Time to retire!

Thanks Bubba! Good luck
perpetualdesign's Avatar
Bubba, you are the greatest!
May your window always stay clean!
I'm sure that being a moderator was like having a second job, maybe even a double shift. At first, you won't know what to do with all the free time you will have, but as I discovered when I retired, you will figure it out and wonder where all the time goes when the day is over. Good luck!
For those who weren't around for ASPD, Bubba has been a seemingly permanent fixture on the Texas, Kansas, STL boards. He has given countless hobbiests, providers, moderators and other board people sound advice over the years.

Best of Luck Bubba
JRLawrence's Avatar
Thank you Bubba

Omahan's Avatar
Well gang, the time has come for me to take the moderator shingle down and retire. I am retiring because my personal life is getting so busy (all good things) I simply don’t have the time to spend on ECCIE I feel is necessary to do the job properly. I am however, still available ladies….LOL!!!!
I was on the ASPD staff for over 8 years and now here at ECCIE for couple of more. At some time or another I have been a moderator, and admin and part of the support group. I am pretty sure that other than Chris (he doesn’t count now that he is a “suit”….LOL!) I have been doing this longer than anyone on ASPD/ERAPS or ECCIE! I think it’s time to pass the reins over to someone else.
I leave knowing the Kansas City and St. Louis forums are in very good hands. I have the utmost confidence in Lacrew2000 and CaptainKaos. In addition to being really nice guys, both of them have shown the sound judgment, integrity and passion needed to be great moderators. I have no doubt they will continue to help the KC and St. Louis communities grow. Please show them the respect and support you have honored me with over the years.
FYI…..KC is ranks in the Top-10 (#6….I think) most active boards on ECCIE. That is a testament to the great people we have here in the KC, Topeka and Wichita areas. Of course to me the KC/Topeka/Wichita board is #1!!!!
Although I am leaving the staff I will still be checking the board from time to time to make sure you are all behaving and most importantly, having fun.
My last “official” day will be Friday. After that I will no longer be the “Kind and Gentle Servant”, I will just be Bubba!!!
Keep Smiling!
Bubba Originally Posted by Bubba
You are the best Bubba! Stop by and say hello from time to time.
kidnitro's Avatar
Bubba, you have done a great job. Be sure to check in and say hi occasionally.
Bush-wacker69's Avatar
Due to business and personal reasons, I haven't been as active on this board lately as I was on ASPD, but I'm still around. Bubba, thanks for all you did on these boards. You helped a lot of people, myself included, navigate the hobby scene and I really appreciate that. My best to you always.
dbflyer's Avatar
I've told you this before, Bubba, but I'll say it again. You're a class act. Best of luck to you in the future!

Kaboom's Avatar
Good luck and thanks for your time in wrangling the herd.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 03-04-2011, 09:05 AM
Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

I must admit that I think I will miss moderating.....for the most part. It's been fun interacting with everyone and trying to help people enjoy and get the most out of ASPD and now ECCIE. It's been a great ride!!

As I mentioned in my initial post....I won't be moderating anymore but I will still be around from time to time!

Shogun2000's Avatar
Bubba, thanks for your hard work & dedication to both boards. It's a tough job, I'm sure. Enjoy your retirement and hope to see you around from time to time.
ck1942's Avatar
As one who well knows what you may feel, yes, you will feel moderating "twinges" from time to time, but more important to concentrate on RW and have fun in the hobby world from time to time.

Fair Winds and Following Seas!
Thequeen's Avatar
Im absent from the board and come back to see this... makes me sad, I cant say naughty things in hoping I will get a spanked instead on points..
You will be missed as a mod! Have fun and enjoy your free time

I've been a long time lurker. Thanks for all of your hard work on this board.