Advertising as a submissive but not screening clients

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2016, 07:01 AM
You had to be the kill joy....
Now what i do with my rope and hard on?
@$#&ŁĄ!%^€&! Originally Posted by needingmilking
I hope my getting up the butt the first day comment didn't scare her away, I guess you'll have to find a woman from this site now.
boomvang's Avatar
You had to be the kill joy....
Now what i do with my rope and hard on?
@$#&ŁĄ!%^€&! Originally Posted by needingmilking
I hope my getting up the butt the first day comment didn't scare her away, I guess you'll have to find a woman from this site now. Originally Posted by BLM69
I'm really sorry guys. Next time I'll show absolutely no concern. I'll offer her up for sacrifice in ML. We will all just have to be on the honor system. This one was a cousin of someone I know and all that. It seemed like the thing to do at the time.
needingmilking's Avatar
I'm really sorry guys. Next time I'll show absolutely no concern. I'll offer her up for sacrifice in ML. We will all just have to be on the honor system. This one was a cousin of someone I know and all that. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. Originally Posted by boomvang
Lol, what, an honest man?
Ok fine... :-)
needingmilking's Avatar
I hope my getting up the butt the first day comment didn't scare her away, I guess you'll have to find a woman from this site now. Originally Posted by BLM69
Yes, but why... WHY!...
Actually finding a real sub girl is very difficult.
By definition, if you have to pay for a specific amount of time, she is not really submitting to you.