What is the most embarrasing sexual moment you have ever had?

DFK Hunter's Avatar
DFK, I heard a version of that story in the Navy, too... We always said it fell into the category of "I don't believe I'd a told that...."!!!! I'm pretty sure if something like that ever happened to me, not one soul would ever hear about it!!! Originally Posted by david648
David I can appreciate your skepticism; however, in this case I knew all 4 men involved. The victim did admit it (under duress) to me. With 3 witnesses he had a hard time denying it. Honestly, this is no shit...
Oh I wasn't doubting it! I'm sure that scenario has played out many times around the world, lol.

In the version I heard, the "girl" kept saying "only suckee, no fuckee"...and when he felt her crotch while she was doing the suckee, he knew why. The thing we couldn't understand was why he told anyone about it!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Alcohol is the usual reason why squids confess to such brain farts. "Bob" never gave any details beyond what he blurted out in his moment of inebriated excitement. He caught all sorts of flak over the next 2 years. When people would bring it up he'd get defensive and blurt out, "SHUTUP!" and stomp off, which quickly became the object of the game. I started calling him Petty Officer SHUTUP 2nd Class. Last I heard he's a Professor in the Pacific NW.
johnnybax's Avatar
14 years old, jerking off in bed, sister walks in.....YAH. Awkward!!
ANONONE's Avatar
DFK, I heard a version of that story in the Navy, too... We always said it fell into the category of "I don't believe I'd a told that...."!!!! I'm pretty sure if something like that ever happened to me, not one soul would ever hear about it!!! Originally Posted by david648
Hence the reason you will always hear that story with this opening:

"It didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine once. . ."
Guest081910's Avatar
Embarassing moments . . .I had an aunt and an uncle on the way to a wedding when my aunt suddenly realized she had a run in her panty hose. My uncle stopped at a nearby Wamart and told my aunt he'd park while she ran into to get a replacment pair of panty hose. They were running late to the wedding and he begged her to not waste any time. Well, she didn't delay. Within a few minutes, she emerged from the store, jumped baced in the pickup truck and proceeded to raise her dress to her waist, pull off her panties and put on the panty hose. As she got one leg done, she noticed the truck wasn't moving and blurted out "Harold! We're running late..so step on it!" At that point, the man in the truck matter-of-factly asked, "OK lady, where do you want to go?" To make matters worse - my poor uncle had to go back to that truck and get my aunt's purse because she exited in such a hurry that she left it in the stranger's truck. True story.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
One that did happen to me. The wife and I were going at it pretty good when she got really vocal (she had a bit of PSE in her). Next thing we know there's a loud knocking at the door and a frantic voice calling, "Mommy, Mommy! Are you okay?!"
Sometimes I wonder how we managed to have two more after that one. :-)
I was in AIT, and i was giving myself a special treat, when the roommates walked in, OMG, i was totally embarrassed, it didn't take long for that news to reach down the hall. I kept my hat way down below my eyes.

Making out with my then boyfriend, who was living in his mom basement, we are having a good time, reaching to really good part, and the mom comes downstairs screaming for us to shut up.

Same then boyfriend in the basement, and his moms boyfriend creeps on down to the basement. Using the ole "i need to wash clothes" excuse, he was really trying to sneak a peek. Old pervert.

Sneaking in a quickie with then husband in his barrack room, praying the roommate doesn't walk in, well the roommate was there the whole darn time, just drunk and buried underneath his covers. We were greeted with his face peering over the bed with a huge grin on his face. We took the action to my barrack room from then on.

Embarrassing but good times.
High School Graduation night. My Grandmother came to see me graduate. I was the first one of her Grandchildren to graduate High School so I guess it was important to her.

Anyway, afterwards I went to all the after parties with my girlfriend and we got
exceedingly drunk with our friends as 17 year olds will do when booze is made available. We decided to go back to my house/room to do something. I think it was to change clothes or take a shower, but it ended in a quick romp followed by passing out on my bed naked. The next thing I remember is my Dad banging on my door and demanding I give him my girlfriends keys so he could move her car out of the driveway. He way very concerned my Grandmother would discover our fornication. (My Granny was very religious)

While we were trying to get dressed, we discovered that during the night one of us had thrown up in my girlfriends shoes that were sitting neatly together next to the bed. We never did figure out who the guilty party was, though. She rinsed her pukey shoes off and did the walk of shame to her car in squishy foot wear. My Dad later returned and offered to kick my ass the next time I put him in that sort of position.

Good times. . .LOL
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Well, in my situation, it wasn't me that was embarassed. One night, the SO and I are going at it pretty hot and heavy (as we used to do in those days). All of a sudden, the bedroom door was flung open, and my younger sister, who is a real prude and was living with us at the time after separating from her husband, comes charging into the room and starts babbling away about something or other.

We just stopped in mid action as my sister continued to rant about whatever. After about 2 minutes of this non-stop, I finally was able to get a word in edgewise and said, "Uh, sis, this isn't really the best time for us to chat."

She just stood there for awhile as it slowly began to dawn on her what she'd walked in on and interrupted. Although the room was dark, I could have sworn I saw her face glow beet red as she mumbled an apology and got the hell out. The SO and I started laughing so hard that it took us a full 15 minutes before we were able to pick up where we'd left off.

My sister spent the next two weeks apologizing about barging in that night. Never did find out what was so urgently important that she had to talk to us about.
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 01-18-2010, 01:14 PM
This happened to me last week.. It was me and the SO... We dont usually get a whole lot of time since we have a 10yo and a 3yo... So we set them up in the living room with a movie and snuck away to the bedroom... We we really into it and suddenly the 3yo starts knocking... We ignore since we are very close and it had been a while. The SO is in the Reverse Cowgirl facing the door. We could hear the 10yo trying to knock now... but we refuse... Suddenly the door flies open and both run in.. The 3yo starts crying and the 10yo runs out... All i could see is the look on their faces and i go limp in 2 seconds flat... My SO doesnt even stop until i said get off... Then she gets pissed and runs out to confront the 10yo buck naked... I just hide under the sheets... it took me about 30 minutes before i could face the kiddos... When you lock the door make sure that the latch catches...
  • OFF
  • 01-18-2010, 04:31 PM
I recall a thread by a gentleman on the other Board who had apparently, unknowingly gone an gotten a rubdown from a TS here in Dallas. It seems he thoroughly enjoyed himself until he learned at the end of the session that "she" was carrying some extra luggage in her panties.

He wrote a thread as a warning for other gents, but apparently based on the replies, he wasn't the only one that this "lady" had surprised.

LMA - OFF :-)
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 01-18-2010, 05:24 PM
I was living in the SF Bay Area and my girl friend at the time worked for a large high tech firmed that had a theatre for corp meetings, press conferences, etc.

Anyway one of her fantasies was to do it in the theatre on the stage. Being the obliging type I consented, while in the middle of having her bent over using the podium to hold herself up the cleaning crew decides to walk in. We were not paying attention, finished and received a standing ovation from the cleaning crew.
After the then spouse and I had watch some bachlor party porn at her brother's bachlor party, we snuck over to the laundry room for a little adult fun on the washing machine where upon reaching that devine moment of crisis we were interrupted by her mother turning on the lights and asking what's going on down here..... now I know she had been widowed awhile, but with four kids had she really forgotten what she was witnessing? Needless to say I didn't answer her question!
  • OFF
  • 01-19-2010, 09:41 AM
I went looking for my favorite all time embarrassing moment (written by another guy) and couldn't find it. I am fairly certain it was shared on TER. I would have liked to shared it the way he wrote it, but since I couldn't find it, here is what I recall happened to him.

The guy was out of town and scheduled an evening session with a provider at a hotel. She had prepared the room and had some votive candles burning for ambiance. If I recall correctly, he undressed in the bathroom and in the process laid his pants over one of the small votives.

Neither of them realized what had happend but before long they began to smell smoke only discover that his pants were literally on fire. They put out the fire quickly but unfortunately the pants were significantly damaged making them unwearable. So, the gent had to give the provider his credit card and have her go buy him some more pants. Fortunately the lady was honest and only bought pants but I am sure she laughed all of the way to the store and back again.

OFF :-)