Is Eccie getting old or am I?

So do you assume then that hobbyists who make friends with other hobbyists/providers on the board and/or decide to hang out with them do so because they have no life and are desperately in need of acquaintances to hang out with? That just seems a bit narrow-minded to me.

I guess I don't really understand the concept of keeping hobby life separate from personal life. I mean, if you got together with a bunch of guys on the weekend to play softball (or whatever) and they invited you out for a beer afterward, would you decline simply because you have friends outside of that little group? Originally Posted by WorknMan
Exactly. I got a life. A very busy and productive one in fact. But, I also have no WIFE, and the lines here are blurred. I like it that way.

And anyone that ever wants to meet up and hang out-you are always welcome. No reason to think you're left out, so don't play it that way.

Believe it or not, the "club", as it seems is implied here sometimes, is not exclusive, and some of us are here to have a great time.

Imagine that....

In keeping with the thread, Cody, I've had to step away from here twice in a year. It must be done at times. I always came back fresh, and with more vigor than before.

Not a bad idea.
snoopdogg's Avatar
nothing wrong with having a great time damon
and i dont count u as a vanity poster....
there seems to be an Us vs them mentality amongst the "club" here.
Disagree with a "vanity" poster and you're gonna get hit hard
The MAJORITY of us cant spend hours on end posting new thread after new thread
about whether an alert is "justified" and whether the provider should be limited on What is an actual Alert.
So what happens is a few people become the "voice" for the rest of us
which isnt the case
and that's Eccie's problem IN my opinion

NOT trying to start a "war"
not looking for 50,000,000,000,000,000 posts (from one person) using his "wit" to tell me why we're wrong/whiners

and im not interested in getting into pissing contest with the attack pack
but when it comes down to it
a select few have taken it upon themselves to become the voice for this place
with the admins/ops approval
So when Cody asks...why am i here...alot of us Agree
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
There are certainly some hobby friends who have become a valuable part of my life and who I will always count as blessings. The board has no bearing on those relationships. I think ECCIE should be a fun place to banter and to gather pertinent information. What you give and take beyond that and the energy you invest here is, as in all of life, purely a matter of personal preference. If you feel like it's a distraction or a waste of your resources you should take note of that and move in another direction. Live and let others do the same and all will be well.
I was going to say something like that, but Sophie already said it so well.

On the hobby, eccie, etc.:
A vice is like a rich dessert: nice, but not every day. Some vices can enhance my life because I can keep them in their places. Other vices can degrade it, because I can't keep them under control; I have to avoid them. I try to make sensible decisions about my vices and really try to keep myself to them, talking to myself as a good friend, not as a slave driver.

Be really good to yourself.
Hands_on_alot's Avatar
There are all kinds of people on this board and I enjoy and totally respect that. I don't judge, but I am selective who I interact with, especially who I get in bed with, even for a quicky. Although I know I will be disappointed at times, I choose to believe in the basic goodness of most people. Most of the providers I have seen have treated me well and even when the session didn’t go as well as I had hoped, I have chalked that up to chemistry issues and/or my 50s something body not being what it once was. These gals were already well reviewed, so no review one way or the other was called for. I have had wonderful sessions with other providers and wrote reviews that tried to capture the essence of the experience so that others will be better informed and can make better decisions for themselves. Honest reviews with BCD comments, the Locker Room and The Provider Information Exchange all served their functions to hold hobbyists and providers accountable for their actions, both good and bad and provided all of us with enough information so we could make better decisions on whom to see. Of course false “Alerts” and “Reviews” happen with everybody’s feelings getting bruised and trying to protect their business and reputation. I suffered through a round of that early in my time in the hobby, but got enough open and PM support to move forward from there. I have appreciated the honest information others have given me in PMs and have returned the favor when I could.

I think that all providers and hobbyists feel somewhat awkward about their participation in “the hobby”/ They say to themselves that they think they have made their peace with themselves over it, but at heart they are not 100% comfortable about it. I think that this discomfort causes them to take offense on this board too easily and feel that they or their people have been attacked and feel that they have to fight back. I admire people like Sensual Sophia who always get their point across in a calming sensible way without engaging in personal attacks. I am frustrated with passive aggressives who try to use this board as assertiveness therapy.

I am very concerned with the recent increase in stalking and bulling by a few Hobbyists. When some providers post anything, one of these Hobbyists finds the post and feels compelled to start the bullying again. In most instances it’s not in defense of self or others, it is just bullying. Ivory is a good example of someone who has consistently shown that she has something to say in the Strip Club area, but has been nearly drive off this board by one or two Hobbyists. Her thread “How to Get the Girl of Your Dreams (and save money doing it!)” should be required reading for all guys trying to learn the strip club scene. Ivory has been nothing but good to me: always hot dances, good advice on learning the strip club scene, a little in person and via PM, a lot more on the board. She provided my first reference so I could see my first full service provider without detailed screening. Ivory rarely posts anymore and when she does a certain Hobbyist hunts her down and attacks her. Unfortunately she has begun to engage in some of the same bad behaviors and we all are stuck wading through their drama.

I miss the old board and its sense of community and somewhat loosely enforced civility. I wish our present moderators could fine tune their moderation to reduce bullying while still allowing substantial freedom of expression. I have tried to be a good citizen on this board by providing honest reviews when I see a new lady and I think I have something new to say about her. Lately my participation has been reduced to mostly sharing PMs with other Hobbyists who seem to have similar tastes. I have noticed that the number of active participants on this board has significantly decreased and I attribute that to the out of control bullying that goes on at times here. For the life of me I don’t understand why the moderators allow a couple of drama addicts to go on and on back and forth, sometimes for days. I find myself quoting Rodney King: “Can't we all get along?"
harkontume's Avatar
no dude .. its you ... you are getting old.
its not just you....getting old for me as well. and i even like most of the frequent posters.