at peace for "thousandS" of years is utter bullshit. In fact, it's been at war for the majority of that 1400 years, and still is. You'd be the supercilious ignoramus attempting to erase history with your complete and utter ignorance of the subject. Get an education. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But, but, but, per her list, # 13, the rags " invented " COFFEE ! So much for her knowledge of agronomy and agriculture !
gfejunkie's Avatar
There's your problem right there. You should be proud to be an American... Period!

This hyphenation shit has got to stop! You're either with us or you're against us.
Make up your fuckin' mind.
pyramider's Avatar
The only people I blame are the richest people around, their the ones who CONTROL EVERYTHING, including America & it's purchased & manipulated "presidents".


No culture/people/race is PERFECT...but all that racist shit is disgusting & honestly just makes me feel sorry for people who think like that. But calling me names... does not hurt me one iota...just proves YOU HAVE NO POINT JUST IGNORANCE & HATRED. Because if you had a point u would have made it. LMFAO Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes

Blame the ones who drew the lines in the sand, the British. Blame the sultan who needed the British to pay his bills. Blame the proper fuckheads ... The US is not without blame but the blame of the US is maybe for 50 years.

Your arguments will carry more weight if you posted taint photos.
There's your problem right there. You should be proud to be an American... Period!

This hyphenation shit has got to stop! You're either with us or you're against us.
Make up your fuckin' mind. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Who the hell are you to tell me what to be proud of and not to be proud of I speak English and Arabic fluently read and write it to I'm proud to be an Arab and like I said before you guys can suck my big fat arab ditties lol it's nothing to me
But it's nice to see grown man acting like little girls with their panties all crunched in a bunch loosen up go get your little pre per sucked or something... so much hate and anger over what little ol me think of myself LOL
Blame the ones who drew the lines in the sand, the British. Blame the sultan who needed the British to pay his bills. Blame the proper fuckheads ... The US is not without blame but the blame of the US is maybe for 50 years.

Your arguments will carry more weight if you posted taint photos. Originally Posted by pyramider
Right but we're not going to blame the u.s. for what happened in Iraq LOL even though America has bombed more countries than all the countries in the world combined have bombed others America's still the innocent :-) right that makes complete sense how stupid of me! Stupid arab! Hahaha
There's your problem right there. You should be proud to be an American... Period!

This hyphenation shit has got to stop! You're either with us or you're against us.
Make up your fuckin' mind. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I'm 100% Arab...runs threw my veins & 100% American grew up here...I'm a direct product of AMERICAN SOCIETY...I know that's hard for u to understand...but it ok...take a deep breath... and try to relax it's 2016 people fly and people communicate on the internet so people mix. Try to take another deep breath everything is going to be ok we're not going to try to take your American or whiteness away from you.

LMFAO @ PICK A SIDE...NO GREY NO PURPLE NO RED...JUST BLACK & WHITE...I CHOOSE pink hope that's ok with you mr. PickaSIDE?

How about you just stopping a racist than you will have to worry about what side anybody else's picking but yourself.
"Change the subject" to actual facts, and not the bullshit you're espousing. Your claim that the Middle East has been at peace for thousands of years is bullshit, and your illiterate, lib-retarded ass can find that in any ordinary high school history book. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I thought anybody could Google anything nowadays?

And sometimes my spell check does change things... let me guess that's impossible it could never happen! You're right I'm just stupid boo hoo hoo should I be sad?

You still neglect to comment on the 20+ FACTS I posted. Some people can never be helped not even with proper education because hatred comes from deep within your black heart.

As well as being educated does not mean that you're smarter than the guy that never went to school. Not saying I didn't I actually did go to college for biology and biochemistry not politics and history so there you have it your welcome to call that a big fat lie too if you like :-) unless you'd care to discuss microbiology and biochemistry over the phone where you won't have enough time to Google anything? Lol Google miester in the hooouuuse! Guess what Google schools free anybody can use it!
gfejunkie's Avatar
How about you just stopping a racist than you will have to worry about what side anybody else's picking but yourself. Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes
Nothing racist about it. You just need to figure out where your allegiances lie.

My ancestors came from Ireland. Do I call myself "Irish-American"?
Fuck no! I call myself an American.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I thought anybody could Google anything nowadays?

And sometimes my spell check does change things... let me guess that's impossible it could never happen! You're right I'm just stupid boo hoo hoo should I be sad?

You still neglect to comment on the 20+ FACTS I posted. Some people can never be helped not even with proper education because hatred comes from deep within your black heart.

As well as being educated does not mean that you're smarter than the guy that never went to school. Not saying I didn't I actually did go to college for biology and biochemistry not politics and history so there you have it your welcome to call that a big fat lie too if you like :-) unless you'd care to discuss microbiology and biochemistry over the phone where you won't have enough time to Google anything? Lol Google miester in the hooouuuse! Guess what Google schools free anybody can use it!
Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes
The way you are embarrassing yourself, you really should go hide in closet to cry, because your notion that the U.S. upset a region enjoying two thousand years of peace is complete and utter bullshit.

And you should really read up on Arab racism and the Arab Slave Trade that lasted from the 7th century into the 20th century -- that period of "peaceful coexistence" you regularly and idiotically recall.

And here's some more of that "peaceful coexistence" in 1964 Zanzibar. Zanzibar was a major Arab slave-trade center until the British forced an end to the trade in the 1870s:

James1588's Avatar
Right but we're not going to blame the u.s. for what happened in Iraq LOL even though America has bombed more countries than all the countries in the world combined have bombed others America's still the innocent :-) right that makes complete sense how stupid of me! Stupid arab! Hahaha Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes
Ameera, a few things that you must keep in mind:

1. History began on 11 September 2001. Nothing happened before that date. Nothing to see here, folks; move along. Move along.

2. America is a totally peaceloving country. Never mind that in the 240 years between 1776 and 2016, there's been maybe ten years, total, adding up a year here and a few months there and so forth, that us peaceloving Americans haven't been involved in at least one war (or "police action," or some other activity where bombs get dropped and people get shot). This, despite having vast oceans to the east and west, the Canadians to the north, and the Mexicans to the south. Never mind all that. Don't even think about it. If you do, you might become Less Than Patriotic. And that would be very, very bad.

3. America is the very free-est country anywhere. Yes, it is. Never mind that we imprison a larger fraction of our people than pretty much anywhere. Never mind that the reason we're all gathered here 'round the ECCIE campfire is illegal. Never mind that the NSA is hoovering up every bit of data that they can get their paws on, which is pretty much all of them. Never mind that "our" government uses "our" constitution for toilet paper. Never mind that kids selling lemonade on the sidewalk need licenses. Never mind that the flush capacity of every toilet here in the United States of Panopticon is dictated by DC. Never mind all that -- we're just the bestest!

So, just repeat all of that, over and over again. Soon you'll feel all better! Oh, and watch lots of teevee. That really helps.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ameera, a few things that you must keep in mind:

1. History began on 11 September 2001. Nothing happened before that date. Nothing to see here, folks; move along. Move along.

2. America is a totally peaceloving country. Never mind that in the 240 years between 1776 and 2016, there's been maybe ten years, total, adding up a year here and a few months there and so forth, that us peaceloving Americans haven't been involved in at least one war (or "police action," or some other activity where bombs get dropped and people get shot). This, despite having vast oceans to the east and west, the Canadians to the north, and the Mexicans to the south. Never mind all that. Don't even think about it. If you do, you might become Less Than Patriotic. And that would be very, very bad.

3. America is the very free-est country anywhere. Yes, it is. Never mind that we imprison a larger fraction of our people than pretty much anywhere. Never mind that the reason we're all gathered here 'round the ECCIE campfire is illegal. Never mind that the NSA is hoovering up every bit of data that they can get their paws on, which is pretty much all of them. Never mind that "our" government uses "our" constitution for toilet paper. Never mind that kids selling lemonade on the sidewalk need licenses. Never mind that the flush capacity of every toilet here in the United States of Panopticon is dictated by DC. Never mind all that -- we're just the bestest!

So, just repeat all of that, over and over again. Soon you'll feel all better! Oh, and watch lots of teevee. That really helps.
Originally Posted by James1588
You're the very personification of the axiom: "Ignorance is bliss." You're probably too stupid to have ever heard of the Barbary Wars if you stupidly imagine the U.S. didn't have problems with Islam prior to 9/11. You're probably also too stupid to remember what you were taught in high school about Islamic jihad overwhelming N Africa, destroying the Sasanian Empire and Byzantium, or the millions of Indians who were slaughtered by the Islamic Mughals. You'd be the one who flushed tax payer money down the toilet by failing to get the education American taxpayers bought and paid for.
James1588's Avatar
You're the very personification of the axiom: "Ignorance is bliss." You're probably too stupid to have ever heard of the Barbary Wars if you stupidly imagine the U.S. didn't have problems with Islam prior to 9/11. You're probably also too stupid to remember what you were taught in high school about Islamic jihad overwhelming N Africa, destroying the Sasanian Empire and Byzantium, or the millions of Indians who were slaughtered by the Islamic Mughals. You'd be the one who flushed tax payer money down the toilet by failing to get the education American taxpayers bought and paid for. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh, so you agree with my points 2 and 3, I guess.

Click to learn about sarcasm. (Or don't. America is, after all, the very most free-est country ever, anywhere!)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, so you agree with my points 2 and 3, I guess.

Click to learn about sarcasm. (Or don't. America is, after all, the very most free-est country ever, anywhere!)
Originally Posted by James1588
No agreement there, but you've made a greater ass out of yourself in assuming so.