I've decided it's finally time to quit

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-30-2010, 07:03 AM
Smoking cig's that is. Originally Posted by Max Rax
Very good news to read this morning.

Good for you, dear lady. I hear it's quite difficult (I've never smoked) but you're a strong person and you CAN do it.
TexasDesperado's Avatar
Good luck Max it is a hard thing to do and i wish you the best of luck doing it. I stopped once for 5 years and like a fool started again and can't seem to kick it again.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Max - Give us an update ... how has the first day been?
Max Rax's Avatar
omg its hard i cant even go in the garage btw that's where i used to smoke, but so far i haven't caved not going anywhere next few days where i may be tempted
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Just let me know and I will happily take your mind off those cigarettes
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
omg its hard i cant even go in the garage btw that's where i used to smoke, but so far i haven't caved not going anywhere next few days where i may be tempted Originally Posted by Max Rax
Congrats! I know you can do it. My mom just stopped smoking after 45 years. She smoked from 18 yo - 63 yo. It really took a toll on her. She is on a breathing machine and all kinds of inhalers. Its really sad to see all these massive health issues she has simply because she smoked. If she would not have smoked she would be totally healthy now.
scared me.....geeze....heads up next time. go girl....put them sticks down. i got something more tasteful to blow.
I quit with the patch, too, about four years ago after 30 years of smoking. Last straw for me was my dad, sick with emphysema, crying and telling me he could no longer breathe.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Not braggin just stating the truth Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

Yay! He speaks! I thought I was on your "ignore thick middle aged women" list!

Its the only habit I have. Dont drink or do other 'stuff' but I know its bad for me. In all honesty, I should be joining you............
AshrDashr's Avatar
I recently quit caffiene, because I quit sodas and don't drink coffee or tea. The first week is the hardest. You can do it, and once you do it becomes so much easier.
carkido45's Avatar
No alcohol for almost ten years now and quit smoking since feb.
But that darn addiction to HOT LATINAS...well that's another story.
My best too you MAX RAX on not smoking.
Max Rax's Avatar
so here is my update I had a family reunion this past Saturday cant tell u how stressful it was to set it up so i got a pack and at midnight Saturday i threw the rest away i haven't smoked not 1 cig since 11:55 Saturday night
boardman's Avatar
I quit years ago. I threw away nearly a full pack and every time I wanted one I thought about that 2 bucks I threw out the window. It really helped cuz I'm a cheap bastard.
It really is one day at a time. Keep yourself motivated by building on the success of the previous day/week/month. It will get easier.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Max have you thought about trying the new e-cigs? I switched exactly 3 weeks ago today and haven't had a real cig since and I don't miss them at all. It is not as good as quitting altogether because you are inhaling vaporized liquid nicotine but I think they are awesome. My clothes, hair, house etc. don't stink anymore and my smoker's cough is gone already. I only bought the e-cig so I could 'smoke' in hotels when I travel and ended up switching to them full time. PM me if you are interested, there is a guy in Katy that sells the starter kits and all of the supplies pretty cheap.
BigLouie's Avatar
Smoking cig's that is.( i just love a catchy title)
Originally Posted by Max Rax
As Mark Twain once said, it's easy to quit smoking, I do it all the time.