We're going to war......again.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
BSwine just wants a picture of her JUNK
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-31-2013, 07:39 AM
Well that is a welcome change from his past, usually he wants a pic of men's junk.
Would somebody please explain something to me?

The Constitution of the United States of America explicitly reserves the power to declare war to Congress. The Founding Fathers specifically made it clear that we did NOT have a King, but rather a President, and that one of the explicit differences was that the President was absolutely not permitted to declare and make war on his own initiative. I don't remember hearing about any amendments to any of those provisions.

What happened? When did all this change?
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  • 08-31-2013, 08:19 AM
Haven't you heard...it is all Obama's fault.

What many Tea Party folk fail to understand is that the constitution means what the SC Justices at that particular time mean it to mean. I may not agree with it , nor you but that is the reality. If it wasn't the reality you would not have to ask such a question...
Would somebody please explain something to me?

The Constitution of the United States of America explicitly reserves the power to declare war to Congress. The Founding Fathers specifically made it clear that we did NOT have a King, but rather a President, and that one of the explicit differences was that the President was absolutely not permitted to declare and make war on his own initiative. I don't remember hearing about any amendments to any of those provisions.

What happened? When did all this change? Originally Posted by Sidewinder

Don't have time to go through channels if you want to preempt a strike.
RochBob's Avatar
The reality is that that part of the World has been unstable and engaged in some kind of armed conflict for Centuries. The only thing that has changed is Weapons Tech and the amount of damage that can be done in an hours time. The US needs to stop being the "Policeman of the World" and the UN needs to standup and take the lead on Peacekeeping and protecting the civil population. Either that or we just tell the Chinese to invade and take over the entire area. They will eventually as their industry steadily increases it's need for Petroleum derived resources. And as they have the largest standing Army in the World. They can easily match every Man, Woman & Child populating Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afganistan, Libya & Egypt with plenty of Manpower left over to kick the ass of anyone who tries to interfere. India will eventually end up going to War with Pakistan and create Nuclear wastelands in both Countries.
Bush went "thru channels"..............there is plenty of time for Obama to do the same...............

Don't have time to go through channels if you want to preempt a strike. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Look up the War Powers Act. It was passed to prevent what is happening now. A president can reply to an iminent threat or can commit forces for a short time in defense of US interests. A president has to report to Congress within 48 hours his intentions and ask for a vote to continue operations.
There is no "imminent threat" to us for the President to initiate an act of war against Syria without going to Congress.

What is the "imminent threat" you are talking about ?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
This could get very big in a short time frame I would bet the IDF is warming up the jets This could be relly ugly
LexusLover's Avatar
... the UN needs to standup and take the lead on Peacekeeping and protecting the civil population. .... Originally Posted by RochBob
... and if pigs had wings ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yeah, that is the funny thing I forgot to mention. Obama was on TV yesterday trying to make the case for an "imminent" threat. Something along the lines that if HE allows Assad to get away with using chemical weapons (this is the 14th time) this time then other countries will be emboldeded (Obama, the world saver!) to use chemcial weapons. If other countries feel free to use chemical weapons (according to Obama) then at some point someone will use a chemical weapon against the US. Thus, the "imminent" danger.

So if a Chicago thug uses a gun downtown an armored car should be dropped on his head otherwise some other thug in another town will someday realize that he can use a gun on me in my town. Liberals don't believe in that though until today.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, that is the funny thing I forgot to mention. Obama was on TV yesterday trying to make the case for an "imminent" threat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Today, it's not an "imminent threat" .... he's gonna wait until Congress gets back to vote!

September 9th .... to get back ... debate .. and then vote ...

...................... so may be by the end of the month!

Wonder if they can pass this resolution as fast as Obaminable Care?

Look at it this way ... if he waits long enough he won't know where the shit is ...

.......................so firing missiles would be useless. Sound familiar?
Bet youall are pissed to the 10power he is asking congress now.
lostincypress's Avatar
Would somebody please explain something to me?

The Constitution of the United States of America explicitly reserves the power to declare war to Congress. The Founding Fathers specifically made it clear that we did NOT have a King, but rather a President, and that one of the explicit differences was that the President was absolutely not permitted to declare and make war on his own initiative. I don't remember hearing about any amendments to any of those provisions.

What happened? When did all this change? Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Here is an explanation. The War Powers Act of 1973 that Nixon vetoed but Congress overrode the veto.

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. The War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past by President Reagan in regards to the aid to the Contras in Nicaragua and by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none have had any successful legal actions taken against the president for violations.[2][3] All presidents since 1973 have declared their belief that the act is unconstitutional.............. ......THERE has not been a DECLARATION of WAR since WWII.