Pot calling the kettle “baby.” Trump loses his shit again.

lustylad's Avatar
Nixon will look like a fucking saint after we find out everything there is to know about the obama/fbi spygate scandal. Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
FTFY, skirtman.
Oh Yussup....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
MT Pockets's Avatar
Two words: Martha Stewart. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So are you saying she was not guilty? I bet she did the time better than he would. LOL!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Could you be any more cognitively impaired? Trump isn't "worried" about McGahn. In fact, Trump waived executive privilege to let the guy answer questions from Mueller's gang of thugs for over 30 hours! That is NOT the action of someone who has anything to hide! Trump was upset at how the New York Fucking Times completely mischaracterized what he allowed to happen!

Let's see... if Trump invokes executive privilege, it means he must have something to hide. And according to your "logic" - if he WAIVES executive privilege it ALSO means he has something to hide, right MT? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

The NYT story is a shining example of FAKE NEWS!! What a surprise to see you and yssup swallow it hook, line and sinker!

Trump Waives the Privilege

How to read Don McGahn’s cooperation with Robert Mueller.

By The Editorial Board
Aug. 19, 2018 6:19 p.m. ET

Donald Trump has a credibility problem, but so do the media. A case in point is the weekend story that White House counsel Don McGahn has cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller. Let’s try to navigate through this Beltway Hall of Mirrors.

The thesis of the New York Times story is that Mr. McGahn cooperated in a way that could hurt Donald Trump in order to protect himself and because he doesn’t trust the President. This fits the media narrative that Mr. Trump is covering up his collusion with Russia and his obstruction of justice, and thus Mr. McGahn must be scrambling to save himself.

Yet lost in the resulting tempest is a crucial fact that appears to contradict this spin: Mr. Trump had to waive executive privilege for Mr. McGahn to cooperate with Mr. Mueller.

Mr. McGahn is not Mr. Trump’s personal attorney, so attorney-client privilege isn’t at issue. But as White House counsel Mr. McGahn represents the Presidency. He is a careful enough lawyer to advise Mr. Trump that agreeing to answer Mr. Mueller’s questions would waive executive privilege. And the Times reports that Mr. McGahn’s attorney, William Burck, said on the record that Mr. McGahn cooperated only after Mr. Trump waived any privilege claim.

This in turn meant that Mr. McGahn would have to answer all of Mr. Mueller’s questions. Once privilege is waived, Mr. McGahn couldn’t decide to answer, say, what Mr. Trump told him about Attorney General Jeff Sessions but refuse to discuss the President’s state of mind when he fired James Comey at the FBI. Without invoking privilege there is no legal basis for Mr. McGahn to refuse to answer a question.

This isn’t what you’d expect if Mr. Trump is leading a coverup. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton fought extensive legal battles with prosecutors over executive privilege. Mr. Clinton invoked privilege to block aides Bruce Lindsey and Sidney Blumenthal from testifying to Ken Starr’s grand jury.Yet when Mr. Trump doesn’t invoke privilege for his White House counsel, he gets no credit.

Could it be that Mr. Trump let Mr. McGahn cooperate with Mr. Mueller because he felt he had nothing to cover up? This is precisely what Mr. Trump tweeted Saturday: “I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide.”

Because Mr. Trump makes so many false statements, this claim is also assumed to be false - though legal logic and the public evidence suggest that in this case it may be true. Keep in mind that Mr. Trump’s lawyers cooperated extensively with Mr. Mueller for months, turning over tens of thousands of documents - also without claiming executive privilege.

In recent months, as the Mueller probe has dragged on, Mr. Trump has turned to denouncing it as a “witch hunt.” His lawyers now fear that letting the President talk to Mr. Mueller’s team, as Mr. Trump has said he wants to do, could be walking into a perjury trap. This is a rational fear, but the lawyers are still negotiating with Mr. Mueller.

Mr. McGahn has been one of the President’s most effective advisers - notably on judicial nominations. But some in and outside the White House resent his influence and might want to portray him as undermining Mr. Trump. The bottom line is that readers should remain skeptical about what is reported about Mr. Mueller’s probe, waiting to see the evidence he actually produces.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-w...ege-1534717159 Originally Posted by lustylad
The real question is why do you concoct a rant that has nothing to do with what I said. You have not answered the question of why does Trump not want to speak to him? Yssup and I have a money pool on what your next spin will be. LOL!
lustylad's Avatar
The real question is why do you concoct a rant that has nothing to do with what I said. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
No, the real question is why can't you comprehend what is plainly stated in my post and directly refutes what you said.

You said Trump is worried about McGahn and acting like he has something to hide. I pointed out Trump waived executive privilege to allow McGahn to answer all of Mueller's questions. That's a FACT. Not spin, not a rant. And that simple FACT demolishes your ignorant post.

When you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Trump is winning!
Wakeup's Avatar
One more directed attack on a member here and you’re going to find some members on a non-voluntary timeout...
I know Jeff sessions is the winner when he told trump head to fuk off dude. You don't own me. Fun shit to see how much further he can sink with the trump name that couldn't even win his own state 0h my
Omg...faux news is STILL blaming Clinton like some of the really really frequent posters on here. Guess what...she is not poutus and Russia made sure of that. Russians love corruption and they got it. Or maybe they just love how STUPID they made America look to the world. Entertaining as fck though and November is coming. Maybe the voters will pull some of those deaf dumb n blind carrier politicians off of trump's little dick.
MT Pockets's Avatar
If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he worried about McGahn. Also why will he not speak with Mueller? If McGahn does not know anything then there is nothing to worry about. Besides God put him in the White house just have the PTL or the 700 club pray it all away. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Could you be any more cognitively impaired? Trump isn't "worried" about McGahn. In fact, Trump waived executive privilege to let the guy answer questions from Mueller's gang of thugs for over 30 hours! That is NOT the action of someone who has anything to hide! Trump was upset at how the New York Fucking Times completely mischaracterized what he allowed to happen!

Let's see... if Trump invokes executive privilege, it means he must have something to hide. And according to your "logic" - if he WAIVES executive privilege it ALSO means he has something to hide, right MT? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

The NYT story is a shining example of FAKE NEWS!! What a surprise to see you and yssup swallow it hook, line and sinker!

Trump Waives the Privilege

How to read Don McGahn’s cooperation with Robert Mueller.

By The Editorial Board
Aug. 19, 2018 6:19 p.m. ET

Donald Trump has a credibility problem, but so do the media. A case in point is the weekend story that White House counsel Don McGahn has cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller. Let’s try to navigate through this Beltway Hall of Mirrors.

The thesis of the New York Times story is that Mr. McGahn cooperated in a way that could hurt Donald Trump in order to protect himself and because he doesn’t trust the President. This fits the media narrative that Mr. Trump is covering up his collusion with Russia and his obstruction of justice, and thus Mr. McGahn must be scrambling to save himself.

Yet lost in the resulting tempest is a crucial fact that appears to contradict this spin: Mr. Trump had to waive executive privilege for Mr. McGahn to cooperate with Mr. Mueller.

Mr. McGahn is not Mr. Trump’s personal attorney, so attorney-client privilege isn’t at issue. But as White House counsel Mr. McGahn represents the Presidency. He is a careful enough lawyer to advise Mr. Trump that agreeing to answer Mr. Mueller’s questions would waive executive privilege. And the Times reports that Mr. McGahn’s attorney, William Burck, said on the record that Mr. McGahn cooperated only after Mr. Trump waived any privilege claim.

This in turn meant that Mr. McGahn would have to answer all of Mr. Mueller’s questions. Once privilege is waived, Mr. McGahn couldn’t decide to answer, say, what Mr. Trump told him about Attorney General Jeff Sessions but refuse to discuss the President’s state of mind when he fired James Comey at the FBI. Without invoking privilege there is no legal basis for Mr. McGahn to refuse to answer a question.

This isn’t what you’d expect if Mr. Trump is leading a coverup. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton fought extensive legal battles with prosecutors over executive privilege. Mr. Clinton invoked privilege to block aides Bruce Lindsey and Sidney Blumenthal from testifying to Ken Starr’s grand jury.Yet when Mr. Trump doesn’t invoke privilege for his White House counsel, he gets no credit.

Could it be that Mr. Trump let Mr. McGahn cooperate with Mr. Mueller because he felt he had nothing to cover up? This is precisely what Mr. Trump tweeted Saturday: “I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide.”

Because Mr. Trump makes so many false statements, this claim is also assumed to be false - though legal logic and the public evidence suggest that in this case it may be true. Keep in mind that Mr. Trump’s lawyers cooperated extensively with Mr. Mueller for months, turning over tens of thousands of documents - also without claiming executive privilege.

In recent months, as the Mueller probe has dragged on, Mr. Trump has turned to denouncing it as a “witch hunt.” His lawyers now fear that letting the President talk to Mr. Mueller’s team, as Mr. Trump has said he wants to do, could be walking into a perjury trap. This is a rational fear, but the lawyers are still negotiating with Mr. Mueller.

Mr. McGahn has been one of the President’s most effective advisers - notably on judicial nominations. But some in and outside the White House resent his influence and might want to portray him as undermining Mr. Trump. The bottom line is that readers should remain skeptical about what is reported about Mr. Mueller’s probe, waiting to see the evidence he actually produces.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-w...ege-1534717159 Originally Posted by lustylad
No, the real question is why can't you comprehend what is plainly stated in my post and directly refutes what you said.

You said Trump is worried about McGahn and acting like he has something to hide. I pointed out Trump waived executive privilege to allow McGahn to answer all of Mueller's questions. That's a FACT. Not spin, not a rant. And that simple FACT demolishes your ignorant post.

When you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging. Originally Posted by lustylad
I can comprehend what you said its just that it is not a very good answer. You even stated he had no choice but to waive the EP. Plus you never explained why he is avoiding Mueller. The ignorance is when you deflect the one question and avoid the other and then get indignant about it.
lustylad's Avatar
I can comprehend what you said its (sic) just that it is not a very good answer. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
It's an excellent answer. You just don't like it because it demolishes your argument that Trump had something to hide.

You even stated he had no choice but to waive the EP. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
That's a lie. Trump VOLUNTARILY chose to waive executive privilege. I never said he had no choice. Now go find where I said it or admit you're lying.
MT Pockets's Avatar
It's an excellent answer. You just don't like it because it demolishes your argument that Trump had something to hide.

Actually it was a pathetic answer and you certified it with your "sic" LOL!

That's a lie. Trump VOLUNTARILY chose to waive executive privilege. I never said he had no choice. Now go find where I said it or admit you're lying. Originally Posted by lustylad
Let's see... if Trump invokes executive privilege, it means he must have something to hide. And according to your "logic" - if he WAIVES executive privilege it ALSO means he

I guess you are too busy grading papers to remember what you said. So now who is the liar. While I paraphrased you I still was on point. You can twist the meaning of few words but we both what you were implying. If he had invoked it , everyone would think he was hiding something. Just because I am not a sociopath does not mean I do not know how they think. Your "gaslighting" trick of correcting my grammar is a tell.

PS when I said "who is the liar." I did not mean"who is the liar?" So do not bother grading my paper this time. I already know the answer LOL!