Terrorist, Suicide Bombers Strike In Paris!!

LexusLover's Avatar
Just look at how bad things are in and around Israel. It's one big armed camp with walls everywhere to isolate the Muslim population. And STILL they are having all of these lone wolf attacks by Muslims with cars and knives. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Apples and oranges.

Wait for the recent attackers to be identified.

Nationality and manner of entrance into the country.

We have the same problem with our borders.

Did you hear Rivera last night talking with his daughter who was at the soccer game at the time of the attack? His past remarks have now been effectively recanted. When this shit "hits home" locally, the shit will hit the fan!!! It did with him.
Y'all watch... We will pay for and put Islamo terrorists on a plane. Then fly them from Europe to Trayvonville, USSA... Good Times, Good Times!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It's going to be a civil war in Europe. So, no, they won't be using nukes on themselves.

Bombing Syria or elsewhere won't end bombings in London, Paris, Munich and elsewhere by homegrown jihadis and the communities that support them. Only expulsion from those countries will.

Which is why I think that the native European populations will eventually have to rise up unless there is some kind of Enlightenment in Islam (fat chance).

Just look at how bad things are in and around Israel. It's one big armed camp with walls everywhere to isolate the Muslim population. And STILL they are having all of these lone wolf attacks by Muslims with cars and knives. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You forget what the Europeans have done before. Churchill allowed Coventry to be bombed into rubble in order to prevent the Germans from realizing that the English had broken their code.

The English bombed the shit out of Germany and the French sub pens in order to win a war.

The Germans tried to destroy an entire population of people because of prejudice and fear (Jews and Soviets).

The French dumped thousands of Algerian rebels out of planes on the way to Paris and were known for cutting the throats of French collaborators.

Pushed into a corner I know that the Europeans will make a hard choice and take the fight to where ever it takes them; Muslim enclaves in France, Germany, and England or Syria but more likely Tehran. Even Mecca could be an ultimate target. In for a penny, in for a pound. (English idiom)

Not necessary to go nuclear locally but Europeans do have a history of having their police go to the machine gun for simple crimes. Think of what they would do to suspected terrorists.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Apples and oranges.

Wait for the recent attackers to be identified.

they've been identified now .. or rather the "usual suspect" has claimed responsibility

ISIS Claims Deadly Paris Attacks, 'First of the Storm'


Nationality and manner of entrance into the country.

We have the same problem with our borders.

Did you hear Rivera last night talking with his daughter who was at the soccer game at the time of the attack? His past remarks have now been effectively recanted. When this shit "hits home" locally, the shit will hit the fan!!! It did with him. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Apparently the "source" of the "claim" is important in the assessment of the credibility.

At least we "know" it was a movie that pissed them off.
I feel sorry for the poor "moderate" Muslims that have to take the brunt of the shame of these acts while they speak out against their fellow Islamists. Can anyone tell me where that is happening outside of the White House?
LexusLover's Avatar
I feel sorry for the poor "moderate" Muslims that have to take the brunt of the shame of these acts while they speak out against their fellow Islamists. Can anyone tell me where that is happening outside of the White House? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think the White House (staff) is rummaging through some discarded rental videos in an attempt to explain the source of the anger of the disgruntled poor people who slaughtered those innocent people in Paris.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe it was something that Jerry Lewis did....40 years ago.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Apparently the "source" of the "claim" is important in the assessment of the credibility.

At least we "know" it was a movie that pissed them off. Originally Posted by LexusLover

well now that at least one press report states ISIS has claimed responsibility it's unlikely they (ISIS) are going to recant.

the scope of this attack indicates coordination which means money. it's very unlikely a small group on its own could amass the equipment for this without assistance at least indirectly, most likely directly, from a larger group.
I think the White House (staff) is rummaging through some discarded rental videos in an attempt to explain the source of the anger of the disgruntled poor people who slaughtered those innocent people in Paris. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm waiting for Susan "Rat Face" Rice to come out and explain why it is every bodies fault EXCEPT the Religious Fanatics who follow the teachings of a 7th Century Genocidall Pedophile.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a news report now states that German police intercepted a car loaded with weapons and explosives on Nov 5th. it's being speculated the person arrested was part of the planned attack on Paris, bringing in supplies. Germany is likely going to take some heat for not raising the alarm, at least privately, with other Euro nations about the arrest.

obviously the suspect is refusing to talk, I'm not sure how far Germany was expected to go to gather Intelligence here? waterboard the guy? regardless of the horrific nature of the 9/11 attack, I'm not in favor of outright torture to gather intelligence. first and foremost, it's not what the USA stands for as a nation, and it's unreliable also. everyone has a breaking point and all Intelligence agencies know that a person under such extreme torture will simply say anything to make it stop.

Just remember, the French, the Germans, and the English have nuclear weapons. If they backed into a corner all three have demonstrated that they can go all the way if necessary though it has been a few years.

In the early 60s the French had to deal with Muslim terrorists in Algeria. The story for the longest time was the thousands of suspected terrorists got on a plane for Paris (and questioning) but never got off the plane following the fight over the Med. See General Paul Aussaresses who said, years later, that the stories were true. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
" Parachute " lessons ? Without the chutes ?
I'm waiting for Susan "Rat Face" Rice to come out and explain why it is every bodies fault EXCEPT the Religious Fanatics who follow the teachings of a 7th Century Genocidall Pedophile. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+ 1 !!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar