Rochester in the Past

Doc, you are right that there is this perception, justified or not, that Buffalo is not very hospitable to touring ladies. Some have complained to me about the lack of bookings or the last-minute cancellations. I hope we collectively can resolve to change that. And, of course, we should appreciate our local talents. I certainly try to.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Rochester has always had a lot of action. But the game has changed alot over the years. In the 70 and 80. Most of the non-street was in restaurants and bars. In back or upstairs, along with a poker game. One place was not much more than a hotdog stand on Broad st. In the back a poker game. Upstairs girls. Bars also had after hours fun. Park your car far from the bar. Bar would lock the door. And it would look as closed. But it was a hot show inside. The hobby has change a lot over the years. But has alway been good if you knew where to find it. Now most of it on the web.

AC in a better day got many of the providers and swingers from Canada, Buffalo, and even Batavia(by the bus load from Batavia).

I do not see Buffalo as the armpit. More of better providers may still be just out of site. The buffalo girls on this board look good to me. But others I bet are there. Just not playing the game in the open, or on the web. Just hidden and in part, who you know, and where to look.
jokacz's Avatar
Just hidden and in part, who you know, and where to look.[/QUOTE]

Last time I looked "who you know" envolved some guy named Tony or Paulie who buys his suits at Napoli's and lives in Spaulding Lake. I'm not going to subsidize that cottage industry. I've met a few of their UTRs and took a pass. I'll just continue to head east and support the great indies of Roc.
Count me guilty jokacz about the exit 49 area the girls stay because it's proximity for me is best and when I request a touring girl visit I suggest that area. I can't think of one time when I asked a girl to visit here I did not meet them. Unless they stayed at a hotel I refused to go to and there are a few of those. That happened once. I always tell the girls what area and where to stay away from. Texas girls are the best with Kinky Niki, lilmissmelissa, jaimelynn, krystalx leading the way.

I agree with so much that has been said here from milf to gilf and to each his own about the local girls. For me, some of them are the best. And Jack mentioned Ohio girls, one of my biggest disappointments last December was when Roxie was supposed to visit with Lilagfe. No bookings for lila so the trip was canceled. I found out too late to meet Roxie as I thought both did not make the trip. That was a duo I was looking forward to as I had met each one before. Even Vivian canceled her visit here from Binghamton. We have to as a group commit to seeing touring girls when they do visit or has been said they will pass Buffalo by. I totally understand cost/schedules/cash flow/ interest play critical roles in determing who we meet. And there are touring girls visiting this month that I will not be seeing for reasons I just said. But are there that few of us out there that a touring girl can not get 2 or 3 appts? If they cancel a trip because they did not have 8 or 10 appts then I'm kind of glad because thats too much and I wouldn't want to be exposed to that possible attention they could receive.

I send out lots of reqests to get girls to visit Buffalo. The latest one being from a tip from SM She responded in a positive way. Looks hot for the age of 39. I would suggest the exit 49/airport area as I always do. There are some nicer places to stay at but also some dives. Every time I have met Faith it has been near the airport on Genessee St. All nice places. I think we need to keep trying to get girls to visit and mentioning the route 90 buf/roch/syr tour gets there attention if they can get here.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Heck I live in Buffalo and have had a hard time booking Faith. Seems that when I am checking her schedule she is traveling. Not looking for a discount just saying sometimes it is hard to co-ordinate schedules. But soon I hope. And I too have heard from some of the ladies that have been here that the demand isn't always here. I think Roch has the distinct advantage of many providers with incall at many hours of availability. Buffalo can sometimes have very limited time slots. Not knocking the girls here. I love all the ones I see. Just saying sometimes it is hard to find a time slot. One advantage we do have is 10 minutes to the north!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-13-2010, 10:33 AM
Damn I hate exit 49. send them to NF Blvd and 290. I think that is more centrally located. It takes me forever to get out to 49.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
good point Flyboy

yesterday I called a provider during the day. What are you doing Wed. night. When I get out of work at 2:00am thur. Her answer "if I answer the phone then seeing you. If I do not answer then sleeping". However you have to know one well to get away with that. But many having the hours they work not all the same dos help.
It's all perspective - for me exit 49 works much better than N.F. Blvd - but - I'll also drive to Rochester for the right lady. Let's try to show our best to the visiting ladies. Take care, play nice & play safe!
jokacz's Avatar
Can you say Marriot?
  • Laker
  • 01-13-2010, 01:02 PM
FBNY - Do you keep you hobby craft at BUF? If so, or even if not, do you ever go by air for a meeting? Pick her up and have her join you for a mile high club adventure? Would be unique, have little decals on the fusalage, to indicate each trip!

Perry, that trip back and forth to Rochester is just pure pleasure, right :-) Anticipation on the trip out, and satisfied bliss on the return!! We're just hear and happy to help host!
Thats one jokacz on my never list.
Laker - in many respects you're correct - I'm always smiling on the way home but it still kills half a day! But then who would have guessed that Rochester is the hub of wonderful ladies!
  • Laker
  • 01-13-2010, 01:15 PM
Perry , I'll agree and just be thankfull :-)
Exit 49 is much closer for me as well and for the most part everything around that Exit is a relatively nice hotel. Like Montana, I often recommend that area as well. The places are certainly MUCH nicer than alot of the fleabag joints on NF Blvd and also much more discreet.

As for the Buffalo scene, I agree with previous points that we are a bit "thin" on high-quality providers. There are a few, but not as many as Rochester IMHO. For that reason, I hobby nearly everytime I go out of town for work. Other areas are certainly much richer in terms of talent and availability.

I also agree with Dave that we are our own worst enemies. When quality providers visit, we complain that their rates are too high. Do you think that a top-notch companion is going to travel to Buffalo to ask $.5 or $$? If you want to invest minimally, expect to receive that in return. CL is full of "quality" choices for $.

Also, when a good provider does crop up, we are like starved lions. They typically get overwhelmed with emails and calls, or they get busy and can't schedule at our convenience and eventually we drive them away. I've seen this happen more than a handful of times.

Buffalo does have a group of respectful, quality hobbyists and we all know who they are, (they providers do as well). If we can build on that group and show providers that Buffalo is a good place for them to visit, they will begin to come. But like Dave said, we must improve ourselves.
The latest one being from a tip from SM She responded in a positive way. Originally Posted by montana1958
I try to get appointments fairly locked in about a week or maybe a week and half out. For a trip to Buffalo, I started with the scheduling about five weeks out.

I say this because when the women travel, it seems like you get no more then a week and a half notice and sometimes less. At that point it would be classless to drop a local for a travler.

It would be great if travelers could give 2-3 weeks notice. I am probably asking way too much.

[Oh, and tell Lauren to come to Rochester and make you guys drive.]