Kelly Ann Conway...Hatch Act

bambino's Avatar
But that is not wtf the Special Counsel said about Trump.

That is wtf a watchdog group said about Kelly Ann though. She should be fired. Originally Posted by WTF
Have them go to court. See if they’ll stifle her 1st amendment rights.
txdot-guy's Avatar

Well, alrighty then! Let's just fire everyone in DC on the taxpayers' dime since they ALL say bad things about each other on TV and on twitter every fucking day including Sunday.

How about if we start with Nancy Pelosi? She said some very disparaging things about trumpy today. Again. While she was on the taxpayers' dime. Imagine that.

You want to be consistent, right? Originally Posted by lustylad

It wouldn't bother me a bit if we zealously enforced the hatch act on either republicans or democrats.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
I do believe that Donald Trump obstructed the investigation at every opportunity. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I guess we should all be thankful that it takes more than someones "belief" in guilt to suspend a citizens due process.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2019, 02:33 PM

Then let's fire everyone on the taxpayers' dime in DC since they ALL say bad things about each other on TV and on twitter every fucking day.

How about if we start with Nancy Pelosi? She said very disparaging things about trumpy today. Again. While she was on the taxpayers' dime. Imagine that.

You want to be consistent, right?

Originally Posted by lustylad has no teeth.

With a crooked President , Trump could weaponize all executive employee's to campaign for him.

No big deal to you rule of law hypos.
Kathleen Sebelius violated the "Hatch Act" the left wasn't concerned so why should Conservatives give a shit about Kelly Ann Conway so called violation.
lustylad's Avatar
With a crooked President, odumbo could weaponize all executive employee's (sic) to spy on and sabotage the other party's campaign.

No big deal to you rule of law hypos. Originally Posted by WTF


I think you mean "As a crooked President..."

Correct usage of "with" - Sloppy grammar goes hand-in-hand with sloppy thinking.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2019, 02:45 PM

I think you mean "As a crooked President" Originally Posted by lustylad

OMG.....Obama kept the Trump investigation secret! All he had to do was make it public like they did Clinton and there would be no President Trump. Did you miss the class on Common Sense?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The special counsel gives the report to the person in charge with their recommendation. It's up to the person in charge to follow through.

his task was to "Indict or decline to indict". since he did not recommend indictment he declined.

In the case of Robert Mueller he gave the report to Congress. It's up to them to follow through with more investigation or impeachment as it's their job.

the Mueller report is being shown to be a biased opinion piece which has misrepresented information in order to paint Trump in an unfavorable light. if Congress uses this report to move to impeach it will be exposed ever further for what it is .. a biased political hack job.

It's my opinion after reading the Mueller report that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election. That interference was for the benefit of Donald Trump and I do believe that Donald Trump obstructed the investigation at every opportunity. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Russia interfered with the US elections because Obama and Clinton interfered with Russia's elections. Obama also illegally used US funds to interfere with Israel's election.

that Trump was the Republican candidate against Clinton doesn't matter. in fact i do not think Putin wanted Trump in the White House. Putin would have interfered against Clinton no matter who won the Republican primary.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I guess we should all be thankful that it takes more than someones "belief" in guilt to suspend a citizens due process. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo

This statement makes no sense. I have no power to remove Trump from office, that's the job of Congress. I'm merely giving my opinion based upon my reading of the Mueller report. How does my opinion suspend someone's due process.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2019, 02:52 PM
Russia interfered with the US elections because Obama and Clinton interfered with Russia's elections. Obama also illegally used US funds to interfere with Israel's election.

that Trump was the Republican candidate against Clinton doesn't matter. in fact i do not think Putin wanted Trump in the White House. Putin would have interfered against Clinton no matter who won the Republican primary.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Finally something of substance.

That is exactly right....well except for the part about Putin not wanting Trump in the WH. Of course he did.

Putin really just wants a place where he and his friends can not worry about have their stolen money from the motherland returned.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Russia interfered with the US elections because Obama and Clinton interfered with Russia's elections. Obama also illegally used US funds to interfere with Israel's election.

that Trump was the Republican candidate against Clinton doesn't matter. in fact i do not think Putin wanted Trump in the White House. Putin would have interfered against Clinton no matter who won the Republican primary. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Russian elections are a sham. Putin and his government interferes with their own elections to keep themselves in power. Trump was the beneficiary of Russia's interference. The Trump campaign welcomed the interference. Trump obstructed or attempted to obstruct the investigation into said interference. Congress should take the Mueller report and use it to jump start their own investigation and if needed impeach the president. The president's reluctance to allow testimony in this investigation is in my opinion further evidence of said obstruction.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
This statement makes no sense. I have no power to remove Trump from office, that's the job of Congress. I'm merely giving my opinion based upon my reading of the Mueller report. How does my opinion suspend someone's due process. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Um, yea....I got it...I don't think anyone actually thought you had the power to remove the President from office.

Knowing that Robert Muellers only job was to determine if there was enough evidence to put forth an indictment, similar to Ken Starrs job of putting forth enough evidence to indict Bill Clinton...what is your "opinion" on Robert Muellers statement "We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the President did commit a crime." Did he mean that? And if he could make no such determination....does that mean he put's forth an indictment?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Russian elections are a sham. Putin and his government interferes with their own elections to keep themselves in power. Trump was the beneficiary of Russia's interference. The Trump campaign welcomed the interference. Trump obstructed or attempted to obstruct the investigation into said interference. Congress should take the Mueller report and use it to jump start their own investigation and if needed impeach the president. The president's reluctance to allow testimony in this investigation is in my opinion further evidence of said obstruction. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
so what if they are? what exactly do you thinck the US should do about it? start a nuke war over it? refuse to deal with Russia on anything?

did the Clinton campaign welcome outside help from the Ukrainians? they did. did they knowingly solicit foreign nationals for so-called dirt? they did.

the Steele dossier was based on Russian disinformation and Steele knew it. his known bias against Trump as a foreign national is outside interference into US elections.

and i suppose you are fine and dandy with that yeah?
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Jeez....everybody's fucking with everybody on the global stage...China and Russia fuck with us...the US and Russia fuck with China....The US and China fuck with Russia....Iran fucks with Iraq and Saudi Arabia....Saudi Arabia fucks with Iraq and Iran....South Korea fucks with North Korea....North Korea fucks with South Korea....cmon people...if you don't understand global geopolitics and espionage, please tell us how life is under the rock you've been living under.
txdot-guy's Avatar
did the Clinton campaign welcome outside help from the Ukrainians? they did. did they knowingly solicit foreign nationals for so-called dirt? they did. the Steele dossier was based on Russian disinformation and Steele knew it. his known bias against Trump as a foreign national is outside interference into US elections.
and i suppose you are fine and dandy with that yeah? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I'm not fine or dandy with any of it. We should hold all of our politicians accountable for their bad behavior. The problem is that Trump just said he thinks it's ok to accept information from foreign nationals and he's the actual president. He should be held accountable for his actions. If not via impeachment then through the ballot box in 2020.