Biden as a pedophile

  • Vulva
  • 04-05-2023, 04:18 PM
I did not realize that this type of post could damage posters who respond. It seems a set of fair questions I have asked. I am accusing no one of a crime. But I need to review this board's policies, apparently. Still, my post was posted. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
It is very fair questions. My posts were posted as well.
It is all good.
  • Vulva
  • 04-05-2023, 04:19 PM
In a previous post Why_Yes_I_Do noted that the evidence of Biden being a pedophile was overwhelming. He wrote, "Board rulez prohibit us from presenting overwhelming evidence to support that truth." This is curious. Congresswoman Greene apparently agrees with WYID that the evidence is overwhelming, as she repeats this accusation over and over. This is no small matter, of course. I'd support Gavin Newsome or Matt Gaetz before I'd vote for a pedophile. If there is overwhelming evidence, why is it not made public? Why is it kept under wraps? What prevents those who possess this information from providing the details? I suspect everyone on this board opposes a pedophile in the White House. Remember when the Democrats forced Al Franken from the Senate over his lewd gestures? Pedophilia is far more dangerous. We must not stand for this. Please, if you have overwhelming evidence, come forward with this information. It would force a pedophile from public office and he would likely face legal action. We'd all be relieved that a pedophile no longer had any type of decision-making authority. Count me in as someone who opposes pedophiles in public office or wandering loose in our society. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Yes, I agree
It's almost amusing reading the twisted-logic and half-baked ideas presented by Trump loyalists. Let's assume Joe Biden showered with his little daughter. I took a shower in the old Y with my sons. We may have shared a shower at home at some point. That doesn't mean I'm a pedophile. It means I'm a dad. What sort of accusations are out there during Biden's long adult life. Nada. Zero. Calling someone a pedophile like MTG or Donald Jr. have done is a serious accusation, no? It's not an accusation anyone should utter carelessly. But MTG and other posters on this board proclaim it as if they are dead-sure confident. But there is no factual evidence for their claim. Yet they blather on and on. It reminds me of what FOX did regarding Dominion. Baseless yet serious accusations and claims. Evidence? Nothing.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Where's the evidence about the president?
I'm not talking about speculation or oddly angled theories.
Where is the honest-to-goodness factual evidence that serves as proof that Joe Biden is a pedophile? I'd be happy and relieved to switch my support if that evidence is presented.

By the way, did you ever see the video of Donald Trump frolicking with Jeffery Epstein? Trump acknowledges partying with that shithead. Epstein was dangerous and destructive, no question, but his ugly exploits weren't confined to those of one political persuasion. He partied with other shitheads no matter their political beliefs. But you'd be hard pressed to find any ordinary people, Democrat or Republican, who thinks that what Epstein did was acceptable. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Ashley Biden, his daughter, wrote in her journal that he showered with her into her teens. This is the journal lost by her when she was on drugs and chased down by the FBI. Journalist's homes were raided by the FBI on the suspicion that someone had the diary written by a teenage girl decades ago. Then there is the email from model citizen Hunter calling his dad "Pedo Pete". You're never going to see the actual diary of course. Then there is Ms Reed who claims Biden sexually assaulted her in the Senate office building. He claims have some evidence of trauma, torn clothing, and friends advising her to be careful back in the day.
Of course, none of this will mean anything to you. We already have Biden on video bragging about a crime but you don't believe that either.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's almost amusing reading the twisted-logic and half-baked ideas presented by Trump loyalists. Let's assume Joe Biden showered with his little daughter. I took a shower in the old Y with my sons. We may have shared a shower at home at some point. That doesn't mean I'm a pedophile. It means I'm a dad. What sort of accusations are out there during Biden's long adult life. Nada. Zero. Calling someone a pedophile like MTG or Donald Jr. have done is a serious accusation, no? It's not an accusation anyone should utter carelessly. But MTG and other posters on this board proclaim it as if they are dead-sure confident. But there is no factual evidence for their claim. Yet they blather on and on. It reminds me of what FOX did regarding Dominion. Baseless yet serious accusations and claims. Evidence? Nothing. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
There you go again...little girl? She was a teenager entering puberty. That's not a little girl. If you were doing the same thing.... it is a serious allegation.
  • Vulva
  • 04-05-2023, 06:26 PM
There you go again...little girl? She was a teenager entering puberty. That's not a little girl. If you were doing the same thing.... it is a serious allegation. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yep.. So true and well documented.
Did Joe Biden really shower with his daughter?

I'm not aware of any credible evidence or reports that suggest that Joe Biden has ever showered with his daughter. It's important to remember that misinformation and false rumors can spread quickly online, and it's important to fact-check information before sharing it. If you have any specific sources or information that lead you to ask this question, I'd be happy to look into it further. can provide you with some credible sources that clarify this issue.

Could you provide me with some credible sources that refute this claim?

First, a fact-checking website called PolitiFact investigated this claim and rated it "Pants on Fire," which is their strongest rating for a completely false claim. You can find their article here:

Second, Snopes, another fact-checking website, also looked into this claim and found it to be false. You can find their article here:

Finally, it's worth noting that this claim seems to have originated from a manipulated video that was shared on social media. The video was edited to make it look like Joe Biden was admitting to showering with his daughter when in reality he was discussing his efforts to help end sexual assault on college campuses. You can read more about this in the PolitiFact article I linked above.

I hope this helps clarify the situation for you.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is a difference between conjecture, conspiracy and fact. .... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Not on this site! The mitigating factor is who says it not what is said.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well Muy,
any claim they had against Joey was pissed away by not having a Big Cheato court appointed judge in court, a senate controlled by mitch, and head of the DOJ in his back pocket.

And you know such claims won't show up on the floor of the House because the repubs know that those across the aisle will fact check them in real time and they will be on record to account for any claims.

So, it's easy to bang a drum in the street and yell without fear of accountability in the masses.
biomed1's Avatar
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.