If you want change then put it on the ballot

SK - you make sense in your post.

The right to vote is precious - and the programs are voted upon by elected representatives.

many of those programs - and most foreign aid - I abhor. Vote out the Congressional supporters and vote in new Ones with a different POV
It is representative democracy in Action.

I encourage your vote!

BTW - DACA - in the milieu of cost of federal programs - it is miniscule. We as Americans made a pact to admit under DACA underage immigrants legally. Those DACA recipients who have respected America - grown and lived by rule of law - hopefully learned English and are thriving in the land of opportunity as constructive citizens - I welcome - and feel we should offer a pathway to citizenship if they desire to become citizens.

I welcome legally entered law abiding peoples to America. Originally Posted by oeb11
".....and the programs are voted upon by elected representatives."

THAT is the entire problem, we expect representatives to represent the people, it's clear by my own experiences and observations, and anyone that has been even remotely awake and paying attention that they are not representing the people or the taxmoney garnished and then given away.

Local issues or bond issues that are voted on via the local vote are decided directly by the people.....small local issues don't depend on some drawn out bureaucracy and representatives to do what the people want just to get shortchanged in the end. Local governments are more efficient for this reason.

Voting in another set of politically correct middle of the road representatives won't change anything. They talk a mean game about "america first" and "being responsible leaders", and "better than the current crop in Washington".....all whatever it takes to come across as the champion for the working class to try to get elected.... then it gets lost in the shuffle when they get elected into an overbloated and inefficient, useless political system. The american taxpayer is not being represented at all.

If anyone wants real voter participation than give the people the voice and the power to create the change they want, if people have the chance to vote DIRECTLY on these issues you'll have record voting turnout. Let the people decide the spending and immigration issues instead of settling for the lesser of two assholes to brag about being all patriotic, responsible leaders just to put it off when elected. If anybody expects or wants anything to change then take the power away from representatives and put it in the people's hands.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HAVANA went berserk on New Year's Day, 1959. Wild-eyed young men and women erupted from their homes into the streets. Students poured out of the campuses. Instead of recuperating quietly from the revels of New Year's Eve, Havanans flocked outdoors in droves.

They cheered, they whistled, they danced in the streets when they heard that Batista, his family and cohorts had fled the country by plane at about two a.m.

The people surged toward downtown Havana. They carried Cuban flags and sang the national anthem. Car caravans bedecked with flags, the horns blowing, inched through the marchers.

In downtown Havana, the crowds reached a peak of excitement, then raced for the luxury hotels which housed the biggest gambling casinos. The casinos were prime targets of Castro. They were run by professional gamblers and gangsters from the United States who had paid the Batista regime huge sums for the privilege.

Batista's brother-in-law controlled all 10,000 slot machines in Cuba, which contributed million to the regime's bank account. The slot machines, symbols of the ousted leader, were especially sought out by the mobs.

Most of the demonstrators had never been able to afford the high-priced pleasures of the multi-million-dollar hotels. Now they didn't hesitate. With a roar they shoved their way into the air-conditioned, deeply carpeted hotel lobbies and made for the casinos.

The demonstrators were not there to place bets, but to wipe out the citadels of the corrupt and privileged classes. In the huge lobbies of the hotels, they finally found the doors to the casinos–and found them closed.

Rifle butts, clubs and lobby furniture pounded against the solid doors until the bars and locks gave way. Inside they found roulette tables, dice tables and card tables, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gambling equipment in each casino. There were fancy bars with every kind of liquor available. On the floors were deep-pile carpets and overhead sparkled costly chandeliers.

With howls of revenge the mob set to work destroying the playthings of the rich. The slot machines were overturned and bashed into twisted hulks of metal. The roulette wheels and tables were broken into more parts than they had numbers.

The military and the police had wisely stayed in their barracks. The officers knew that their men would encourage and perhaps join the mobs. There was nothing and no one to prevent the crowds from taking the casinos apart from wall to wall. They did. Nothing was left usable or in one piece.

By the end of New Year's Day, there wasn't even a matched pair of dice left in the casinos of Havana.

Fidel Castro had always hated gambling. He viewed it as a criminal waste of the nation's financial resources and, as during the heyday of Fulgencio Batista, as an invitation to governmental graft and corruption.

When Castro finally gained power in Cuba, he abolished gambling in his first batch of decrees. Then he learned the facts of government life–it was a losing bet to attempt running the country without the gambling revenue. Without the spinning wheel and the click of the bones, tourists would go elsewhere.

Thus, he legalized it again, just as the others before him had, but he added a new twist. The gambling is run under strict supervision of the government, and Castro has promised that any official found dipping his hand into the till will be punished most severely. None has been caught yet.

Two types of gambling predominated in the days before Castro. Both held opportunities for graft. There were the games of chances played in casinos, and the lottery run by the state.

The plush casinos and gambling houses in Cuba during the era of Batista were run by some of the Syndicate boys from the United States, the ones who had been smart or lucky enough to escape death as gangsters during the Capone years in Chicago.

The Syndicate boys were the only ones who knew enough to run the casinos at a profit. They were the best in their business and were considered respectable businessmen in Havana. Instead of using guns for protection, they paid government officials for the right to operate without trouble. It cost fantastic sums to operate and pay the government officials and taxes and still come out with a profit, but the gangsters had spent a lifetime learning their trade and proved in Cuba that they had graduate with honors.

Top dog in the legitimate gambling racket in Cuba was
Meyer Lansky, known in the United States as the man whom Senator Kefauver and committee had dubbed as one of the top ten racketeers in this country. Lansky knew all the angles and he was very happy when Batista asked him to come out into the sunlight of respectability and set up the legalized gambling venture in Cuba.

Lansky brought to Cuba the cream of the gamblers from Las Vegas, Reno, and New York. His right-hand man was his brother Jake, who was installed as floor manager in the Hotel Nacional's casino. Then there was Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
they weren't cheering very long were they?

Cuba: Fidel Castro’s Record of Repression


(Washington, DC) – During his nearly five decades of rule in Cuba, Fidel Castro built a repressive system that punished virtually all forms of dissent, a dark legacy that lives on even after his death.

During Castro’s rule, thousands of Cubans were incarcerated in abysmal prisons, thousands more were harassed and intimidated, and entire generations were denied basic political freedoms. Cuba made improvements in health and education, though many of these gains were undermined by extended periods of economic hardship and by repressive policies.

“As other countries in the region turned away from authoritarian rule, only Fidel Castro’s Cuba continued to repress virtually all civil and political rights,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Castro’s draconian rule and the harsh punishments he meted out to dissidents kept his repressive system rooted firmly in place for decades.”

The repression was codified in law and enforced by security forces, groups of civilian sympathizers tied to the state, and a judiciary that lacked independence. Such abusive practices generated a pervasive climate of fear in Cuba, which hindered the exercise of fundamental rights, and pressured Cubans to show their allegiance to the state while discouraging criticism.

Many of the abusive tactics developed during his time in power – including surveillance, beatings, arbitrary detention, and public acts of repudiation – are still used by the Cuban government.

Castro came to power in 1959 after leading a revolution that toppled the corrupt and abusive government of Fulgencio Batista. He ruled by decree until 1976, when a new constitution – whose drafting he oversaw – reformed the structure of the government. From that time until he transferred power to his brother Raúl in July 2006, Fidel Castro held all three of the most powerful positions in Cuba’s government: president of the Council of State, president of the Council of Ministers, and first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. Fidel Castro did not officially relinquish his title as president of the councils of state and ministers until February 2008, and stepped down as first secretary on April 19, 2011.

Cuba made important advances under Castro in the progressive realization of some economic, social, and cultural rights such as education and healthcare. For example, UNESCO has concluded that there is near-universal literacy on the island, and the country either met the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that the UN established in 2000, or came close by the 2015 deadline.

The progress on economic, social, and cultural rights was never matched in terms of respect for civil and political rights. The denial of fundamental freedoms throughout Castro’s decades in power was unrelenting, and marked by periods of heightened repression, such as the 2003 crackdown on 75 human rights defenders, journalists, trade unionists, and other critics of the government. Accused of being “mercenaries” of the United States government, the individuals were summarily tried in closed hearings. Many served years in inhumane prisons, where they were subjected to extended solitary confinement and beatings, and denied basic medical care for serious ailments. More than 50 of the remaining prisoners were released after Fidel Castro handed over power to his brother, most on the condition that they accept exile to Spain

Under Fidel Castro, the Cuban government refused to recognize the legitimacy of Cuban human rights organizations, alternative political parties, independent labor unions, or a free press. He also denied international monitors such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and international nongovernmental organizations like Human Rights Watch access to the island to investigate human rights conditions.

Efforts by the US government during Castro’s rule to press for change in Cuba repeatedly failed. In the 1960s, those efforts took the form of covert military action to unseat Castro, including the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, and multiple botched assassination attempts. President Dwight Eisenhower established the embargo in 1960, which was later expanded by President John F Kennedy and eventually locked in place by the 1996 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act. Also known as “Helms-Burton,” the law prohibits the US president from lifting trade restrictions until Cuba has legalized political activity and made a commitment to free and fair elections. It also prohibits lifting the embargo as long as Fidel or Raúl Castro remains in office.

The embargo imposed indiscriminate hardship on the Cuban population as a whole, and has done nothing to improve the situation of human rights in Cuba. Rather than isolating Cuba, the policy isolated the US. Castro proved especially adept at using the embargo to garner sympathy abroad, while at the same time exploiting it as a pretext to repress legitimate efforts to reform Cuba from within, dismissing them as US-driven and -funded initiatives.

In December 2014, President Barack Obama began a long-overdue shift in US policy, announcing that the US would normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and ease restrictions on travel and commerce, calling on Congress to consider lifting the embargo. In exchange, the government of Raúl Castro granted conditional release to the 53 political prisoners that it had been holding for between two months and two years.

Nevertheless, the Orwellian laws that allowed their imprisonment – and the imprisonment of thousands before them – remain on the books, and the Cuban government continues to repress individuals and groups who criticize the government or call for basic human rights. Arbitrary arrests and short-term detention routinely prevent human rights defenders, independent journalists, and others from gathering or moving freely. Detention is often used pre-emptively to prevent people from participating in peaceful marches or political meetings.

The two governments restored diplomatic relations in July 2015. In March, President Obama visited Cuba, where he met with President Raúl Castro, as well as with representatives of Cuban civil society. Obama gave a nationally televised address and joint press conference with Castro in which he urged the Cuban government to lift restrictions on political freedoms and reiterated his call for the US Congress to end the economic embargo of the island.

“For decades, Fidel Castro was the chief beneficiary of a misguided US policy that allowed him to play the victim and discouraged other governments from condemning his repressive policies,” Vivanco said. “While the embargo remains in place, the Obama administration’s policy of engagement has changed the equation, depriving the Cuban government of its main pretext for repressing dissent on the island.”

eccieuser9500's Avatar
they weren't cheering very long were they?

Cuba: Fidel Castro’s Record of Repression


(Washington, DC) – During his nearly five decades of rule in Cuba, Fidel Castro built a repressive system that punished virtually all forms of dissent, a dark legacy that lives on even after his death.

During Castro’s rule, thousands of Cubans were incarcerated in abysmal prisons, thousands more were harassed and intimidated, and entire generations were denied basic political freedoms. Cuba made improvements in health and education, though many of these gains were undermined by extended periods of economic hardship and by repressive policies.

“As other countries in the region turned away from authoritarian rule, only Fidel Castro’s Cuba continued to repress virtually all civil and political rights,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Castro’s draconian rule and the harsh punishments he meted out to dissidents kept his repressive system rooted firmly in place for decades.”

The repression was codified in law and enforced by security forces, groups of civilian sympathizers tied to the state, and a judiciary that lacked independence. Such abusive practices generated a pervasive climate of fear in Cuba, which hindered the exercise of fundamental rights, and pressured Cubans to show their allegiance to the state while discouraging criticism.

Many of the abusive tactics developed during his time in power – including surveillance, beatings, arbitrary detention, and public acts of repudiation – are still used by the Cuban government.

Castro came to power in 1959 after leading a revolution that toppled the corrupt and abusive government of Fulgencio Batista. He ruled by decree until 1976, when a new constitution – whose drafting he oversaw – reformed the structure of the government. From that time until he transferred power to his brother Raúl in July 2006, Fidel Castro held all three of the most powerful positions in Cuba’s government: president of the Council of State, president of the Council of Ministers, and first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. Fidel Castro did not officially relinquish his title as president of the councils of state and ministers until February 2008, and stepped down as first secretary on April 19, 2011.

Cuba made important advances under Castro in the progressive realization of some economic, social, and cultural rights such as education and healthcare. For example, UNESCO has concluded that there is near-universal literacy on the island, and the country either met the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that the UN established in 2000, or came close by the 2015 deadline.

The progress on economic, social, and cultural rights was never matched in terms of respect for civil and political rights. The denial of fundamental freedoms throughout Castro’s decades in power was unrelenting, and marked by periods of heightened repression, such as the 2003 crackdown on 75 human rights defenders, journalists, trade unionists, and other critics of the government. Accused of being “mercenaries” of the United States government, the individuals were summarily tried in closed hearings. Many served years in inhumane prisons, where they were subjected to extended solitary confinement and beatings, and denied basic medical care for serious ailments. More than 50 of the remaining prisoners were released after Fidel Castro handed over power to his brother, most on the condition that they accept exile to Spain

Under Fidel Castro, the Cuban government refused to recognize the legitimacy of Cuban human rights organizations, alternative political parties, independent labor unions, or a free press. He also denied international monitors such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and international nongovernmental organizations like Human Rights Watch access to the island to investigate human rights conditions.

Efforts by the US government during Castro’s rule to press for change in Cuba repeatedly failed. In the 1960s, those efforts took the form of covert military action to unseat Castro, including the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, and multiple botched assassination attempts. President Dwight Eisenhower established the embargo in 1960, which was later expanded by President John F Kennedy and eventually locked in place by the 1996 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act. Also known as “Helms-Burton,” the law prohibits the US president from lifting trade restrictions until Cuba has legalized political activity and made a commitment to free and fair elections. It also prohibits lifting the embargo as long as Fidel or Raúl Castro remains in office.

The embargo imposed indiscriminate hardship on the Cuban population as a whole, and has done nothing to improve the situation of human rights in Cuba. Rather than isolating Cuba, the policy isolated the US. Castro proved especially adept at using the embargo to garner sympathy abroad, while at the same time exploiting it as a pretext to repress legitimate efforts to reform Cuba from within, dismissing them as US-driven and -funded initiatives.

In December 2014, President Barack Obama began a long-overdue shift in US policy, announcing that the US would normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and ease restrictions on travel and commerce, calling on Congress to consider lifting the embargo. In exchange, the government of Raúl Castro granted conditional release to the 53 political prisoners that it had been holding for between two months and two years.

Nevertheless, the Orwellian laws that allowed their imprisonment – and the imprisonment of thousands before them – remain on the books, and the Cuban government continues to repress individuals and groups who criticize the government or call for basic human rights. Arbitrary arrests and short-term detention routinely prevent human rights defenders, independent journalists, and others from gathering or moving freely. Detention is often used pre-emptively to prevent people from participating in peaceful marches or political meetings.

The two governments restored diplomatic relations in July 2015. In March, President Obama visited Cuba, where he met with President Raúl Castro, as well as with representatives of Cuban civil society. Obama gave a nationally televised address and joint press conference with Castro in which he urged the Cuban government to lift restrictions on political freedoms and reiterated his call for the US Congress to end the economic embargo of the island.

“For decades, Fidel Castro was the chief beneficiary of a misguided US policy that allowed him to play the victim and discouraged other governments from condemning his repressive policies,” Vivanco said. “While the embargo remains in place, the Obama administration’s policy of engagement has changed the equation, depriving the Cuban government of its main pretext for repressing dissent on the island.”

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And you want me to live under an authoritarian who punishes me for having an opposing opinion? You're "Heil Hitler", out of your mind!


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And you want me to live under an authoritarian who punishes me for having an opposing opinion? You're "Heil Hitler", out of your mind!

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Trump isn't punishing you for your views. the radical left is punishing people for not following their racist mantra. clearly you'd raise your fist in support of BLM's racist agenda because you are a racist.

I'd raise my fist too but it wouldn't be empty.

and it all turned out ok for Jojo in the end.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump isn't punishing you for your views. the radical left is punishing people for not following their racist mantra. clearly you'd raise your fist in support of BLM's racist agenda because you are a racist.

I'd raise my fist too but it wouldn't be empty.

and it all turned out ok for Jojo in the end.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33r_bugSpfA&t Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Remember. I've been on here long enough to know you've proudly posted the swastika. Projection 101. You want to separate. Segregate. You. Yes YOU, are the racist. Don't put your evil on me Ricky Bobby.

The POTUS despises dissent. And you know that. (To steal a line.) Stop being stupid.

You're starting to sound like a Wacko.

Not all that unusual, but still.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Remember. I've been on here long enough to know you've proudly posted the swastika. Projection 101. You want to separate. Segregate. You. Yes YOU, are the racist. Don't put your evil on me Ricky Bobby.

The POTUS despises dissent. And you know that. (To steal a line.) Stop being stupid.

You're starting to sound like a Wacko.

Not all that unusual, but still. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Trump doesn't care less about dissent. he does care about thugs rioting in the street. over black criminals who resist arrest. what a wonderful cause, yeah? of course you support this anarchy. and you get offended when I post swastikas.

none of the above are Nazi symbols. all are in fact Hindu symbols.

since this seems to offend yous and Yssup Rider/HoeHummer that's why I post them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you want change in this country, instead of voting on useless leaders that do the usual politically correct things, put spending issues and immigration issues on the ballot for a direct vote by the american people to determine our future role in these topics:

Nonentitlement programs like welfare
Nationbuilding, especially oil rich countries
Foreign aid packages for over 200 countries globally
US participation in the United Nations
Military involvement, interventions, and police actions
on the global stage
Immigration quotas
Refugee admissions
Government grants for artsy fartsy studies of spotted
beetles and other who gives a shit causes

I've been listening to people all over in public places like bars, restaurants, cafes, get togethers for over 50 years....I've never heard a single one of them speak up in favor of having more of any of those items listed above. If this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people then give them the chance to decide how they want the taxes garnished from their earnings spent. It's an easy guess that most of these issues would be voted down to almost nothing or completely out if americans had the chance to decide these issues in a direct vote.

It's clear to me and anybody else that's paying attention that americans want their tax dollars spent on american schools, american roads, american bridges.....an overall rotting american infrastructure. They are clearly sick and tired of hearing about billions of dollars of aid to Israel and Palestine while our own teachers go on strike for low pay, people driving on shit roads because state budgets are underfunded, while some oil rich countries that can afford to pay their own way get handouts by the US taxpayer.

It's not isolationism, it's clearly being responsible with the taxpayer's dollars. If dollars are going garnished from the people then they should damn well have the right to say where they are spent and who's getting them. It doesn't matter if it's only a percent or two, all this adds up to billions and billions of dollars....the people have the right to decide by direct vote.

It's not gonna happen by voting for Trump or Biden or anyone in the next string of politically correct losers, it's not gonna happen by writing to some disinterested congressman, bitch all you want about whatever candidate you want, it's all the same politics year after year regardless who gets elected. Put these issues on the ballot instead of waiting for the next blowhard-do-nothing to be responsible stewards of our tax dollars. Originally Posted by sexykarma

if you want change, you have to change congress and change the way congress operates. term limits would go a long way to change the way it operates.

the professional politicians who are in congress 30 years or more have gamed it in a way to bring home the bacon to their districts whilst wasting money that should be kept home.

the overspending on these things is why U.S. has a huge debt problem.
As soon as you and that fuck face who liked your post can tell me where Fascism is accepted, I'll tell you exactly where Socialism works.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Who cares where Socialism works. It won't work in America because this country is totally divided in every which way. Bernie Sanders use to talk about Democratic Socialism in Sweden, maybe some how it works there. Sweden is a modest sized European country if you travel to Sweden you'll see Swedish people who are all basically on the same page Socially, economically Spiritually and culturally. America is too diverse and the population of people are too fucked up.