NCNS's & Cancellations -- Both Sides Can be Guilty-Jut A Little Respect for The Other Person

Speaking from personal experience....It would be nice when and if we do have to cancel (with proper notice) that we don't get nasty responses. If I have to cancel, it is 99% of the time because of something with my children.... it certainly isn't because I have money coming out of my behind. I have never been rude to a client that has had to cancel, (trust me guys, it happens to us as much as it does you all.) so there is no need to be rude or disrespectful to us. Some of us do have a heart, and actually feel bad to let others down and it really sucks, in a bad way, when we are treated like we purposely did something so that we would have to make your day go to hell. Anyway, just my little vent. We are all humans.. most of us have feelings and are not evil money grubbing b*tches.
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  • S-Man
  • 04-03-2010, 07:51 PM
The only times I have issues with NC/NS are when I'd be given the impression we were having the appointment an hour before the scheduled time. It's around that time I'd have either left my house or workplace to head to where we were to meet. If I get to the location and not hear from her, I would really have a hard time reconsidering another appointment.

Other than that scenario which has happened with a few providers, NC/NS doesn't bother me. Since these aren't outcall appointments, I'm not out any cash. As for time, well I can always use the extra time to expand my music/book collection or watch the latest release.