The next POTUS will be Hillary Clinton

The turd that is the United States of America will continue it's journey down the sewer pipe and into the septic tank of fallen Republics.

A ticket made up of a pathological liar and a angry condescending bitch. How encouraging.
Just curious, zanzy... How do YOU know what is in Joe the Plumber's own interest better than he does? Who the fuck are you to denigrate his "crazy dream"? Why don't you take your stuck up attitude and turn it into a winning slogan for the libtard Dems - "Stop dreaming America! It's time to let the libtards tell you what is best for you!" Yeah, that'll work. People like Joe the Plumber can smell your condescension a mile away.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

Lustylad one more comment on this. I'm not trying to sound condescending but just because a cannibal eats with a fork doesn't make it progress.
LOL - that would be an awesome photo op. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
If you think about it, Obama would not have anything to lose if he did call the Press Conference. The Idiot's already hate the ground he walks on. What are the Idiot's going to do, hate the ground even more than they do now?
If you think about it, Obama would not have anything to lose if he did call the Press Conference. The Idiot's already hate the ground he walks on. What are they going to do, hate the ground even more than they do now? Originally Posted by bigtex

well according to this photo they'd start hating the solid upper mantle

well according to this photo they'd start hating the solid upper mantle Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Point well taken!

I will gladly yield the remainder of my time to the official spokesperson for the "solid upper mantle."
lustylad's Avatar
Joe the Plumber represents to me one of the dumb masses voting against his own interests. If Joe the plumber can't see the greater context of Obama's argument amongst the many others to make things a tad bit fairer for all then absolutely yes I do know what's in his best interest better than he does. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Lustylad one more comment on this. I'm not trying to sound condescending but just because a cannibal eats with a fork doesn't make it progress. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

You are not only insufferably CONDESCENDING but you are insufferably ARROGANT to boot! But go ahead and run with it, zanzy! Tell Joe the Plumber he belongs to the "dumb masses voting against his own interests". Tell him you are here to save him from himself. Tell him he is a cannibal and you want to teach him how to eat with a fork... You got a winning message, kiddo! Big Kotex is right, you should consider running for office...

Yyou should consider running for office.... Originally Posted by lustylad
Zanzibar's got my one (1) vote from the moderate wing of the Democratic Party!
I B Hankering's Avatar
He could even run with Hillary making the Mexican vote a lock.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Now there's a Freudian Slip by a lib-retard if there ever was one! See lib-retards, even your new guy admits that there is voter fraud and how dim-retards depend on it. By law Mexican Americans have the right to vote: Mexicans do not.
lustylad's Avatar
There is a difference between wealth and income disparity. The top 1% control ~ 36 % of wealth in the country and 10% control ~75% of the wealth which leaves 25% to the remaining 90% of Americans. For these people the capital gains and other stocks and investments are taxed at a lower rate 15% so that if you're making most of your money through investment income vs wages (where the 90% live) you get to keep more and pay less.

It's not because these folks are smarter or more educated than others it's because of an historical and unfair system of wealth distribution. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Hey Zanzy, do you live in some kind of stagnant, stifling zero-sum world? Do you think income and wealth create themselves? What is stopping the remaining 90% of Americans from growing the pie and creating their own wealth? Could it be arrogant buzzkill morons like you who keep telling them their dreams are "crazy"?

By the way, the top capital gains tax rate is 20%, not 15%. Are you in favor of taxing capital gains and ordinary income at the same rate? Here's a question for you, Mr. Supercilious Asshole - when was the last time we did that and who was President?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
There is a difference between wealth and income disparity. The top 1% control ~ 36 % of wealth in the country and 10% control ~75% of the wealth which leaves 25% to the remaining 90% of Americans. For these people the capital gains and other stocks and investments are taxed at a lower rate 15% so that if you're making most of your money through investment income vs wages (where the 90% live) you get to keep more and pay less.

It's not because these folks are smarter or more educated than others it's because of an historical and unfair system of wealth distribution. Joe the Plumber represents to me one of the dumb masses voting against his own interests. If Joe the plumber can't see the greater context of Obama's argument amongst the many others to make things a tad bit fairer for all then absolutely yes I do know what's in his best interest better than he does. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
First of all, you only get down to 20% long term capital gains treatment after holding the fucking investment for at least one year, and it takes 5 years of investment to get down to 15%. It is open to any motherfucker who invests, smart or dumb, black or white, and encourages savings and investment. If a motherfucker saves money and then provides investment to create a better and more productive society, doesn't he deserve some benefit, especially since he was taxed on the earnings in the first place? (oops, I appear to have forgotten about the 3.8% Obamacare surcharge, thanks CaptainMidnight!)
You do believe in capitalism, don't you? If not, the Castro brothers are doing a great job down in Cuba with communism, aren't they?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Not sure about Michelle running but I think the San Antonio mayor Julian Castro will be after Hillary. Obama just raised his National profile by tapping him to be the HUD secretary ahead of 2016. He could even run with Hillary making the Mexican vote a lock.

Clinton / Castro would also be devastating for Repubs. Given their short-sighted political gamesmanship I just see no way the repubs are back in POTUS office within the next 24-28 yrs. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Fuck, if that's all we have to look forward to let's give Vlad a call and see if he has a better, peaceful alternative!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-01-2014, 02:25 PM
This is one of the more disturbing threads I've looked at in a while. Is the best we can do on the Dem side is decide which dynasty we want to establish? Are the Reps so defeated no one on here can put forth a reasonable opponent (and no, Palin, Cruz are NOT reasonable opponents).

If we keep this up we can save lots of money and turn the presidential races into a series of Kardashian-like tabloid articles. The brainless fringes will have won, and the 2 sigma middle will be pillaged by whichever one wins.

Come on Reps, put up someone that masses can actually vote for!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This is one of the more disturbing threads I've looked at in a while. Is the best we can do on the Dem side is decide which dynasty we want to establish? Are the Reps so defeated no one on here can put forth a reasonable opponent (and no, Palin, Cruz are NOT reasonable opponents).

If we keep this up we can save lots of money and turn the presidential races into a series of Kardashian-like tabloid articles. The brainless fringes will have won, and the 2 sigma middle will be pillaged by whichever one wins.

Come on Reps, put up someone that masses can actually vote for!
Originally Posted by Old-T
You have a good point but anyone the Republicans put up are immediately set upon by the liberal media, and their reputations trashed!!
This is one of the more disturbing threads I've looked at in a while. Is the best we can do on the Dem side is decide which dynasty we want to establish? Are the Reps so defeated no one on here can put forth a reasonable opponent (and no, Palin, Cruz are NOT reasonable opponents).

If we keep this up we can save lots of money and turn the presidential races into a series of Kardashian-like tabloid articles. The brainless fringes will have won, and the 2 sigma middle will be pillaged by whichever one wins.

Come on Reps, put up someone that masses can actually vote for!
Originally Posted by Old-T

The Ozombie finally admitted it... as if we didn't know.
As for my previous post, I am not naive enough to think that there will be a Democrat in the White House until 2052 but I do know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the mere mention of the Clinton's and the Obama's staying in the White House for an extended period of time would surely make our resident Idiot's foam at the mouth. Originally Posted by bigtex

NOT TRUE... You Socialist/Communist Assholes created the ruination of the once great country. I think you should see it all the way through. We will take the Senate and let the cards fall where they may. You ain't getting my guns...