penis penis penis

RICKDOG8's Avatar
How much do y'all want to bet that if one of us posted "Pussy pussy pussy" there would just be a bunch of butt hurt dudes commenting? Originally Posted by AustinRose
Ya think?
ck1942's Avatar
Guilty. I was hoping to see some hot rods!! Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Bee careful whut ya axsk fer, cuz yew jus' mite git it!

Sum y'all best avert yer ojos!

Ah'm whut y'all call a thread killah!

Alcar0314's Avatar
Dude. The ladies were just kidding. No one wants to see a dick pic.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I did!!! Thats awesome!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Dude. The ladies were just kidding. No one wants to see a dick pic. Originally Posted by Alcar0314

No one???? Ah'm purdy shore tha guys thet book the TSperviders ain't shy 'bout lookin' at dick pics. So, mebbe thet's jus' tha one 'r two fellas bookin' all them TShoogers, but technickally, thet ain't no one.
Alcar0314's Avatar
I did!!! Thats awesome! Originally Posted by Tequila Rose
My apologies. Apparently I was wrong. Penis away!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I did!!! Thats awesome! Originally Posted by Tequila Rose
Flattery will git yew nowhar.

'Xcept mebbe in mah pantalones. Assumin' yew kin fit innem.

Butt we kin always cuff 'em 'r cinch 'em if'n we need ta!
sue_nami's Avatar
awwwww, it's a fine dick, nice and thick. David, thanks for playing. I like that you have man fur left. I, for one appreciate a nice penis with pubes around it. Now, alcar now if you come claim your freebie I offered on the pussy thread you're gona have to pay for (metaphorically speaking) being mean to David's dick. just a little tho, you'll like it. I promise.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I did!!! Thats awesome! Originally Posted by Tequila Rose
My apologies. Apparently I was wrong. Penis away! Originally Posted by Alcar0314
Looks laik yew got bit by Tha Law 'o Unintended Cornsequences.
Alcar0314's Avatar
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
awwwww, it's a fine dick, nice and thick. David, thanks for playing. I like that you have man fur left. I, for one appreciate a nice penis with pubes around it. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Well, it's gone now, but it's growing back. Ah shaves mah junk fer tha summah. Helps ta keep away tha heat rashes an' jock itch when Ah'm swettin' up a lather in tha summah time when them triple digit days is a-cummin' fast an' fury-uss.
sue_nami's Avatar
baby, my motto is keep your junk groomed the way you like and makes you feel good. I know there is a wide range of preferences when it comes to pubes. I am for what ever way makes the person feel sexy about themselves and makes them feel good.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Thanks, but shavin' mah junk in tha summah is purely 'bout cumfort an' not goin' crazy itchin' an' a-scratchin' when Ah git all schweaty, all tha time.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
love seeing penis