How Did you Enter the Realm?

Was browsing my favorite porn site as a teenager. Sublime directory. At the time it was the greatest thing ever though I mostly just stayed in the big tit section.
Stumbled across a photo shoot of a blonde wearing a big pink strap on dong and have been hooked since. Love the leather latex look, not so much being truly dominated but a woman who takes what she wants. I'm a bit weird though as I also love looking at porn where the male is aggressive, rough dt etc. Just depends on my mood

Kinda funny as I used to browse strap on/ domme porn rarely, almost would try to suppress the urge. Now it's all I look at porn wise. The rare firage into "nornal" porn these days.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-02-2013, 02:05 AM
I owed Dress2Kill inside of Ricks here in Houston. A dancer by the name of Vicki and had fun with Pee Wee, he dressed in fish nets, shoes 1/2 size too small with baby doll lingerie and always made the best Kool-Aid with only three ice cubes. I had know idea what I was doing at the time but sure was fun.
I guess I got a late start. I just passed over this past NYE. This was NOT a hobby related experience.

I landed in bed with a really hot chick and a male friend. This was not planned in advance. With HIS encouragement, I ended up with my entire fist in her. This has to be one of the hottest things I've ever experienced. The next night, they both came back and we did it all over again. Yes, I have the pick to prove it....No, I can't post it....But wish I could.
SweetCougar's Avatar
Wow.... sounds intriguing Alaine.......great way to start the new year.
It was wild....I said, "I'll have what she's having".....however, have tried a few times and since I've never had kids...not sure it will EVER happen for me. Literally had my fist in this lady for over an hour. Something about this scares the crap out of me, yet it was so HOT I'll never forget it.
I agree. I'm not sure I'd want to be elbow deep but sometimes I get all into it when browsing the net. Not sure why sometimes I think it's hot and other times I could care less
Smurfydoesdallas's Avatar
Was when I skipped school in the tenth grade. Back then you got three swats (wooden paddle) if you were caught. After receiving mine in the principals office, I immediately went into the bathroom to well....ya know... I was suprised and angry at how much I liked it. It took me about 8 more years to come back around to those feelings, but that was definitley my starting point.
I must go paddle shopping now.