background checks

What kind of info you looking for word of mouth on a hooker board.
I do not think your in the right venue . Pm Mex if she has been a hooker he has done her,
Play with her in bed and test different areas! Okay, tonight we're going to pretend you are a felon, pretend you are my maid, tonight I want you to put on these clothes and I am going take over from there, whatever your curiosity, sex can be a great way to get a person to open up with what they've been holding in. If you think she is lying, you can beat the playful shit out of her and talk in a certain way, without her feeling attacked or offended. It's extra fun if you take control from the very get go, and are gentle and sensual with a movie or dim lights on and treat her like a queen, building up the anticipation, and then once it turns raunchy getting into the role playing where you can boldly make comments hinting around certain things but not necessarily asking direct questions.
Play with her in bed and test different areas! Okay, tonight we're going to pretend you are a felon, pretend you are my maid, tonight I want you to put on these clothes and I am going take over from there, whatever your curiosity, sex can be a great way to get a person to open up with what they've been holding in. If you think she is lying, you can beat the playful shit out of her and talk in a certain way, without her feeling attacked or offended. It's extra fun if you take control from the very get go, and are gentle and sensual with a movie or dim lights on and treat her like a queen, building up the anticipation, and then once it turns raunchy getting into the role playing where you can boldly make comments hinting around certain things but not necessarily asking direct questions. Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
you told me you were too drunk to remember what we did, now you are opening your mouth?
If I didn't open my mouth, the guy was going to stick his dick in yours.

You didn't want me to intervene did you. Shit.
If I didn't open my mouth, the guy was going to stick his dick in yours.

You didn't want me to intervene did you. Shit.