CLIQUES? GROUPS? Can someone tag me in???

Like anything involving sex and money, of course there are cliques...but I don't think it has anything to do with guys (not) coming to see you. Your business is in your hands and as long as you are in this for the right reasons, there should be no problems. Have fun!
Agreed. I was in a private forum for awhile a few months after I started providing and got absolutely zero business from it. Even me having my own private forum now, I am still facing the same marketing issues as before.

Private forums are certainly not the end all be all to getting business. They can help you connect with new people who may not have noticed you otherwise but it is certainly not some marketing cash cow that you are missign out on.

I think what really helps out a lady's business is consitently posting ads at the proper time and running practical specials that reflect your target market. Above all else provide excellent service and know your limitations - do not do something just bc you *think* you could/should offer it.

As was said, be yourself. Market who you genuinely are as a person and let the chips fall where they may.

Btw, you're on the list for OPM forum access. Should see it on the main page under the national forum in a day or two.

Welcome to your first private forum KARIE DEE
dearhunter's Avatar
Ask Wakeup for an invite to the Spider Hole.
Ask Wakeup for an invite to the Spider Hole. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Lmfao...yea and if he doesn't answer you, just keep pm'ing him! He doesn't mind!
Well thanks for all the good advise you guys...and the invites. I think it because Dallas is not as warm and welcoming as the other Eccie city boards i've been in. (shrugs) just wanted to know if there was a "who you know" clique type of thing going on???? but I value and appreciate the support/feedback.
Guest091314's Avatar
All you need are a few good hobby chicks
Well thanks for all the good advise you guys...and the invites. I think it because Dallas is not as warm and welcoming as the other Eccie city boards i've been in. (shrugs) just wanted to know if there was a "who you know" clique type of thing going on???? but I value and appreciate the support/feedback. Originally Posted by KARIE DEE

Likely due to the fact many women have established ties with hobbyists and have their following, and hobbyists have their ATF's and regular ladies. Also, DFW is known for the surplus of providers and action other cities wish they could have. We tend to think it'll be "easier" to break in, but with the above factors, it's not as we'd think. It took me a while to get adjusted to the Dallas hobby world ( its a complete culture shock coming from Houston, even though I grew up and lived in Dallas and was in Houston for just 3 yrs) that I am still adjusting to.

My best advice is to network with other providers , believe it or not . Not all of us are as warm and welcoming as others, but there are some great "vets" and experienced ladies who are quite friendly and speak to you like an adult, woman to woman, not just provider - provider. Good luck and pm me if you need any tips !
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Seriously, there is always talk of groups and cliques. I suspect it is simply several hobbyists and/or providers that like to hang out together. Those of us who are in stealth mode don't get in on the action.

To advance your career, your best bet is to be known by getting involved in the forums by posting - no drama - and place ads as often as allowed.

Good Luck. Originally Posted by OldGrump

Very True!
ck1942's Avatar
K D,

Lots of valid counsel and data above ... and if you'd like to "socialize" you'd be quite welcome in both Austin and San Antonio (see my signature for future event dates in both).