First Contact - Separates Men from Boys

LOL Sophie! You may not recall, but you and I met a few times in my early hobbying in ASPD days... your post cracked me up.

"hey" "wyd" "dtf?"
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-29-2022, 06:26 PM
Agree. Originally Posted by GT5
Agreed X100, if someone can bitch that much about everything, it's easy to deal with normal whores understand how to treat tricks, like is a one liner really gonna ruin your day? Lmfao 😅
pmdelites's Avatar
anyone remember "a/s/l?" from the ancient chat rooms?? talk about short and sweet.

in general, any first communication should be nice, considerate and respectful. ladies, if you get one that isnt, just chunk it and dont look back.

my m.o. ...
if a provider states in her ad, profile and/or website what she wants in an initial msg, i send that, along w/ membership time on eccie, oh2, p411 and a few more items. i do agree w/ bobbyb1234 on references. just like a resume, i let her know "refs available". it's called "progressive disclosure" - only give as much as needed right now, but let them know more info is available.

if a provider does not list what she wants in initial msg (which could be a yellow flag as it might indicate lax screening procedures), i'll send a customized message - hello; saw your ad/profile; interested in meeting at ___; membership time on eccie, oh2, p411; best way to reach me; thanks.
if her online persona indicates some "friskiness", i might add some sexy euphemisms or banter.

as bobbyb1234 stated, her response or lack of response to my initial msg factors into my decision of whether i will or will not pursue an appt.

but i agree w/ Sopie - guys, be nice, considerate, respectful, and let her know the info she requests.
if you cant do that, dont even contact her.
or get upset if she aims her flamethrower at you.

hope you all get some deliteful messages leading to a deliteful encumter!
  • elk45
  • 05-01-2022, 01:12 PM
There are very few class act ladies available these days, you just happen to be one of the few. I need to schedule with you as I can almost guarantee a great conversation with you! Keep being the class act you are and I hope to connect with you soon in the near future.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
"Many dudes get weeded out immediately because of one liners .... or, acting like they already know you (calling you babe or sweetheart) ...."

I couldn't agree more! And kudos to you for throwing some chum in the water to bring up the undesirables, who will criticize you for asking for civil, respectful discourse ... they aren't people you would want as clients. Smart girl!!!
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Read, "Texts To An Escort" ( on Amazon ) .... hilarious !
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-02-2022, 09:34 AM
"Many dudes get weeded out immediately because of one liners .... or, acting like they already know you (calling you babe or sweetheart) ...."

I couldn't agree more! And kudos to you for throwing some chum in the water to bring up the undesirables, who will criticize you for asking for civil, respectful discourse ... they aren't people you would want as clients. Smart girl!!! Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
I'm curious why someone calling you babe or sweetheart trigger some of you? I don't do it but it doesn't bother me when called babe or similar, I understand that it's fake and don't let something that petty get to me

I'm sensing some Man hating or hating tricks going up in you for a few dollars but I'm no therapist, just my opinion, it's not like anyone is going to change their style or what they say because few hookers get angry for being called babe 😂. Just being real here

As I remember, tricks are the consumers and they decide who the undesirable is $, or has that change also? I live in reality, not a fantasy world where I get kicked in the balls and hand some $ over
This is a good post, I've learned - thank you
There are very few class act ladies available these days, you just happen to be one of the few.
I need to schedule with you as I can almost guarantee a great conversation with you! Keep being the class act you are and I hope to connect with you soon in the near future.

Music to my ears Elk …. I look forward to our first encounter!

my m.o. ...
if a provider states in her ad, profile and/or website what she wants in an initial msg, i send that, along w/ membership time on eccie, oh2, p411 and a few more items.
I do agree w/ bobbyb1234 on references. just like a resume, i let her know "refs available". it's called "progressive disclosure" -
only give as much as needed right now, but let them know more info is available.
YES! One step at a time …. And then … bang.. the big moment when your like… Hey! I want to get skin on skin with this person!

“if a provider does not list what she wants in initial msg (which could be a yellow flag as it might indicate lax screening procedures), i'll send a customized message - hello; saw your ad/profile; interested in meeting at ___; membership time on eccie, oh2, p411; best way to reach me; thanks.”
“…if her online persona indicates some "friskiness", i might add some sexy euphemisms or banter.”

Well, PMD …. It’s not as easy as it was in the past. We are confined to only put out so much info (unless you advertise on a run of the mill site).
We’re not allowed to have descriptive profiles and also restricted in what we can display in our signature lines.
Therefore, we rely on prospective clients to dig a little deeper into the research to determine we would be a good match.

“as bobbyb1234 stated, her response or lack of response to my initial msg factors into my decision of whether i will or will not pursue an appt.”

UNDERSTOOD …. But please take note, depending on our schedule and how we balance this with the RW life …. It could take days before we respond.

“but i agree w/ Sopie - guys, be nice, considerate, respectful, and let her know the info she requests.
if you cant do that, dont even contact her.
or get upset if she aims her flamethrower at you”.

Establishing common ground and displaying some attractive personality is the best way to get a woman's attention. That's probably why we keep reading about the mongers who say it takes weeks or months for some providers to get back with them. Their delete button is getting worn out.

“… I also want to see how long it takes to receive a response.
I have my own opinion o what is a reasonable amount of time. Furthermore, no response is a clear message that the provider is not interested in seeing me (although it would be much better (and shows much more class) to simply reply, thank me for my message and say "I'm sorry, but I do not believe we are a good fit.").

If only the world worked like that…..
For the immense amount of requests we get … it’s just too much of a time waster to answer every request. Not only that …. But a majority of the inquiries do not take no for an answer very well.
They will continuously ask … well, why? OR … is there more information I can give to change your opinion? OR … please just give me a chance …. I am willing to do whatever you need to be able to see you.

I have a business to run…. I can’t s
pend my time on therapy for newbies who need to get a clue.[COLOR="blue"]

“When I hobby, I want an experience. Not necessarily a 3 Ring Circus experience, but Grace Preston has never disappointed me in that regard. LOL (Luv ya Grace!)
GRACE! GRACE! I always love her posts and you can feel the good vibes coming from her when you read them.
I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting her … but I think I will put that on my bucket list …. 😉

I get that is a business from the provider side. It would not hurt to make me feel appreciated as a client. And it all starts with that first impression...
Well Said ….

“Twenty years ago when the online hobby community was new, ladies and gents had a chance to get to know each other based on their online persona. There weren’t nearly as many of us, +and the average sophistication level on both sides was higher than it is now…”

YEP …. times are a changing …… but we have to roll with the progression of this off beat hobby.

(this was before mobile devices or even broad access to the internet).
The online hobby community is huge now, and it’s impossible to keep up with all the personalities.
AND … as I write this … I just got a text …. “Hey TT … are you up? I’m on OH2 and found you”.
WTF ? …. Seriously? First off …. Don’t call me TT unless you know me …. Second …. 1:45am? Third … Shitty introduction…
So … BA BAM … no go for me!

“We can only control our own attitudes, and to quote Robert Palmer, "a pretty face, don't make a pretty heart."

Damn that Robert Palmer … all those sexy women …. I would like to find out WHAT HE’S ALL ABOUT !!
Might as well face it .... your addicted to love ....

It would be nice though, OP, if we all behaved with more civility. Perhaps you will get an introduction message from me someday.

Well TinMan --- let me spark your memory…. We met in the spring of 2011. It was a good time ….!!

QUOTE=bobbyb “…Then again, I always find myself laughing at the “DoN’T MeSSaGe UNLess YoU’rE ReAdY tO bOoK!!!” lines on ads.
Yes, ok …. It’s only fair to consider you guys deal with it to a certain extent.

I need companionship, interest, appreciation, and someone to hang out with, not someone for whom I need to wine and dine, do a song and dance, and get the okays from other providers just to get rejected.”

Well, so …. Yes … this is a touchy subject. Because the fly by night providers don’t really care much about a formal introduction. They might pretend on the front end … but then find a lame excuse to turn you down because they’ve overbooked, are too lazy and/or do not take this occupation seriously.

QUOTE: bobbyb
“There’s no feeling worse than meeting with a provider 5+ times, then taking a break for a piqued little bit, messaging back and her not remembering who you are. I’ve also had great meetings with providers that sought me out. Going the extra mile to show interest will definitely result in my curiosity …”

That is a good point. You guys also have frustrating moments. BUT, I must ask … you consider … what the ratio we deal with compared to the johns. The smart providers always have a list in their head of ATF’s. Beyond that … the repeats can be kept in mind mostly. Then there are those ….. who only come around once and a while …. And the memory fades with time. One of the BEST things about being in this business is …. we can choose our “boyfriends” and to what level they will be. It’s not a game … as would be in RW. We are much more control…. and it rocks …

“you’re missing out. She is the prime example of a true courtesan.”
Thank you ….. (blush) … it’s nice to know when you’re on top of the game in your profession.
ER … we’ve known each other for a while now. You’re a gem …. ALWAYS now and forever!

QUOTE=Wile E Coyote
….. But, the fact is, this hobby is not like any other "industry" as you want to call it. Guys do not need seduction skills (many do not have any which is why the only sex they get is because the have to pay for it or do without)


… nor really anything else other than he has the money for your donation and he good to go after your screening.

Wylie …. You are some kind of a chameleon. I have a love/hate relationship with your posts …. LOL!

Speaking of screening and to turn the tables, ANY provider who takes to heart for screening the word of hobbyists about other hobbyists and/or the word of providers who have never seen a hobbyist in person let alone been with him BCD on an appointment for screening instead of providers he has seen for sessions then not only are you not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but also the difference between a little girl and a lady. There are as many little girls as there are little boys in the hobby.[/QUOTE]

OK … what tha what?

Torre once again you have hit the head on the nail, that’s why I enjoy my time with you.
Loop … (ha, inside joke) …. I will hit your head anytime you sexy mojo-istic … man !

QUOTE=Grace Preston
“….as I can peruse the posting history of a gent to see whether or not we might click and whether or not they might be problematic.”
Yes! You go girl! …. Same for me!

QUOTE-The Queen Sophie
I love the "I saw you on the internet. You available "? At 3:51 am from some 685 area code..
Don’t you know it! I never felt so needed or loved!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If it makes you feel any better ladies, my bosses don't sleep. I'm a corporate bitch so they decide my base salary and quarterly and year-end bonuses. I receive emails at all kinds of fucked up hours from them 7 days a week - half are coherent, half are not. It is what it is. I don't even understand half of their emails so I don't even know why they bother to send them.

My point is that shit is annoying with any job, but I just deal with it because it's the job I signed up for to have pricks determine my compensation so I have to placate them by dealing with their inconsiderate and lazy bullshit emails.

On a lighter note, at least you guys know what the dudes want when you get bullshit emails. I don't even know what the fuck half of my emails are even about and what they are asking me for. I treat their emails like it is a lame ass guessing game at this point.
It's a learning experience for many that's for sure. I went through it just recently as I'm still a newbie. After the first independent provider I texted never responded I waited a few weeks, then came back with, "Hi my name is Drew, I'm (age), (race). Saw your ad, and interested in rates/availablilty." The rates part is only asked if it's not published. So far that has worked every time.
TinMan's Avatar
Torre, I think you were responding to PMD’s comment when you noted that you and I met in 2011. I absolutely remember our date; I think I even commented in another thread that it’s one of those sessions that I immediately recall whenever I see you post. It was a fantastic evening…I wish I could look back at all my dates as fondly as I do that one.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-03-2022, 01:20 PM
It's a learning experience for many that's for sure. I went through it just recently as I'm still a newbie. After the first independent provider I texted never responded I waited a few weeks, then came back with, "Hi my name is Drew, I'm (age), (race). Saw your ad, and interested in rates/availablilty." The rates part is only asked if it's not published. So far that has worked every time. Originally Posted by drew71
Waited a few weeks for a response? Move on to someone normal next time, don't turn into a simp
Evelyn QV's Avatar
One word text/email requests are something I joke about with my provider friends all the time. It's right up there with unsolicited dick pics.

Failure to follow instructions is high on my list of no-go's and since my site asks you to introduce yourself it is clear to me that you either didn't read or didn't care.

I'm sure I turn away some good clients but honestly if you can't or won't compose a coherent sentence in an effort to make a good first impression then who knows what other areas you'll be lacking in? Hygiene? The ability to understand the word no? Will you be able to follow the instructions to my door? You open up a box of red flags when you can't follow the first instruction you're given.