Here is your chance to go on the record...

OK. I'll go on record.




I don't care if Assad himself admits on camera that he personally loaded the chemical weapons onto artillery shells and deliberately aimed them at kindergarten classrooms.

We are about to become Al-Qaeda's air force and navy. How fucked up is that?

Let the Arab fanatics bleed each other white.
... I do not give a shit how much gas he uses to kill his own people. We should be giving him free gas IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF

Please explain.

Has anyone noticed the media and politicians aren't referring to the gas used to kill the Syrians was a WMD?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I love how JD wants everyone to go on the record but he is to chickenshit too.

I'm not for going into there btw. I do not give a shit how much gas he uses to kill his own people. We should be giving him free gas IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
If a conservative politician suggested something like that, he would be excoriated.
The Demagogue in Chief has learned that is a lot easier running for President, and maybe even getting elected President, than it is being President.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I love how JD wants everyone to go on the record but he is to chickenshit to. Originally Posted by WTF
How about an "amen" from the congregation?

Gutless is as gutless does, Mopboy Gutless Corneyhole.

It's a shame you're not .001% as slick as you think you are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have always taken a stand when WTF, CJ, Randy, and Munchie go snick. What a gutless, pathetic bunch of people you all are.

Let me give you something else to think about; the BBC and the Herald are now strongly suggesting that the WMD (I'll call it that) came from the opposition and not Assad. It was not be the first time that the Muslim Brotherhood/Al Quaida/Hezbelloh have done this. So do you think that Obama is capable of purposely misleading the American people and the world just so he can go on a bombing run? Do you think Obama would go on a bombing run in order to boost his poll numbers? Do you think that Obama would go out of his way to use American military power to help muslim terrorists?

Thinking hats on? Begin.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-29-2013, 02:39 AM
I love how JD wants everyone to go on the record but he is to chickenshit too.

I'm not for going into there btw. I do not give a shit how much gas he uses to kill his own people. We should be giving him free gas IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
Yep give em free sarin gas and make congressmen and senators deliver it and stay when they use it.
JCM800's Avatar
Let me give you something else to think about; the BBC and the Herald are now strongly suggesting that the WMD (I'll call it that) came from the opposition and not Assad. It was not be the first time that the Muslim Brotherhood/Al Quaida/Hezbelloh have done this. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
something that is "strongly suggested" isn't a fact.
  • Laz
  • 08-29-2013, 08:18 AM
There are no good options. We need to stay the fuck out of Syria. How many times do we have to have the Muslims we help turn against us to learn that they are not our allies. Cruise missiles are expensive and this is not worth the cost.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BSwine... You've authored yet another thoughtful discussion.

No wonder people are leaving this forum. And others aren't!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-29-2013, 11:06 AM
Yep give em free sarin gas and make congressmen and senators deliver it and stay when they use it. Originally Posted by seedman55
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-29-2013, 11:08 AM
Yep give em free sarin gas and make congressmen and senators deliver it and stay when they use it. Originally Posted by seedman55
JD will not go on the record in a thread he started asking others to go on the record!
I will go on the record...JD is a idiot.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-29-2013, 03:58 PM
Obama is pro-muslim. I personally think he'd like nothing better than to have Israel attacked en masse.

Stay out. It's too late. That whole area was under better control when there were kings in place.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-29-2013, 04:49 PM
Obama is pro-muslim. I personally think he'd like nothing better than to have Israel attacked en masse.

Stay out. It's too late. That whole area was under better control when there were kings in place. Originally Posted by Loxly
Dont tell JL , a war in Israel will fuck up his illegal asian hooker retirement plans...