Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I will let you attend my class if you will sit up on the stage and speak to my students as I ask you questions. It would be my easiest way of teaching them about the dark underbelly of redneck conservative racism in America. Plus you have to wear a sign that says "I am a Dick", so they will understand you fully. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Still pushing the lie WishIWasStraight? Contact Dr. Paul Schumaker of KU. We had many public debates and I like to think that, since he started calling me names, I won.
StandinStraight's Avatar
It was reported the Obaminable Administration tried and failed to get a FISA warrant then went to another Judge and got one!!!!

#1: Was it the same U.S. attorney's office being suggested as a "special prosecutor" for the "RussiaGate" Investigation?????

#2: The Senate Intelligence Committee should INSIST on an investigation of the obtaining of FISA warrant on a candidate for POTUS by the administration opposing his candidacy!!!!!

#2 ... IS PRIORITY #1 ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, priority number 1 is getting all of the Russian compromised operatives out of the White House, which will look like a bunch of racist white guys in handcuffs being led out of the White House, led by handcuffed Donald Trump, all going to jail. The optic will save our country letting others know, nobody is above the law!
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  • 03-04-2017, 07:36 AM
Still pushing the lie WishIWasStraight? Contact Dr. Paul Schumaker of KU. We had many public debates and I like to think that, since he started calling me names, I won. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Calling you a cocksucker is not calling you a mame if that is what you were doing at tje time.
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  • 03-04-2017, 07:38 AM
It is a felony to spy on Americans without a warrant and a good faith belief in criminality. So you're okay with a felonious president? So you a low life, hypocritical piece of shit that supports this. Of course you can NEVER again complain about this from any other president.
Now, at this moment, Trump has presented no proof but Trump's track record (argue if you want) has been one of being ultimately right. The odds are in favor that Obama (or someone willing to fall on their sword) DID wiretap Trump. If proven, Obama could be the first president to end up convicted of a felony and the possibility of prison.
As for your silly assertion about the media, they are supporting democrats by about 95% and the democrat policies are an afront to me and people who believe in the Constitution. So, yes, the media (by about 95%) is my enemy.

Rush got it right (but about three weeks after I wrote it) this is a silent coup against the elected president, the Constitution, and the people of the United States. Idiots have compared Trump to Hitler and have been asked, "if that is true, then what are you prepared to do?" They don't know how to answer because if what they believe is true then action must be taken.

Let me ask the squishy libtards who support lawless presidents (ex presidents or ex nominees); are you prepared to defend them all the way? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Link please! Fuck....a tweet is not a credible link!
not one bit of evidence has been discovered regarding any connection between the trump campaign and Russia

this idiotic dim congressman was on tucker carlson last night

Carlson asked him for any bit of evidence

all he could say was that's why we need the investigation

Carlson burst out laughing
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LMAO! Another day, another Twitler drama on Twitter.

Another weekend, another trip to Florida.

Another Breitbart FAKE NEWS story, another Twitler meltdown.

You dim fuckers are obviously too thick to see this pattern of misinformation.

Let's remove this raving lunatic.

SAD! (Sick).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Developing story---Obama did have a FISA warrant so it is a fact that he had Trump Tower wiretapped. It seems that the first time the NSA found nothing amiss but did not retract the warrant. Okay, now it crosses the line. What was the FISA judge told in order to get the warrant? If it was a lie then Obama should burn. Once it was found out that nothing meant nothing then the wiretap should have been put away. Whoever decided otherwise should burn. If this was a fair operation based on the presumption that Russia was trying to influence the US election, was Hillary wiretapped? Seems only fair and just. If that is not the case, then burn down Obama's and Hillary's houses. One of the charges (not officially) in Watergate was that Nixon was using the IRS to spy on Americans.
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  • 03-04-2017, 08:05 AM
Developing story---Obama did have a FISA warrant so it is a fact that he had Trump Tower wiretapped. It seems that the first time the NSA found nothing amiss but did not retract the warrant. Okay, now it crosses the line. What was the FISA judge told in order to get the warrant? If it was a lie then Obama should burn. Once it was found out that nothing meant nothing then the wiretap should have been put away. Whoever decided otherwise should burn. If this was a fair operation based on the presumption that Russia was trying to influence the US election, was Hillary wiretapped? Seems only fair and just. If that is not the case, then burn down Obama's and Hillary's houses. One of the charges (not officially) in Watergate was that Nixon was using the IRS to spy on Americans. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

All Trump is doing is confirming that there was reason to tap someone in his sphere!

This falls into , "Watch what you wish for!"
LexusLover's Avatar
All Trump is doing is confirming that there was reason to tap someone in his sphere! Originally Posted by WTF
That's all you are doing!
gfejunkie's Avatar

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vid..._campaign.html Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Nixon's getting a bad rap
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  • 03-04-2017, 09:01 AM
That's all you are doing! Originally Posted by LexusLover
????...I'm giving a judge a reason to wire tap someone in my sphere? Have you lost your Queenie mind?


“It's highly unlikely there was a wiretap,” said one former senior intelligence official familiar with surveillance law who spoke candidly on the condition of anonymity. The former official continued: “It seems unthinkable. If that were the case by some chance, that means that a federal judge would have found that there was either probable cause that he had committed a crime or was an agent of a foreign power.”
A wiretap cannot be directed at a U.S. facility, the official said, without finding probable cause that the phone lines or Internet addresses were being used by agents of a foreign power — or by someone spying for or acting on behalf of a foreign government. “You can't just go around and tap buildings,” the official said.

It is a felony to spy on Americans without a warrant....

The odds are in favor that Obama DID wiretap Trump. If proven, Obama could be the first president to end up convicted of a felony and the possibility of prison.

Let me ask the squishy libtards who support lawless presidents (ie: Barry) are you prepared to defend them all the way? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

While no one has a crystal ball and we haven't a clue as to what will occur down the road, one's imagination runs rampant as to What Next?

If this truly does lead all the way to the Obama White House...and Barry has his fingerprints all over this...well, hang on, kiddies.

Oh, I'm goin' on record my bet is StandInShit and SissyChaps both ride this thing down to the very end. And blame Trump every step of the way for Barry's disgraceful downfall throughout the process.

Stay tuned....
I have a new nick name for Trump...It's Operation Agent Orange. In honor of his Russian spy activities on behalf of Putin. Therefore, if you delusional fucks think Operation Agent Orange will be exonerated then why is this human piece of shit tweeting at 5 am as a diversionary tactic to distract from all the Russian stories. Guess what the media wont help him out this time. He says the media is the enemy of the people then tweets for their help to spread a story to get the heat off his wrinkled up ass. I don't think so. This punk ass muthafucker will be impeached no matter what diversionary tactic he tries to use. And if Obama wired tapped him then bravo to Obama for going after all enemies of the State including Operation Agent Orange.

We must stop the Putin/Trump white house Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Good Luck.

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  • 03-04-2017, 09:21 AM

While no one has a crystal ball and we haven't a clue as to what will occur down the road, one's imagination runs rampant as to What Next?

If this truly does lead all the way to the Obama White House...and Barry has his fingerprints all over this...well, hang on, kiddies.

Oh, I'm goin' on record my bet is StandInShit and SissyChaps both ride this thing down to the very end. And blame Trump every step of the way for Barry's disgraceful downfall throughout the process.

Stay tuned.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Trump is fucking up....if it is true....it means a judge thought there was something to look for.

A full blown investigation does not hurt Obama, remember he is no longer President, it hurt Trump.

At some point....the American public is gonna ask why Trump continues to suck Putins dick. He may just have to release his Russian filled tax returns filled with Russian loans.

Then we find out our President is a Ruskie! Not that that'd bother any of you Putin lovers as yall are all comrades now!