A guy walks into a bar and sees a smoking hot blonde sitting by herself. He decides to approach her. He asks her " would you sleep with me for a million dollars?" In awe she responds "yes!" Then the guy replies "how about for $10" to which she responds "no, what do you think I am?" The guy says "I already established what you are, I'm just trying to get a better deal."
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-22-2016, 12:23 PM
Wait a minute...she agreed to the negotiated rate and now wants to bitch about it?

Thats just bad business. Dont agree to the offer? Simply say no thanks...no ones hurt...no one gets called out.

And WHERE is the alert? I just see probable unfounded retaliation. HOW is MrB a danger to other Hoogars?
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  • Toyz
  • 07-22-2016, 12:27 PM
To anyone reading this I just want to stress though we share the name Leah we are definitely totally different providers. I always hate it when a provider with a similar name to me pops up and confuses things.

I'm Leah Layada and have been around for a while...looks like this other provider named Leah's account is not even a month old. I don't want my business to get hurt by any confusion! Originally Posted by Leah Layada
Hey Auntie...perhaps its time for another name change?

I can be quite creative when motivated...let me know and we can work on a new Hoogar name that fits you!


Yeah this is not alert. Reads like retaliation for a no review.
How about NephewsWetDream ?

Hey Auntie...perhaps its time for another name change?

I can be quite creative when motivated...let me know and we can work on a new Hoogar name that fits you!


ToYz Originally Posted by Toyz
Or omg leah?
Wait a minute...she agreed to the negotiated rate and now wants to bitch about it?

Thats just bad business. Dont agree to the offer? Simply say no thanks...no ones hurt...no one gets called out.

And WHERE is the alert? I just see probable unfounded retaliation. HOW is MrB a danger to other Hoogars? Originally Posted by Toyz
She's complaining about the supposed haggling and right now she's advertising for LESS than what she's complaining MBD negotiated with her. LOL http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1782403

And yeah, there's no alert here. She messed up BCD and is retaliating for the No review. Is the alert supposed to be "He's a danger to your business if you're a bad provider" ?
Leah Layada... Change your name to 'stfu Leah'
"I'd like to set the record straight on my last review... There are absolute LIES posted from an angry client that made me feel uncomfortable, I told him I wouldn't see him again, he threatened to try and hurt my business and indeed tried; if you want MY side of the story where I will be 100% HONEST unlike "MrBigD" please PM me.." Who would want to listen to you yap on about a "no." You are letting too much of your bsc show.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Not an alert, mr big d has a track record here, never been an issue to my knowledge.

Too bad, pretty girl. Not in for the crazy tho...
You seem like a nice girl.

Leah Layada... Change your name to 'stfu Leah' Originally Posted by Mila lotto
? I don't get it.
Or omg leah? Originally Posted by Congratulations
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-22-2016, 01:14 PM
How about NephewsWetDream ? Originally Posted by Leah Layada
I cuckled...
I had a bad experience with Leah_Lustae where she put out terms and I chose to walk rather than meet them and when she knew I wasn't going to see her went on an angry rant. So when MBD (as well as several other hobbyists on this board) talk about her attitude problem I'm inclined to believe them.

She also decided to accuse the guy with an established reputation for tipping and paying extra as well as one of the guys in the men's areas telling us to be nice. If anything any hobbyist should see this and know to steer clear of her, and any provider should take a look at the situation and read between the lines.
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  • Toyz
  • 07-22-2016, 01:39 PM
WELCOME TO ECCIE- LOOKS LIKE THIS IS YOUR FIRST WEEK HERE, NICE NAME CHOICE! Also interesting that you share my love for travel and other cultures.

Sorry to hear of your bad experience. Post your warning in every PRIVATE-ish girls only place you can. All that posting stuff like this in public does is let the guy know he needs to change all his screening info for the next girl and open you up to drama. Originally Posted by Leah Layada
You know...if you are going to tag every alert without really reading for understanding its not going to help out anyone.

This is obviously a retaliation for a deserved bad review. I get girls want to squash negative feedback EVEN WHEN ITS EARNED but suggest you use some common sense in regards to lighting up established mongers based on questionable alerts.

Just free advice. The girls are not automatically RIGHT as you seem to believe.