Suggestions On The Best Cities In California?

I have only been to the Bay Area and Yosmite and Lake Tahoe, had a great time!!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Oh yes I forgot about Carmel. I owned a business in Salinas Ca and thats where we went to party etc. Beautiful coastline, golf courses, and if I remember correctly a place called Cannery Row where all the clubs and fine dining was. AND there's an army base there. Ft Ord
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I've been checking out all of your suggestions and doing some of my own research. I've heard great things about Santa Cruz...sounds like a funky little town. Thoughts?
onehitwonder's Avatar
Been there once about 20 yrs ago. All I remember is they have a boardwalk/carnival kinda thingy. Wonder if its still there....
I am from the Bay Area. "The City" aka SF is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet and everyone should visit at least once. But if you do, DON"T call it the "Ya Area" (LMAO - Don't know what you were smokin Wolfie, but I've never even heard that one!) And FOR GOD'S SAKE DON"T call it "Frisco"!! That's a sin, and maybe even a mortal one! (But thanks for the good laugh.)

But be warned--it is NOT hot or even particularly warm in SF in the summer. In fact in the summer its downright COLD until you drive a half an hour in any direction. Unless that direction is straight toward the coast--the "beaches" in SF are more frigid than a Victorian schoolmarm. Brrrrr!!! Stinson Beach about 20 miles north is a better choice. Locals tend to skip the beach and head inland to the Delta or one of the (many) lakes, but you gotta have a boat for that unless you go to Tahoe. (My home away from home!)

Santa Cruz is a cool place to hang out for about a day, but I've never considered a vacation there. Kinda quiet. The Boardwalk was mentioned--again, good for a day visit if ya want. Windy, though. The best beach towns are definately in Southern Cal.

Overall, CA is a HUGE state with a thousand kickass choices of where to go. It just depends on how long you are going to be there, what you want to do, and whether you are travelling solo or with a favorite other

Have fun!

GneissGuy's Avatar
Are you going there for business, pleasure, or both? Are you going to be providing?

Do you enjoy city, or wilderness, forest, mountains, desert, etc.?

Country girl or city girl?

I'm of the opinion that everyone needs to spend a few days wandering around the LA area just to have the experience of how the American dream can go right and wrong at the same time.
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
I am from the Bay Area. "The City" aka SF is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet and everyone should visit at least once. But if you do, DON"T call it the "Ya Area" (LMAO - Don't know what you were smokin Wolfie, but I've never even heard that one!) And FOR GOD'S SAKE DON"T call it "Frisco"!! That's a sin, and maybe even a mortal one! (But thanks for the good laugh.)
~~Casey Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
WHAT?! I grew up there and we sooo called it The Yay (area). Maybe it's the urban hip hop thing.

The Bay alone has all the same segments as Austin (the politiks, the hi-tek geeks, the cosmopolitan class, the students, the hippies, the hipsters, etc.) but times 10, so whatever type of adventure you're looking for, there's a good chance you can find it somewhere there. But then that makes recs difficult w/o more specific requests.

I 2nd Casey on Santa Cruz: not worth spending more than a day trip there. It can be a fun nightlife (small hip town w/ a big university) but I don't think worth a stay.