Too Skinny to be Attractive

I think I have enough cushion for the pushing boys. I love my meals
80's Rocker's Avatar
Well you know the saying...Closer to the bone sweeter the meat..

But in all reality,too skinny not fun..
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 05-19-2010, 11:05 AM
Had a girlfriend that was just right than became very thin literally looked like a skeleton when naked. Was not attractive at all.
Int3rested's Avatar
Some happens.
The better the cushion, the better the pushin'
stevesanderson's Avatar
Skinny girls, maybe ugly - but the pussy is incredibly tight.
I've been on both sides of this issue in the last several years, and in my accidental research, I have found that when I was skinny I had less stamina BCD. I'm not sure why that is, but it's true.

Now that I have packed on the pounds, I could easily (and happily) go for multiple hours. This could be due to my age and the sexual peak I am supposed to be experiencing at this point in life, so my research may be worthless. All I know is, I used to get tired after an hour, and right now, an hour is like foreplay.

As far as the women I am attracted to, I tend to like women who are curvy and 'thick', my ethnic preference being beautiful, thickly built, AA ladies with dangerous curves . I'm a sucker for a thick ass and thighs, and a gorgeous smile! It's my weakness <<channeling my inner hobbyist here

*Tracibrooks' avatar-booty pic ain't to shabby, either. Just sayin'.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Don't try to tell that provider she is too thin (is it bad I know exactly who you're referring too?) She thinks she looks fantastic and more power to her. Last time someone tried to politely tell her she had every single bone showing and it was rather sickly looking she got extremely pissed. (It wasn't me. I've learned not to tell anyone what I think around here.)
And the rule of 85 would be a real improvement. Originally Posted by puro
All I can say is wow. So the likes of Calisa Flockhart's size is what you like?

Closer to the bone sweeter the meat. Originally Posted by 80's Rocker
First time I heard that one

Skinny girls, maybe ugly - but the pussy is incredibly tight. Originally Posted by stevesanderson
Any woman can be tight-it's called Kegal exercises.

Now it's just "my" opinion, but to "me" the photo I have attached is what "I" consider to be the perfect female body. I'm jealous and wish my body was like hers. Any plastic surgeons want to help me out? LOL


Attachment 6946
puro's Avatar
  • puro
  • 05-21-2010, 06:57 PM
[quote=hotlips_houlihan;305106]All I can say is wow. So the likes of Calisa Flockhart's size is what you like?

Yes, Meg, Ms. Flockhart's figure is very appealing to me.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Meg if you review Puro's posts you will see he is a semi-polite SP but hasn't yet learned how to put some of his questions in BCD tags or the locker room. This hobbyist aims only for the tiny bodies. He cares nothing for the experience (or much less than the size of the body) as long as she's small enough. And really I could care less. (Probably because he is not the sort of client I'm trying to attract, and I've a live and let hobby thing going on right now.)

I used to get to offended when someone said what they liked if it was the exact opposite of me (but wtf am I? a Progressive working for Nazi Germany?) Not anymore. <-offended NOT a progressive. I use it as a tool. The more you can get someone to talk about themselves, the more power you have in your back pocket. The thing I do really like about Puro is he does not insult the other side of the line, (much) while still maintaining what he likes. Though the fact he does not give women higher than the rule of 85 a second glance, he has not reached the level I would be interested in. WALDT. Now if he's a Glen Beck Constitutionalist, we may have something in common to talk about, but the interest would end there. Other than that, Don't waste your time on prodding just to get a negative reply. After 7 years around these parts, that was the best deflect I've ever seen Puro.

Hope you are well Meg. Peace and prosperity to you and yours.

OH PS, I loved the pic, but she doesn't have enough curves around her hips. It's too straight up and down for me.

One thing I've discovered about myself in the last 5 years or so, I LOVE my body. It's perfect. Plastic surgeons keep your hands off my ass and my perfect 33 year old breasts. It might be the rennie in me that blossoms especially this time of year, but I love myself and I've grown more and more fond of that fact the older I get.
Well I posted a pic of Calista Lockhart, where did it go? Cayla, I am not offended. A bit confused as to the attraction but hey, I'm not a man therefore do not have two heads from which to think from. LOL

Yes, WALDT. That is what makes the world go 'round.
Interesting thread...

While there is no "perfect" body type, medical folks will always side with "leaner is better" from a long term health perspective. But, there is also a point where too lean isn't healthy either.

Body weight doesn't always have to be managed with to any athlete, and they'll tell you nutrition (what, how much, and when we eat) is more than half of the equation. Physical exercise and sound nutritional habits go hand in hand.

Back in my twenties, I was running 40 to 60 miles per week as part of my marathon training. At 5'8", I weighed 137 pounds regardless of what I ate. That kind of mileage simply burns a tremendous amounts of calories. I thought I looked fabulous, but everyone else said I was emaciated. As I look at old pictures today, in fact i did look way to lean. But when you're in the middle of a fitness regimen, you have your own goals and views on what your body should look like. No point in any of us judging.

As far as personal likes and dislikes...variety is the spice of life. Why bother criticizing anyone of they have a strong preference. Just as all women are not hormonally crazed, not all men think solely with the little head, thank you very much.

If the lady in question is who I think it is, two things. The shape she's in is a result of tremendous effort and personal discipline. And, she's posted dead on accurate pics. Kudos on both points.

My only preference is a more natural look, usually without the effects of surgery. (Or, with well thought out and executed surgery....) But, that's just MY choice...
I've always thought that Calista Flockhart is too thin, resembling someone that leans over the toilet after every meal and.........followed by a breath mint if you're lucky!
I don't typically migrate toward the extremely skinny girls ... but for some reason ... Calista Flockhart always did something for me ... maybe I just loved that show.