ISIS propaganda video released today

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Attachment 392069 Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
They always let morons post here?

Gas prices have nothing to do with Obama except that he did his best to live up to his campaign promises to make them skyrocket.

Real unemployment is over 10 percent according to the WSJ and Bloomberg. Get used to the lie.

Obama is actually LOSING two wars, including one that was won before he got here.

Got Bin Laden using the assets provided by George Bush.

Lost a bunch of hostages because he couldn't make a decision.

Gave up five hardened dangerous criminals for one deserter.

Propped up the stock market with cash infusions (from the taxpayer) of $85 billion a month for three years. Do the math yourself.

Cut the deficit AFTER he ballooned it to over 1 trillion dollars.

Since you brought it up, increases the debt to over $18 trillion or he has doubled the debt in six years where the all the other presidents took over 200 years to do the same.

Yeah, this guy is a winner [snark]
They always let morons post here?

Gas prices have nothing to do with Obama except that he did his best to live up to his campaign promises to make them skyrocket.

Real unemployment is over 10 percent according to the WSJ and Bloomberg. Get used to the lie.

Obama is actually LOSING two wars, including one that was won before he got here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And yet if gas prices were high, you would be jumping his shit. "Real" numbers, ah yes, the ones who've quit looking and the ones on and off unemployment and all the rest of that bullshit. The WSJ? I wouldn't trust them for a weather forecast. Numbers can be twisted to make them say pretty much anything you want if you fuck with them enough. It's convoluted. How can you say we're losing wars. I'm assuming one is the war on terror, which we can't even agree on how to fight or what the parameters are. It's not a typical war in the traditional sense so I can't see how you can say we're losing it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well let me tell you how it works- during the last few months of 2007- Gas went very low because of the impending recession. During the 2012 primaries- Michelle Bachman and Newt Gingrich swore if they were elected Gas would be at $2.50- even Romney during one of the debates tried to equate Obama for having gas prices until Obama put Romney and the GOP in it's place by stating Gas and oil are set by the global market and no POTUS can control gas prices. Many of you GOP nimwits have mentioned various times how low Bush had gas prices before he left office- so if you idiots want to give credit to Bush for something he had no control of I will give Obama the same due diligence.
I promise you if Gas was $4.00 a gallon you GOP dimwits would point the finger at Obama. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Actually we point out that the price of gas was $1.86 when Bush left office as it was but it was your people who said that Bush was in league with the Saudi's to raise the prices.
Since when have gas prices dropped for something impending? I've never heard of it. I thought that the dems have always maintained that the recession started under Bush. Now you say that it started under Obaam. Interesting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, Obama ended the wars by losing them. I opposed the wars, but be honest. We lost. Also, full time employment is very low. We are becoming a part time economy. Call that brilliant if you want, but it is failure for the people, but a big win for Obama's crony capitalist buddies. I doubt it would better if a Republican was in office, but to call Obama anything but a failure is to ignore reality.
gfejunkie's Avatar
So.. as a supporter of Obama.. please tell us all EXACTLY what Obama did to cause gas to drop below $3/gal? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Still waiting for an answer to that one........

gfejunkie's Avatar
Over 24 hours later and still nothing? WE? Anybody?


rioseco's Avatar
Attachment 392069 Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Only an idiot would credit Obama with lower fuel prices !
This embecile has done nothing to increase drilling,production or inventories of fuels. He has fucked off billions in solar and caulking if that helps.

You have been on that teat far too long. The stock market is a propped up flop waiting to fall on its ass in a massive correction. Dont believe it ? Put your money where your mouth is. Sell all you own,drop it into the stock market and wait for the loud crash.

As for ending wars.....that is not the same as winning them. Anyone yes, anyone can call it quits.Only a fucking moron will announce to the enemy in advance (two years) when you will leave the battle.
LexusLover's Avatar
Only an idiot would credit Obama with lower fuel prices ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Because then he would have to start giving him credit for prices going back up!