Things you might have missed while you know..chasing an albino squirrel. Come on man.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank for the lengthy soliloquy, oebsy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thank for the lengthy soliloquy, oebsy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're welcome and thank you for your thoughtful sharing of insight, wisdom and worthwhile contribution - as per usual. Yeah, right...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
At first blush, it would appears to be a Voter ID ruling. It is not. It is more of a "Do the fucking job you were elected to Do". Very interesting...
SCOTUS Rules 8-1 in Favor of Republicans Defending Voter ID Laws Against Democrat Officials

The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Thursday ruled 8-1 that Republican lawmakers can intervene in a court battle to defend North Carolina’s voter ID laws against Democrat officials.

In 2018, Republicans in North Carolina’s state legislature overrode a veto by Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper that amended the state’s constitution to declare that “voters offering to vote in person shall present photographic identification.”

In response, the North Carolina National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) sued the governor and the state board of elections. In court, the board of elections was defended by North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democrat, who previously voted against voter ID laws while in the state Senate.

Republicans in the state legislature sought to intervene in the case, arguing that the state’s interests were not being properly represented, as the governor and attorney general have both opposed voter ID laws.

In an 8-1 decision, written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, SCOTUS held that “North Carolina’s legislative leaders are entitled to intervene in this litigation.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented in the case.

Gorsuch writes:

The legislative leaders seek to give voice to a different perspective. Their “primary objective” is not clarifying which law applies. They are not burdened by misgivings about the law’s wisdom. If allowed to intervene, the legislative leaders say, they will focus on defending the law vigorously on the merits without an eye to crosscutting administrative concerns. And, they add, the differences between their interest and the Board’s in this case demonstrate why state law empowers them to participate in litigation over the validity of state legislation — alive as it is to the possibility that different branches of government may seek to vindicate different and valuable state interests. Perhaps recognizing all this, the Fourth Circuit itself allowed the legislative leaders to intervene in the appeal from the District Court’s preliminary injunction ruling. The same result should follow here. [Emphasis added]

Through the General Assembly, the people of North Carolina have authorized the leaders of their legislature to defend duly enacted state statutes against constitutional challenge. Ordinarily, a federal court must respect that kind of sovereign choice, not assemble presumptions against it. Having satisfied the terms of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 24(a)(2), North Carolina’s legislative leaders are entitled to intervene in this litigation. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit is reversed. [Emphasis added]
“Today is a big win for democratic accountability in the rule of law,” Ambassador Ken Blackwell, chairman of the Center for Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute, exclusively told Breitbart News.

“Voter ID laws are overwhelmingly popular, including among black and Hispanic voters that the left false claims are discriminated against by these laws,” Blackwell said. “Today’s decision allows the people’s elected lawmakers to defend this popular law they passed when Democrats in North Carolina’s executive branch fail to vigorously do so.”...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Then on to the rioting - All Night Long!!!!
Burn'n Down the House!!!!
Let's Get this Party Started!!!!
... Conservative citys and townes have CAMERAS at the ready.

So those who do property damage and destruction can be prosecuted.
Next Year.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... So those who do property damage and destruction can be prosecuted.Next Year... Originally Posted by Salty Again
...for insurrection.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Voting aqui no bueno por favor.

New York Supreme Court Strikes Down NYC Voting Rights for Foreign Nationals

The New York Supreme Court has struck down a New York City law, passed by Democrats late last year, that sought to give municipal voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Democrats on the 51-member New York City Council approved a plan last month that allows more than 800,000 foreign nationals with green cards, visas, and work permits the opportunity to vote in citywide elections so long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days.

Subsequently, black Americans in New York City, along with naturalized American citizens, the New York State Republican Party, the Republican National Committee (RNC), and Democrat officials like Councilman Robert Holden sued Mayor Eric Adams (D) and the city’s Board of Elections.

The lawsuit noted that the New York State Constitution expressly states that voting rights are a privilege reserved for American “citizens.”

In its decision on Monday, the Court ruled that the law is “illegal, null, and void” because “it is clear … that voting is a right granted to citizens of the United States,”...
HedonistForever's Avatar
No, I am not tired of winning, thanks for asking.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No, I am not tired of winning, thanks for asking. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not to worry...
Report: GOP Gaining 1 Million+ Voters as Democrats Bleed Support

Tens of thousands of voters who helped Democrats install President Joe Biden in the White House are now happily switching to Republicans, voter registration analysis released Monday shows.

More than one million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party in the past 12 months alone, ballot intentions compiled by the Associated Press (AP) shows.

A broad swathe of regions in the country – big and small, urban and rural – report the same phenomenon.

Nowhere is the switch more visible, according to AP analysis, than in suburban counties stretching across Denver to Atlanta, Pittsburgh and Cleveland.

The GOP is also reportedly gained ground in counties around medium-size cities such as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Raleigh, North Carolina; Augusta, Georgia; and Des Moines, Iowa.

All the numbers bode ill for Democrats in a vote which will determine control of Congress and dozens of governorships.

In all roughly two-thirds of the 1.7 million voters who changed their party affiliation shifted to the Republican Party. That amounts to more than one million people who became Republicans compared to about 630,000 who became Democrats.

A lack of direction by the Democratic Party is contributing to its slide. The AP report states:
Roughly four months before Election Day, Democrats have no clear strategy to address Biden’s weak popularity and voters’ overwhelming fear that the country is headed in the wrong direction with their party in charge. And while Republicans have offered few policy solutions of their own, the GOP has been working effectively to capitalize on the Democrats’ shortcomings.

Republicans benefited last year as suburban parents grew increasingly frustrated by prolonged pandemic-related schools closures. And as inflation intensified more recently, the Republican National Committee has been hosting voter registration events at gas stations in suburban areas across swing states like Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania to link the Biden administration to record-high gas prices. The GOP has also linked the Democratic president to an ongoing baby formula shortage...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not sure how many voters will turn out for the mid terms yet - which are fast approaching. But the word on the street is their bank accounts, retirement accounts, daily budgets and savings account will be turning out in droves.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They knew they had to cook the books and push the shot on children to leverage a loop hole because Comirnaty was never, ever produced and circulated.
WSJ: Pfizer Trial Found Vaxxed Toddlers 'Were More Likely to Get Severely Ill With Covid'

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that toddlers vaccinated during Pfizer's trial were "more likely to get severely ill with Covid than those who received a placebo" and "most kids who developed multiple infections during the trial were vaccinated."

From WSJ, "Why the Rush for Toddler Vaccines?":

"This is a very historic milestone, a monumental step forward," President Biden declared last week after the Food and Drug Administration authorized Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for toddlers. "The United States is now the first country in the world to offer safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months old."

In fact, we don't know if the vaccines are safe and effective. The rushed FDA action was based on extremely weak evidence. [...]

More troubling, vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer's trial were more likely to get severely ill with Covid than those who received a placebo. Pfizer claimed most severe cases weren't "clinically significant," whatever that means, but this was all the more reason that the FDA should have required a longer follow-up before authorizing the vaccine.

Also worrisome: Most kids who developed multiple infections during the trial were vaccinated. This warranted more investigation, since experimental vaccines for other diseases sometimes increase susceptibility to infection.

Scientists are also discovering that triple-vaccinated adults who were previously infected with the Wuhan variant have a weaker immune response to Omicron, leaving them more susceptible to reinfection. This phenomenon, called "immunological imprinting," could explain why children who received three Pfizer shots were more likely to get reinfected.

The FDA brushed aside the risk that inoculating infants against a variant no longer circulating could blunt their immune responses to Omicron and its offshoots. There's a reason vaccine trials usually take a decade. Some steps can be accelerated, but an extended follow-up is often necessary to ensure potential side effects aren’t overlooked.

The FDA standard for approving vaccines in otherwise healthy people, especially children, is supposed to be higher than for drugs that treat the sick. But the FDA conspicuously lowered its standards to approve Covid vaccines for toddlers. Why?...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think they really mean to say this "Some steps can be accelerated, but an extended follow-up is often necessary to ensure political side effects aren’t overlooked."
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Between the cratering poll numbers for F Joe Biden, Roe vs Wade hysteria, false flag shootings and the Jan6 Sitcom, Infomercial and Marxist show trial - the feckless leader has gone full Commie with a brilliant new (not really) idea: Buy votes with other peoples money. Brilliant!

The Azz-Hat in Chief, is proposing spending your tax money to bail out private pensions because the Demonicrat minions have so severely augured the economy into the ground. Sugar Daddy gubmint to the rescue...

BTW: Not a Babylon Bee article, though it easily could have been.
Biden promotes plan to protect millions of workers' pensions

As many as 3 million workers and retirees who faced pension cuts because of investment losses will get the benefits they were set to receive.

By Rebecca Shabad, Sally Bronston and Lauren Egan

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Ohio to highlight his administration’s work to prevent cuts to millions of workers’ pensions as his approval rating continues to sag ahead of the midterm elections.

Biden’s visit was tied to the launch of a program created under the American Rescue Plan that provides assistance to struggling multicompany pension plans, ensuring that as many as 3 million workers and retirees will receive their full benefits.

“With today’s actions, millions of workers will have the dignified retirement they earned and they deserve,” Biden said in Cleveland.

More than 200 multiemployer plans, which are created between employers and unions, were on track to become insolvent in the near term due to the economic impact of the pandemic, according to the White House. Those plans are now projected to remain solvent until 2051.

Seeking to repair his support among blue-collar voters, Biden said it was “important” to understand that Republicans opposed the American Rescue Plan. Much more could be in jeopardy if Republicans were to win majorities in the House and Senate this fall, including protections for pre-existing health conditions, he continued.

“When this bill was moving through Congress, Republicans called these pensions quote ‘rat holes,’” Biden said.

“My predecessor had a chance to act, but he didn’t have a commitment to you or the courage to stand up to his own party to get things done,” he said, referring to former President Donald Trump. “Remember how he was going to help working-class folks? But tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans — they had no trouble passing that.”
Recapping: Fuck Joe Biden is going to bail out the Union voters pension funds because he and his Demonically Possessed Rat Bastard Minions, not to mention - Dr Frankenstein Fauci - have screwed the economy harder the Cum-Allah Harris ever did with Willie Brown. When the hell will they realize that they will run out of other peoples money?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I have never run for a National political office, but if I did - I would want to have a bad-ass 757 jet to ferry me around the country and elsewhere - perhaps to an Italian beach villa, like some people apparently do, in lieu of actually doing their freak'n job.
IT’S HAPPENING! HE’S BACK! President Trump Releases Video of Revamped Plane
— Includes SECRET PHOTOS of TRUMP 2024 FLAGS in Background!

As anticipation builds around the question of President Trump’s expected run for president in 2024, and a three-peat victory, the great MAGA KING released an amazing video today.

President Trump released video today of his revamped 757 plane complete with a new paint job.

President Trump posted this on Truth Social.

President Trump: “During my four years in the White House, I didn’t use everybody’s favorite airplane, the Boeing 757 we campaigned on for our big 2016 WIN. Now it has been completely modernized and renovated, and looks GREAT, all done in the Great State of Louisiana, and coming back to the skies in the Fall of 2022, or maybe sooner. Get ready!”

This link was included in his post.

Hope he included additional storage for a shit-tonne of popcorn Deal with it bitches!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
See ya later alligator...

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation Thursday amid a mass revolt by top members of his government, marking an end to three tumultuous years in power in which he brazenly bent and sometimes broke the rules of British politics.

Months of defiance ended almost with a shrug as Johnson stood outside No. 10 Downing St. and conceded that his party wanted him gone.

“Them’s the breaks,” he said.

The brash, 58-year-old politician who took Britain out of the European Union and steered it through COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine was brought down by one scandal too many — this one involving his appointment of a politician who had been accused of sexual misconduct.

The messiest of prime ministers did not leave cleanly. Johnson stepped down immediately as Conservative Party leader but said he would remain as prime minister until the party chooses his successor. The timetable for that process will be announced next week, he said...
After awhile crocodile...