Biden sex assult allegation

Hunter is the clue. Parental Guidance. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If my son cavorted with strippers I would understand - as long as they were very pretty and skinny!
  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 08:50 AM
recall, if you will, the kavanaugh/blasie-ford episode

to the left it was a horrendous thing kavanaugh did and the nytimes was at the forefront of the umbrage

only thing is, there is zero evidence kavanaugh and baslie-ford ever met, her story was incredible, her own witnesses don't support her claims, her testimony was full of holes and provable inaccuracies. there is a strong whiff of politics in the claim, and kavanaugh's life history puts the lie to her claims

while biden, a life time of lying, plagiarism, self puffery, swagger and hair sniffing coupled with his own aide coming forth in rape allegation, and yet the nyt gives him a pass Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

NGIT - thoughtful summary - as Usual. Thank You.

And the fascist DPST's will scream because they are unable to deal with "FACTS"!
  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 08:51 AM
If my son cavorted with strippers I would understand - as long as they were very pretty and skinny! Originally Posted by friendly fred

At least some of hunter's ukraine graft money will go to the Arkansas economy to support his baby and baby-momma.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
This is what we have that calls herself the “First Lady”
Who knows what diseases she’s spreading for the last 3 plus years.

Attachment 871953
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I remember the pink hats marching in America.
How did that work out for yous?... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

As I recollect: They made quite a few terroristic threats and pretty well trashed the area. As compared to the March for Life that left the place cleaner than when they got there and gave bottles of water to the cops along the route.
This is what we have that calls herself the “First Lady”
Who knows what diseases she’s spreading for the last 3 plus years.

Attachment 871953 Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
That photo of Ron Jeremy holding Melania Trump is what is called a "Deep Fake". The link below proves it. Some people like to stir up shit with garbage like that photo and you fell for it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 01:05 PM
Fascist DPST's are engaging in Denial and Deflection to try to sweep under the rug the outrageous , immoral, likely illegal conduct of Creepy Joe.

Will not let the Fascist DPST's get away with their usual Tricks.
It will be an issue in the campaign.

Unfortunately, Creepy Joe is likely too far gone in his dementia to remember his conduct.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... Unfortunately, Creepy Joe is likely too far gone in his dementia to remember his conduct. Originally Posted by oeb11
Standard for zombies. And I assume he used fingers as his other parts also zombied and fell off.
What's the point in investigating something that didn't even happen and even if it did why are these so called victims waiting decades to bring it up? Originally Posted by Levianon17
In one case, a woman claimed to have been sexually assaulted. She had the following fact set:

She didn't know where it happened.
She didn't know when it happened.
She didn't tell anyone.
There were multiple instances of counter corroboration(people who said she was full of shit).
It was made public in a manner that suggested the disclosure was was timed.
She was coached in what she claimed.
She underwent several weeks of training/practice/coaching before being questioned.
She made multiple claims that were factually false.

In the other case, a woman claimed to be sexually assaulted. She had the following fact set.

She filed a complaint.
She was fired.
She told friends specific details.
She told family specific details.
She described the situation precisely.

In a reasonable world, neither would have been brought to the forefront(the biggest villain is the bitch who through her complaint away, and got her black listed).

However, since these issues won't go away, and most of the imposers are leftwing fascist bigots, it is unreasonable for the leftwing fascist bigoted racebaiting thugs to get a free ride.

In essence, subpoenas of the bitch who threw away the complaint and all cross information is required. He was a senator, and therefore this complaint was subject to government review.
Solemate62's Avatar
Time’s up! No! It was Tub-of-shit- in-Chief, aka, the Sacrlet Volcano! Wow! The Trumptard Ass Eaters want us to forget that! Did Biden pay off Stormy Daniels? My goodness, where will the truth lead us?
Time’s up! No! It was Tub-of-shit- in-Chief, aka, the Sacrlet Volcano! Wow! The Trumptard Ass Eaters want us to forget that! Did Biden pay off Stormy Daniels? My goodness, where will the truth lead us? Originally Posted by Solemate62
I'm guessing the truth will lead us down a path of rehashing Trump's history and continued hypocrisy of the left in attacking and denigrating Trump while pretending to ignore Biden's mis-steps.

The left will appear petty in rehashing it and even stoop to posting "faked" pictures of Trump and family(see previous posts), while the actual dirt on Biden comes out and likely shocks many in his base.

All in all a good day for Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 02:37 PM
The Fascist DPST Hypocrisy is clearly shown in their treatment of Kavanaugh v Biden - as explored above.

They have lost any and all concept of "FACTUAL TRUTH"!
In one case, a woman claimed to have been sexually assaulted. She had the following fact set:

She didn't know where it happened.
She didn't know when it happened.
She didn't tell anyone.
There were multiple instances of counter corroboration(people who said she was full of shit).
It was made public in a manner that suggested the disclosure was was timed.
She was coached in what she claimed.
She underwent several weeks of training/practice/coaching before being questioned.
She made multiple claims that were factually false.

In the other case, a woman claimed to be sexually assaulted. She had the following fact set.

She filed a complaint.
She was fired.
She told friends specific details.
She told family specific details.
She described the situation precisely.

In a reasonable world, neither would have been brought to the forefront(the biggest villain is the bitch who through her complaint away, and got her black listed).

However, since these issues won't go away, and most of the imposers are leftwing fascist bigots, it is unreasonable for the leftwing fascist bigoted racebaiting thugs to get a free ride.

In essence, subpoenas of the bitch who threw away the complaint and all cross information is required. He was a senator, and therefore this complaint was subject to government review. Originally Posted by kehaar
Here is how it works. If you sexually assault a women and she makes a complaint to the authorities there will be an investigation. If her allocations seem to pan out you would be brought up on charges. The main reason is you are a regular guy with no particular importance in a social or political sense and nobody is going go to bat for you other than your legal team if you're able to even obtain one. On the other hand if you do posses some political stature such as Biden has there are people involved to watch your back. So really it's all just a big "Soap Opera" for the masses. None of us have any control over anything other than our own lives and that's fading fast with these sick fucks. All we have left is to vote, based on our emotions, and what we feel or consider facts that's it. Everything else is really theater.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Will not let the Fascist DPST's get away with their usual Tricks... Originally Posted by oeb11
First, screw Joe Rapey Fingers (his Mafia name?). Least of our worries and a long shot to make the nominee even.

The big kahuna is the several hundred bills the House has already passed, currently stalled in the Senate, thank God. If they get the Senate, it's instant arse-rape. Warning shot!

Next in our sights to remain laser focused on is Covid-mania. They have a long, long list of Socialist wet dreams lined up and and ready to attach to any bill that comes by faster than a starving tick to a blood hound. They already tried once and will do so again. Do not believe for a Joe Hairy Legs (his code name?) second that they won't do it either. Double-barrel warning shot.

H.R.5717 (Jan 30, 2020) and H.R.8 (Feb 22, 2020) (links below) Wanna know what their energy was focused on during Muh Corona (notice dates on these bills) BTW - great tool for searching on bills in general

Eyes on the prize guys. Eyes on the prize. They may run around like danged fools with their hair on fire constantly, but it is all just magician distraction. All these ding-bat, goat ropers (zombies) are part of the misdirection, along with the systematic shuttering of conservative (rational thinking) voices.

Or I could be wrong.