President Obama's Statement on Newtown Shooting Was Excellent!

joe bloe's Avatar
This horrible shooting was a horrendously tragic event.

The parents of these innocent children will never recover from this profound loss.

President Obama addressed the nation and grieving parents when all needed to be consoled.

. . . The President delivered a masterful address straight from his heart and anyone who is not consumed with hatred would see that, but you sir, are merely a craven and sniveling coward hiding behind your keyboard. You should crawl back under your rock now.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Obama is a fraud. You're just another moron who has a schoolgirl infatuation for this creep. Lots of people thought Mussolini and Hitler were swell guys too, at least for a while.

Obama reads a few words from a teleprompter, written by his speech writer, and you get all weepy. Give me a break.
In my personal opinion I liked the speech...I don't know who could really make a speech after such an incident that horrific parent or non parent without somewhat trying to keep from shedding a tear or feeling some kind of pain.Then again its my opinion and I was very late on seeing and hearing all of this til recent due to being offline and away from the tv for so long...I just viewed threads,videos and tv clips....Very sad...

No matter who the president I agree that he did a very nice and well said speech.Thanks for allowing my comment.
~Exotic Beauty~
Obama is a fraud. You're just another moron who has a schoolgirl infatuation for this creep. Lots of people thought Mussolini and Hitler were swell guys too, at least for a while.

Obama reads a few words from a teleprompter, written by his speech writer, and you get all weepy. Give me a break. Originally Posted by joe bloe

That is a link to another president giving a speech after a tragedy. What do you think of this one joe bloe? Is this guy a fraud?

A tragedy occurs where 20 children that are 5-6 years old are killed and you can't even give the guy a break. I don't care for him either but attacking everything he does whether it is right or wrong just makes you look petty. It is sad that in this time of tragedy your heart has nothing but hate, you clearly are a swell guy!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I just listened to President Obama's statement on the Newtown shooting. He was compassionate and sincere. He did a very good job, and I completely share his sentiments, and in his prayers for those affected.

Good job, Mr. President!

No link yet, but when one becomes available, I will post it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree COG, It was very obvious he was speaking as a father first and foremost.

My heart aches from this tragic news.

joe bloe's Avatar

That is a link to another president giving a speech after a tragedy. What do you think of this one joe bloe? Is this guy a fraud?

A tragedy occurs where 20 children that are 5-6 years old are killed and you can't even give the guy a break. I don't care for him either but attacking everything he does whether it is right or wrong just makes you look petty. It is sad that in this time of tragedy your heart has nothing but hate, you clearly are a swell guy! Originally Posted by fetishfreak
I just tell the truth as I see it like everyone else on the board. The degree of the tragedy doesn't have anything to do Obama's character. It's a terrible tragedy and Obama is still a rat. He's just a rat who has learned how to read a teleprompter.

No, in my opinion Reagan was not a fraud. In my opinion, Reagan was a great man. I'm not sure I'm following your line of reasoning. Let's see if this is it. A great president gives a speech after a tragedy, so it logically follows that all other presidents giving speeches after tragedies must be great too. Is that it?
waverunner234's Avatar
I think we need more more more more guns to feel safe.
waverunner234's Avatar
I just tell the truth as I see it like everyone else on the board. The degree of the tragedy doesn't have anything to do Obama's character. It's a terrible tragedy and Obama is a great man. I'm not sure I'm following your line of reasoning. Let's see if this is it. A great president gives a speech after a tragedy, so it logically follows that all other presidents giving speeches after tragedies must be great too. Is that it? Originally Posted by joe bloe
Thank you Joo Asshole Blow
joe bloe's Avatar
I think we need more more more more guns to feel safe. Originally Posted by waverunner234

I'm glad to see you've come to your senses. I was worried about you.
waverunner234's Avatar
I'm glad to see you've come to your senses. I was worried about you. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I guess with total gun control and only knives available the death toll would be............................ .........
waverunner234's Avatar
I guess with total gun control and only knives available the death toll would be............................ ......... Originally Posted by waverunner234
1? or 2?

In stead of 27 or 28?
waverunner234's Avatar
waverunner234's Avatar
But here is one of my friends in action
Oh how the masses worshiped their Fuher (a man who didn't need/use a teleprompter):

Obama is a fraud. You're just another moron who has a schoolgirl infatuation for this creep. Lots of people thought Mussolini and Hitler were swell guys too, at least for a while.

Obama reads a few words from a teleprompter, written by his speech writer, and you get all weepy. Give me a break. Originally Posted by joe bloe
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You can cry at the feet of your Messiah if you want. I don't care; it's your right.

Must you ALWAYS be the official "Obama AssLicker" ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
In a time like this why do you have to be a fucking asshole? Do you know how hard it is to report the lost of children?? I will be man enough to dmit that I teared up when I herd this story- this s nothing to do with politics- any human with a soul would have felt pain in their herts and you and your butt buddy Joe Bloe want to make light of it- GO FUCK YOURSELF WHIRLWAY AND I WILL TELL YOU THAT TO YOUR FACE YOU LOW LIFE POS!!!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Obama is a fraud. You're just another moron who has a schoolgirl infatuation for this creep. Lots of people thought Mussolini and Hitler were swell guys too, at least for a while.

Obama reads a few words from a teleprompter, written by his speech writer, and you get all weepy. Give me a break. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You know Joe when you talk like you do I sometimes wish your mother was pro-choice when she carried you- people like you are a fucking waste of human life.