Reviews On Hobbyists

Thanx for all the input I didn't know about the powder room untill now I guess I don't really go I. That room enough to know whaT It's for!! Now I do and I have plenty of ways to verify clients however there have been times another provider gets overly rude and says nothing but bad remarks on the client because "she's not on the site to verify" or newbies who've never seen a provider is mainly where the idea originated when u ask for p411 or another provider and they don't have either?? They may have seen one however she perfer not to verify.. and time you check their page and has no reviews barley ne info and started only 6 months ago??

Thank you to everyone dispute the rude smartasses on this post for the info and I hope the ones with rude comments on this post are not as rude in person!!

Off to the powder room I shall go!!!
What if a hobbyist was also a provider?
Ronin3's Avatar
I actually love the idea. I'd like to know what they think about me just as much as I'm sure they like to know what what we think about them. Originally Posted by RedneckV8
I agree 100%. There's also some other good points about needs and screening. If your ego's that fragile, that's your issue. Don't make it someone else's. Personally, I'm very curious about what some providers really think, even its very unlikely to change the way I pursue the hobby. And I believe providers should know beforehand the guys that have issues. Sometimes those issues revolve around requests that one provider may not provide while another will. Everyone ends up happy
They're not going to honestly tell you what they really think of you. Waste of time
goodman0422's Avatar
That is the first time I've seen a post of yours worth reading.
Bazztex's Avatar
Think about it...for a review aspect..

It would unveil the YMMV.

Hobbiest is 6'4" and hot...

Hobbiest is 5'8" 300 snells....

Public info would benefit both sides...
It would have to be a private forum only for providers, like me, as it would be bad for business and a shit show otherwise
I think we need a whole SITE that is run by providers and mainly for providers! Unfortunately, I think that the explicit reviews are driving us all to possibly perform unsafe acts because we are in competition with one another for business. If the explicitly detailed "ROS" and "menu of services" checkboxes weren't there, we wouldn't feel that pressure. I say we make a site all of our own and maybe if we reviewed the hobbyists so explicitly they might be less inclined to reveal such personal details about us? Whatever happened to the idea that a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell??? Just my thoughts. I do this because it is empowering, so I hate to see that taken away because all of the sites are mainly ran BY hobbyists, FOR hobbyists. What do you ladies think of those ideas? I'm just talking out loud... How do you feel about it?
I'd love to review clients...that would help the verification have been some guys that I would love to brag on and share

Some are so damn good I wanna tell all my fellow ladies, you NEED TO SEE HIM!!

♡♡ Love this idea

But I think some people would get butt hurt. Or some ladies might share things like "he's not attractive "
However, attractivenessis an opinion. What you think is ugly...I may really enjoy.

What would stop a guy from changing screen names and personas if he had a bad review, like often times providers do?

Perhaps like eccie does with the ros, maybe only paid ladies could see the juicy stuff and non paid ladies just see a yes or no recommendation.
I like the way Gigi thinks. Mods are gonna have to get me a bigger pm box from all the providers trying to get hold of me though.:shakeh ead:
I like the way Gigi thinks. Mods are gonna have to get me a bigger pm box from all the providers trying to get hold of me though.:shakeh ead: Originally Posted by Goodtime544

Hahaha *naughty grin*
  • Logic
  • 12-16-2016, 09:33 AM
Reviews are for paying customers....yall are fuckin idiots.
Unfortunately, I think that the explicit reviews are driving us all to possibly perform unsafe acts because we are in competition with one another for business. Originally Posted by AimeeJoBlowes
No, supply and demand drives level of service. Business 101, the free market system.

I say we make a site all of our own and maybe if we reviewed the hobbyists so explicitly they might be less inclined to reveal such personal details about us? Originally Posted by AimeeJoBlowes
More likely outcome would be more honest reviews from hobbyists, resulting in far fewer Yes recommendations.

Whatever happened to the idea that a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell??? Originally Posted by AimeeJoBlowes
That concept has never applied to the purchase of services and shouldn't.

A site for providers by providers is a fine idea. Isn't that basically P411? Such a site wouldn't change anything that currently exists. If you feel the services you and others provide should remain secret so you don't feel pressure to meet the competition, then you're looking for collusion and not a free market system.
This may very well be a dumb question but why can't we see exactly what the hobbyists see in OUR reviews..? Not sure why we can't see something that pertains to you specifically?
Monica13's Avatar
I think providers should have the right to their reviews only in ROS.

If it pertains to you, you should have the right to see it.