Jeremiah Wright Says Obama Team Offered $150k for Him to Shut Up

Gee, it wasn't Klein who said this, it was Rev. Wright. It's on tape. But that doesn't matter if you are an Obamaniac.

And for the record, I can get a lot lower than this, But on this board, the bottom is too crowded with liberals. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I missed the part where it says this is on tape?

And the stories I saw indicate it was Klein saying that Wright made the statements. But, that doesn't matter if you are blindly intent on believing everything negative you read on the internet about Obama, does it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I missed the part where it says this is on tape?

And the stories I saw indicate it was Klein saying that Wright made the statements. But, that doesn't matter if you are blindly intent on believing everything negative you read on the internet about Obama, does it? Originally Posted by timpage
That counter-balances the likes of you who voted for Odumbo because you accepted everything Odumbo said as gospel truth.
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  • 05-15-2012, 03:02 PM
And the stories I saw indicate it was Klein saying that Wright made the statements. Originally Posted by timpage
Almost. It's probably Klein saying that he has a tape of Wright saying it.

So it must be true.....or else COG wouldn't believe it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope, the tape was Rev. Wright saying it. Keep trying to deny it. It will only make you look stupider, if that's possible.

Nope, the tape was Rev. Wright saying it. Keep trying to deny it. It will only make you look stupider, if that's possible.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Where does it say that the quotes that Klein attributes to Wright are on tape? Maybe I missed it.

And here's a little information on your lying sack of shit whacko crazy "source" for this post. Klein has a long history of making shit up and publishing it:
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Transcript of tape.

Never mind with all the claptrap about Klein being a liar, and me being an idiot. Just thank me when the tape is made public.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where does it say that the quotes that Klein attributes to Wright are on tape? Maybe I missed it.

And here's a little information on your lying sack of shit whacko crazy "source" for this post. Klein has a long history of making shit up and publishing it: Originally Posted by timpage
Wow. A liberal blog doesn't like Klein. Well, that settles it.

Keep trying, Timmy. Some day you might actually be on the right side.

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  • 05-15-2012, 03:23 PM
For $150k I'd suck his dick.
But then some liberal would say that that was too much. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Will you take a check?
Transcript of tape.

Never mind with all the claptrap about Klein being a liar, and me being an idiot. Just thank me when the tape is made public. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm starting to think you are an idiot....or you've lost the capacity to understand what the words "Where does it say that Wright's comments are on tape in that article?" mean.....I've asked you repeatedly and you keep posting up the same non-answer. The article doesn't say the interview is on tape COG. As you well fucking know....but don't want to admit.

And it doesn't look like the commentary about Klein being a liar is claptrap to me. Do you think Hillary is a lesbian? Did Bill rape Hillary? Was Obama born in Kenya? Are there mysterious Obama benefactors out there who have orchestrated Obama's rise to power? If all that nonsense doesn't qualify as claptrap, I don't know what does and Klein has made all those statements at one time or another. I think Klein is also a 9/11 conspiracy whacko...just to add some more credibility to his resume, should that be necessary. In other words: he's one of you.

You really lose credibility when you refuse to give up the obvious COG. Back to the drawing board for some more fact-challenged postings tomorrow buddy. I'll be waiting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm starting to think you are an idiotWhat a coincidence!....or you've lost the capacity to understand what the words "Where does it say that Wright's comments are on tape in that article?" mean.....I've asked you repeatedly and you keep posting up the same non-answer. The article doesn't say the interview is on tape COG. So that means they're not on tape? They are on tape regardless whether the article says so or not.As you well fucking know....but don't want to admit.Or care about.

And it doesn't look like the commentary about Klein being a liar is claptrap to me. Do you think Hillary is a lesbian?Do you know she's not? Did Bill rape Hillary?Why should he treat her any differently than his other women? Was Obama born in Kenya? I don't know.Are there mysterious Obama benefactors out there who have orchestrated Obama's rise to power? Duh. Yeah. They all have those.If all that nonsense doesn't qualify as claptrap, I don't know what does and Klein has made all those statements at one time or another. I think Klein is also a 9/11 conspiracy whacko...just to add some more credibility to his resume, should that be necessary. In other words: he's one of you.

You really lose credibility when you refuse to give up the obvious COG.Gee, and I had so counted on your support this time like you have given me in the past. Now I'm sad. Back to the drawing board for some more fact-challenged postings tomorrow buddy. I'll be waiting I know you will.. Originally Posted by timpage
There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Is that a mouse I hear squeaking?

. . . Who let that damn thing in the house?

first it is name calling and then violence. In addition he does not have the balls to do it face to face but wants a drone so he can hide while he does it.
Typical liberal. Weak. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So now it all (cough, cough) comes out.

. . . You'd probably do it for a lot less and maybe even for free!

For $150k I'd suck his dick.
But then some liberal would say that that was too much. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
For $150k I'd suck his dick.
But then some liberal would say that that was too much. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Now we have established what you are can we haggle over the price?