African American Democrats

TexTushHog's Avatar
We’re at full employment already and have been for about three years. The natural rate of unemployment is roughly 4%, give or take half a percent on the downward side and a percent in the top side. Anybody who want a job and is capable of holding one has one, unless they refuse to move where the work is, or are seeking only the types of jobs that no longer exist in the economy in significant numbers.

So immigrants, no matter what the status of their paperwork, aren’t taking Jon’s from anyone. We desperately need new workers to grow the economy in the near future. Huge numbers of baby boomers are set to retire over the next decade. Labor markets are already tight and only going to get tighter.
Chung Tran's Avatar
what if stumble upon a black person who’s ancestry are from Jamaica? Jamaicans are black too, so being black doesn’t mean you came from Africa.

Last but not least, there are 54 countries and nations in Africa. In At least the country of South Africa, there are Africans who happen to be white people. That right, white Africans. Would you be surprise if you meet a White African American? Originally Posted by killswitch321
ironic that you are spot on about South Africa, while bungling the Jamaica idea.. not all Jamaicans are black, but those that are originated from Africa.

immigrants, no matter what the status of their paperwork, aren’t taking Jon’s from anyone. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
whew, that's good to know TTH.. I thought the Mexican Whores were stealing Jon's from hard-working American Strumpets!

I kid.. your analysis is well said.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Here is a novel idea about race: how about everyone is a human being and not part of a class/name of people based on the color of the skin?
That illegals taking jobs crap,is just that crap. I tactic to turn minorities against each other.
A. To vote straight 1 party regardless of the candidate, is best.

B. People who make less than $250k, and are Republicans tickle really..really? Smh They just think they are better mostly thru entitlement.

2 percentage run the country. Everyone else is a minorities, the color/race is irrelevant.
Just pawns in the game. Originally Posted by 8701

????????? What are you trying to say?
  • grean
  • 09-19-2018, 12:46 PM
What have Republicans done for the AA's? I mean other than being racist... Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper
Want to see racism? Watch how some Democrats act towards black Republicans.

Wanna see Democrats completely lose their shit? Watch them when they discover a black person voted for Trump.
Why would any woman, or anybody with intelligence support twit head.

20% of voters love him ugh. 60% know he is an idiot. The other voters don't care.
November is coming
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-19-2018, 03:38 PM
Wanna see Democrats completely lose their shit? Watch them when they discover a black person voted for Trump. Originally Posted by grean
I think they are just shocked how someone could be so naive! Black folks trying to be "accepted", are foolish.

A lot of Blacks are Red for "religious beliefs", I get that....kinda, sorta, but not really....especially with dipstick ruining the country.....The international damage he has caused will be felt for years. You can't compare that to a little increase in your 401k.

I hate that we have 2 parties.....everyone should be for the betterment of the country.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
The Dixiecrats joined the Republican Party. Party platforms were flip flopped as a result. Originally Posted by tire-chucker
This is an absolute myth that has been passed as fact. Not true at all.

Of the politicians who actively filibustered, meaning talked on the floor for more than 16 hours, they were all democrats who later identified themselves as "Dixiecrats," only ONE ever joined the RNC. Moreover, he did it nearly 30 years later. (The old man from NC, who it was later learned the he had an out of wedlock black daughter, that he at least financially supported her entire life.)

So no The racist platform of democrats did not merge with the Republican Party that ended slavery, gave women the right to vote, and ended segregation. Try again.

Furermore, if your statement were true, then Al Gore was a one time a Republican? I mean after all his dear old daddy was one of the leading filibusters.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Big headed John Kerry's wife is African American. She's from South Africa. Is t Charlize Theron from Africa too?
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Trump ran a racist campaign? Interesting, because it's was Hillary Clinton who first released the picture of BO wearing the Kenyan garb. It was HC who called black youth "dogs & animals."

Please list the racist campaign items?

Sure, it was racist to say the BO was "...clean, polite, doesn't speak with a negroe accent...". Wait. Sorry, that was Joe Biden.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-19-2018, 04:21 PM
Big headed John Kerry's wife is African American. Originally Posted by Wiesbadenwillie

Come On Man!Teresa Heinz, is not African American lol....according to all these pics:

Good try tho lol
  • grean
  • 09-19-2018, 04:25 PM
I think they are just shocked how someone could be so naive! Black folks trying to be "accepted", are foolish.

A lot of Blacks are Red for "religious beliefs", I get that....kinda, sorta, but not really....especially with dipstick ruining the country.....The international damage he has caused will be felt for years. You can't compare that to a little increase in your 401k.

I hate that we have 2 parties.....everyone should be for the betterment of the country. Originally Posted by 8701
Perhaps it's naive to believe they voted a certain way to be accepted. They may just have voted how they felt would serve their interests the best. Maybe they voted according to their pocket books.

And to make a Republican lose their shit, one only has to suggest that there may in fact be racists within the party or trickle down economics is a busted model.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-19-2018, 04:50 PM
How about you read previous posts prior to commenting...Pocket book

Voting to serve "their interest", is why the 2 party system is flawed. But I get people are selfish...I get it.

I'm not here to argue, or offend anyone. I actually hate politics.
I think they are just shocked how someone could be so naive! Black folks trying to be "accepted", are foolish.
Originally Posted by 8701

Here's a thought: among the majority population there is a distribution between democrat, republican, and independent, with people's position based on their self interest. Why would't there be a similar distribution among African Americans?

In my opinion overwhelming (90%+) support for one party is not necessarily a good thing. In this case, democrat politicians do not need to do anything for African Americans because they will get the vote regardless. Republican politicians do not need to do anything for African Americans because they will not get the vote, no matter what.

If the African American vote was up for grabs, I think the politicians would have more interest in addressing concerns.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 09-19-2018, 06:33 PM
I’m confused by this entire thought of a party “doing something”, for a particularly race or class group.

Anyone still waiting for their 400 acres and a mule, will be sadly disappointed.

I admire the Asian culture. For the most part they come over, contribute highly , and support/reinvest into their neighborhoods.. Rarely, are they blaming anyone for their own self inflicted wounds, or expecting a handout of any kind.