Savannah Moon's Avatar
Read JR's reviews he has written..look @ how he describes the women he has seen...look @ all his responses to threads & posts. Look @ the threads he has started.
BTW...the mood swing is called PMS
Which is literally PRE MENSTRUAL SYNDROME.
Or at can also mean
I would see you..did you contact me..yes
Did I say I would..yes. But @ that time I had a lot of PM's coming in and I hadn't really looked into your reviews and who you were... in fact had very little direct contact with you...
After paying closer attention to who you are, your lack of integrity, your disrespect for women... I meant your flaming disrespect for women. Says a lot about your character or lack there of in your case.... Anybody who knows me anybody that I've spent time with are more than aware that we have never met and never will!!
Now JohnnyRERE
This was just posted basically to INFORM
But..I knew I had peepeed in a few peoples cherios so I anticipated an attack
& I do not care a whole lot!!
My Showcase will be updated & new Pictures are in the do expect more attention seeking posts in the very near future
Hey Retard, I bet I see her before you do given her last response.
Maybe at her place instead of my place this time too.
If you are really nice, maybe you can taste how good she is via my review.
I will try to be very descriptive as I was last time.

Ms Moon, are you building a dungeon in that new house?
Picturing Eurotrip -Thundersexxx room - free t-shirt and Ice pack on the way out lol.
FLA's Avatar
  • FLA
  • 06-17-2016, 05:23 PM
I look forward to seeing the new place!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.....Ms Moon, are you building a dungeon in that new house?.... Originally Posted by Mccaffery
Umm, she does happen to have a Carpenter on call....
There was nothing passive or agressive in my response period.
I could care less if she lets you in or not.
. Originally Posted by Mccaffery
you don't seem to understand what it means to be "passive agressive"
and you obviously care, otherwise how can you care less?

you might have meant, "couldn't care less" but that's not what you said...

A2theb2thec's Avatar
you don't seem to understand what it means to be "passive agressive"
and you obviously care, otherwise how can you care less?

you might have meant, "couldn't care less" but that's not what you said...

Originally Posted by johnnyretard
I don't get your use of "passive aggressive". I think he was actively suggesting.

But I'm proud of you. You nailed a legit comeback though it is bit low level.

By engaging in a war of words here one tends to come away with penalty points so I'd rather save those for some real fun rather this stupid shit. I would suggest you do the same but I have a feeling you're just gonna throw that back at me. No matter. IT's all good.

#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member. Originally Posted by johnnyretard
so doesnt this also apply to those people who call me "retard" or "'Tard"
retardation is also speculation of medical condition

as is calling someone an idiot
An idiot, dolt, dullard or (archaically) mome is a person perceived to be lacking intelligence, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Along with the similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin, the word archaically referred to the intellectually disabled, but have all since gained specialized meanings in modern times

so let's be consistent, eh?
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Stupid rule that gets used too aggressively as with the case of using the word "younger versions of adults" in all contexts. Stupid but I don't make up the dumb rules.

May be we should just ban the use of your name then since you made it your own to put a condition in your name. I like to think you were using it in the colloquial sense but we can make it a condition if it makes you feel better about it.

Yes I agree. The mods should be more consistent and ban the use of the name Retard since it brings into discussion a possible medical condition. Sadly that may mean banning you altogether. I'd prefer to think it as mental retardation which is a general term for conditions where the cerebral hemispheres do not develop as they normally should giving the impression of retarded mental development. And glad we sorted that out for you.
so doesnt this also apply to those people who call me "retard" or "'Tard"
retardation is also speculation of medical condition

as is calling someone an idiot
An idiot, dolt, dullard or (archaically) mome is a person perceived to be lacking intelligence, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Along with the similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin, the word archaically referred to the intellectually disabled, but have all since gained specialized meanings in modern times

so let's be consistent, eh? Originally Posted by johnnyretard
Are you serious? The word is in your handle. Tone back your rude comments and criticisms and maybe others won't bully you so much.
The mods should be more consistent and ban the use of the name Retard since it brings into discussion a possible medical condition. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
You have no way of knowing, so consider this your Saturday morning educational lesson. The moderators have nothing to do with name selection or account registration.
Congratulations on your new place!! I need to schedule a house warming party with you!
A2theb2thec's Avatar
You have no way of knowing, so consider this your Saturday morning educational lesson. The moderators have nothing to do with name selection or account registration. Originally Posted by scorpio31
that's cool. like I have said. stupid rule. I agree. perhaps you may want to start an exclusion rule for names so you'll be able to have some control over that aspect. we wouldn't want too many edviagrapillpoppers moseying around for people to make fun of.
Are you serious? The word is in your handle. Tone back your rude comments and criticisms and maybe others won't bully you so much. Originally Posted by scorpio31
again, be consistent
is it part of the rule that others can "Speculate about another person's medical condition" if it's part of your name?

that's pretty much the same as showing someones online behavor fits critera for other Mental Disorders and calling calling someone a disorder or calling them a tard or POS, are all basically the same thing
I think I got dinged becase I'm close to the truth
like how the Feds are covering up PLANET 9!
A2theb2thec's Avatar
again, be consistent
is it part of the rule that others can "Speculate about another person's medical condition" if it's part of your name?

that's pretty much the same as showing someones online behavor fits critera for other Mental Disorders and calling calling someone a disorder or calling them a tard or POS, are all basically the same thing
I think I got dinged becase I'm close to the truth
like how the Feds are covering up PLANET 9!
LOLZ Originally Posted by johnnyretard
please... for the sake of my sanity the little of which I possess. what the f puck so you want them to do? or are you worried they will enforce the rule on your name? damn it man stop throwing around this nonsense. no one knows what the f uck you're saying. just please tell the mods simply what you want done according to your complaint. it's driving me insane seeing you continue on the same line over and over again without resolution.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I look forward to seeing the new place! Originally Posted by FLA
Ready when you are